After Hours Emergencies

The following are contacts in the event that an emergency situation occurs after the lab technicians have departed for the day.

Campus Security / 934-5442
(on Campus, dial 5442)
For a life-threatening emergency:
Be patient while the line connects. After speaking with the dispatcher, follow up by calling Campus Security.) / 911
(on campus, dial 9-911)

Biology Laboratory: Safety, Procedures, Emergencies

(This document is available in the “Safety” folder stored in the lab room instructor table.)

1.Only students currently enrolled in Biology classes are allowed to use laboratory facilities.

2.No food or drink is allowed in laboratory facilities at any time! Do not chew gum.

3.Proper footwear should be worn at all times while in a biology lab. Proper footwear means the feet should be covered (e.g. no sandals, ballet flats, open toed shoes, Crocs, etc.)

4.Loose fitting clothing and long hair should be tied back.

5.Protective eyewear and gloves must be worn when directed to do so by instructor. When working with preserved materials, wear gloves and eye protection and keep your hands away from your face.

6.Know the location of the Fire Extinguisher, First-aid Kit, Fire Blanket, Eye Bath, and Broken Glass Disposal Box.

7.Students are not allowed in the Prep Room or Storage Areas.

Failure to follow these rules will result in being denied access to the lab.

Lab Conduct

1.Students should wash their hands before leaving the laboratory.

2.Students should wipe tables down before the start of the lab, as well as after the lab is completed.

3.No sitting or lying down on the laboratory tables.

4.Always unplug Hot Plates when finished with lab procedure.

5.Deposit all broken glassware in Broken Glass Disposal Box. Use broom to sweep up glass.

6.Report all accidents (e.g. cuts, spills, or equipment damage) to your Lab Instructor.

7.Lab materials are not to be removed from the laboratory facility. All slides, chemical reagents, protective equipment, demonstration models, bones or other SCCC property are not to be removed from the laboratory facility. This equipment is expensive and removing this property from the laboratory facility constitutes theft.

8.Do not discard solid materials (e.g. paper towels, lens paper, or preserved materials) in the lab sinks. Use proper disposal method for these materials as described by your Lab Instructor.

9.MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) are available from Lab Staff if you have questions concerning chemical reagents or preservatives.


Lab safety is an extremely high priority at SCCC. Instructors are expected to practice lab safety, to teach lab safety, and to model lab safety with your students. SCCC has a detailed lab safety manual which you should refer to regarding detailed lab safety questions, and the Biology Laboratory Safety Rules are included in this document.

1.Instructors should review the Biology Lab Rules and Protocols. A draft of this is available in Dropbox. In addition, instructors are responsible for making sure that students are familiar with and comply with safety procedures. This includes the use of safety apparel as necessary and the proper handling and disposal of biological and chemical hazardous wastes. Instructors should always model good safety practices by wearing safety apparel themselves during appropriate labs.

2.Safety procedures should be addressed with the students during the first laboratory session. In addition to the rules of the laboratory (Biology Laboratory Safety Rules are on page 6 ), the instructor should point out the location of the eyewash and shower stations, the fire extinguisher, the first aid kit, emergency exits, and fire blankets. If you are unable to locate the safety equipment and eyewashes in your assigned lab room, please ask the lab technician.

3.The science department has determined what equipment, supplies, chemicals, and specimens are necessary and reasonable to have in stock. If we do not have the materials necessary for a lab activity that you would like to have your students do, you should contact the lab technician. Do not bring supplies from off-campus without first consulting with a lab technician. Students cannot bring any medical waste (including placentas, appendices) to “share” in labs. These items are considered biohazards.

4.Food and drinks should not be consumed or stored in the Biology labs under any circumstances. This rule serves two purposes: safety of the students and protection of equipment. Biology labs may include activities where students taste a solution or PTC paper, or “swishing” a solution to extract buccal cells. Students should never ingest these items/solutions. Small tables and window sills are available outside of lab rooms to store consumable items. All food or beverage containers should be placed there or put away in backpacks prior to entering lab. Food and beverage containers should never be placed on any surface in the lab.

5.Appropriate clothing, footwear, and safety apparel must be worn for any labs at all times. Proper eyewear consists of impact and chemical splash resistant goggles (conforms to ANSI and CSA standards). The students may provide their own as long as they meet the above criteria. Prescription eyeglasses and safety glasses which are not splash-resistant will not substitute for chemical splash goggles. Nitrile Gloves are kept near the counter top dissection tool area in each of the labs (302, 303, 305, 306). Lab coats, aprons, and protective foot covers are available if needed. Please consult your instructor or the lab technician if you are unsure of whether your lab activity requires protective apparel.

6.Spills and broken glass. Absorbent material for solvents, acids, and wastes is available in each of the labs near the safety shower. Large and Tabletop Broken Glass containers are also available in each lab. These containers should not be used as trash bins!

7.Autoclave Bags and Sharps Containers. Autoclave bags are available in labs upon request.. Any blood-contaminated waste should be placed either in a red-biohazard bag to be autoclaved or, if it is a sharp object (glass, toothpick, etc.), in a sharps container. Sharps containers are available in the prep room.

8.Emergencies. In the event of any kind of emergency, medical or otherwise, use the lab phone to dial 5442 to call Campus Security. They will notify police and medical responders if needed, and they can arrive quickly to respond to your needs. If it is a life-threatening emergency, dial 9-911 or 911.

9.Eyewash and safety shower use. You should demonstrate the eye wash during your safety orientations. Please note that the lab rooms do not have floor drains. In the event that the safety shower were to be used, we keep a snap set “kiddie pool” in the Biology storeroom (304D) to serve as a water catchment.