Astronomy Class Rules

  1. Come to class prepared with pencil or pen, paper, class notebook, assignment sheets. I will check your notes or classwork daily and it is worth 50 points.
  1. Be in your seat when the bell rings. If you are not, you will be counted tardy. After three tardies, you will have detention.
  1. Raise your hand if you have a comment or a question.
  1. You are responsible for your own homework. Check the syllabus daily for your assignments. The syllabus and all assignments are posted on my class website located at .
  1. Cell phones need to be silenced during class. You are not to be using your cell phone during class. If you are using the cell phone during a test, it will be an automatic zero on the test. If you are using the cell phone during class, I will take 50 points off your daily grade and take your phone for the period.
  1. Three hall passes will be given each nine weeks. They can be used to go to the restroom or to your locker. You will be expected to return in a reasonable amount of time.
  1. Passes to leave to go see another teacher or the office or guidance department must be brought to class.
  1. When returning from absence, you should check with me to find out what you missed and make arrangements to make-up the work. I will not come after you. You are allowed the number of days you missed plus one to make-up work. After that time, you will earn a zero on the test or assignment. If you are absent the day of a test you will be expected to take the test on the day you return.
  1. Anyone caught cheating will get a zero on that test. Cheating includes not only copying from another person but also allowing someone to copy your work.
  1. You will be expected to keep a copy of these rules in the front of your notebook.
  1. Your most important job is your school work. When outside jobs prevent you from doing your school job, you jeopardize your future. Problems with uncompleted assignments or sleeping in class will be addressed by first taking with your family, second with the guidance office and finally with your employer.
  1. Inappropriate classroom behavior will result in first discussing it with you, second with your family and finally with the office.
  1. We are very fortunate to have a computer for each student. You are only to be using the computer to do classwork, no random surfing. You must have the internet permission form on file. The rules for computer use are the same here as in other places in the building. No downloading files, music, social network use, etc.

Class Fees: Astronomy $5Please pay by Feb 1

Class Supplies: Notebook of your choice for classroom notes. Three ring binders are good to organize notes and handouts.

Grading System:75% Tests

12.5% Homework- 10 points deducted if this is late. If not turned in, it will be a zero. I will not take late assignments after you have taken the test for that material

12.5 % Class Participation ( 50 points for taking notes or participating in the class activity, 50 points for not using a cell phone during class).

Grading Scale: A 93-100

B 85-92

C 75-84

D 65-74

F 0-64

Semester Exam: Will cover the material from that semester only.