ASTA – End of Year Notes

(see also K:\mis\general\ASTA\Support\Year_End_docs\Year_end_tasks_For12-13.xls)


1.1Temporary Structure needs to be created to allow prep work for new year.

At UOE Datasource level (slow to load), create new Folder called “XX/XX Holding Area”, within this folder the temp BIAS, Temp KSR, Temp RDS and Temp Overheads folders needs to be created.

  1. Update Project Templates; The project template used to create new projects needs to be updated to include any new IS Apps teams and to start all tasks at 1st Aug XX (or the first day of the new AP year). Thi scan be done at the summary level (ie click on the work Templates) and change the start date.
  1. Create Temp BIAS; for ease of copying at start of year programme structure should be created – best to include any changes to structure that will be implemented at the next year.

The new projects from the annual plan will then be created under this folder. All projects above the red line should be created with their allocated AP number. Can also be tagged with some fields if a temp UOE – TR Codes and Status is created to point to this new area (see below for temp reports/views required). Make sure that the effort per team that is put into the project stages is without the Optimism Bias. The Optimism Bias overhead should be put, by team, against the Optimism Bias task at the top level of the project (where the Baseline task is).

DO NOT BASELINE THE PROJECTS AT THIS POINT. Project Effort for each team should be added from the AP proposal estimates for each phase.

  1. Create Temp KSR & Temp RDS; KSR and RDS is completely recreated each year. Confirm that the structure of these is not changing substantially. If not, the quickest way to recreate the current structure is to copy and paste from the previous years structure. This can impact the performance of ASTA so be warned of time taken to copy and paste some of the larger folders (i.e. IT Services or student). Once pasted to new structure go into each folder and delete all tasks.

To delete everything from a folder, highlight one task, select “ctrl” + “A” and then delete.

NO NEED TO DELETE BASELINE TASKS – when copied to a new location the baseline tasks should not take the baseline info (can double check by using the Standard Project View – with IS Baselines view). The baseline task can then be used to baseline the KSR/RSD at the start of year.

  1. Create Temp Overheads; only need to create a folder structure for this. Overheads are NOT baselined. Suggest do the same as KSR/RDS and just copy and paste structure.


1.2Reports/Views – End of Year Prep

1.2.1Temporary TR Codes and Status Views

Need to create Temp Views for all TR Codes and Status views to allow tagging of all new TR Codes (i.e. projects, KSR, etc).

There are 4 TR Codes and Status Views used by Directors Office;

  • UOE – TR Codes and Status (this shows projects)
  • KSR – TR Codes and Status
  • RDS – TR Codes and Status
  • Overheads – TR Codes and Status

All these views use the same table “UOE - Corporate IT Planning”.

To create Temp Views;

  1. Make any changes required to the table as required for the new year, i.e. if any new codes are required for reporting.
  2. Select View, Table, Save as “Temp TR Codes and Status”
  3. on project hierarchy, select the appropriate temp folders (i.e. Temp KSR folders and all first level subfolders)

  1. Select View, View, Save as, then name something like “TEMP XX/XX - ………” as appropriate for the view and year , i.e. “TEMP 11/12 – KSR – TR Codes and Status”
  2. Select “save”
  3. repeat for all 4 TR Codes and Status views. These views can then be used for tagging in preparation for the end of year work.

See section 3 for the codes that should be tagged for each TR Codes and Status.

1.2.2End of Year – Run/Check Reports (at end and start of year)

The following reports are run by Kevin/Directors Office to get the final end of year position and the initial start of year position.

  • Monitor Report – this is a collection of tabular reports found in the library explorer (rubix cude/pile of books). Under the tabular reports folder can be found “Monitor Sheet” with 5 separate tabular reports;

-APP Code Actual Effort – shows a breakdown of individuals allocation to all APP codes

-KSR – shows all KSR effort and baselines

-PCode – shows the programme planning budgets

-Projects – shows the details from the project efforts with baselines

-RDS – shows the RDS effort and baselined

These “should” not be impacted by any prep work as they all point to the main BIAS, KSR, etc. (Scope can be checked by opening the tabular report properties and selecting the scope tab.). This also means that these reports should not need updating for the start of year either.

In addition, its worth checking that these reports/views are not impacted by the end of year work.

  • Report - Programme Level – this is the view that is used each month by PMs for monthly reports. This is set up to only look at the current years BIAS.
  • Report – Monitor Sheet – this is used by some PM’s to review their up to date project status and baselines, etc. This is set up to look only at the current years folders.
  • All Resource Manager views – resource managers mostly have their own user views, ask them to run their views and confirm that they all work ok.

Check Stefan’s KSR/RDS Views

  • Report – KSR/RDS Activity Breakdown (this pulls the subtotals from the 3 subfolders Service Activity, Fault and Enhancement). Filter (KSR/RDS Activity Breakdown), filters on folders tagged with “KSR (Reporting Level) so need to make sure that all the 3 subfolders are tagged with the KSR (Reporting Level) code.
  • Report – KSR Task Breakdown – pulls the detail of the individual tasks (rather than summary figures) so Stefan can see what people have been working on.
  • Resource Allocation Stefan – user view, get Stefan to check this is ok. Stefan run’s this weekly to see what projects each of his staff are assigned to each week.
  • AAA – Stefan – another user view, get Stefan to check this is ok

1.3Tagging Codes

Tagging for management reporting and for report/view filtering (i.e. to pull the data in to the view/report) is done through the TR Codes and Status View and if the tag cannot be set from there, then consideration should be made as to whether a new column should be added. However, from the UoE – Project Standard View the following “Task Type” should be selected;

Projects = “Projects”



Overheads = “Overheads”

The task type should be set at the folder level (i.e. programme, project, KSR level).

TR Codes and Status Heading / Projects / KSR / RDS / Overheads
AP no / Agreed with Kevin, manually created and allocated based on projects above red line / Not required / Not Required / Not Required
Business Area / Select appropriate option from the list (if not know then speak Ruth/Rhian to confirm) / this shouldn’t change as part of end of year but will need to be tagged if new TR codes created / this shouldn’t change as part of end of year but will need to be tagged if new TR codes created / Not required
Programme / Select appropriate option from the list (taken for annual plan info) / for the KSR Programme lines “KSR Programme”, can be left blank for the KSR lines / for the RDS Programme lines “RDS Programme”, can be left blank for the RDS lines / Not required
Committed? / “Committed” / “Committed” / “Committed” / Not Required
Name / this is the name of the folder/TR Code / this is the name of the folder/TR Code / this is the name of the folder/TR Code / this is the name of the folder/TR Code
Project Code / Blank, until the project is started and the project code set / Blank for the KSR Programme line, and will be the TR code (i.e. STUS01) for the KSR line / Blank for the RDS Programme line, and will be the TR code (i.e. STUS01) for the RDS line / APP001, APP002, APP003 or APP004 as appropriate
Project Status / “Approved” for all projects being created as part of Annual Planning / “Approved” for the KSR Programme line and “In Progress” for the KSR line / “Approved” for the RDS Programme line and “In Progress” for the RDS line / In progress for main folder, not required for the team level folders
Project Manager / For start of year should be set to Programme Manager – Ruth/Rhian to confirm names / blank for KSR Programme line, and will be the Apps Management or Service Management Support Co-Ordinator for the KSR line (check with Stefan or Anne-Marie for any changes) / blank for RDS Programme line, and will be the Apps Management or Service Management Support Co-Ordinator for the RDS line (check with Stefan or Anne-Marie for any changes) / Kevin Brogan for all
Locked to / info only / Info only / Info only / Info only
Multi Year / Dependant on project / Blank for KSR / Blank for RDS / Blank for Overheads
Origin / AP if creating project from Annual Plan / Blank for KRS / Blank for RDS / Blank for Overheads
Category / Dependant on project / Blank unless any Funded, Check with Kevin/David Smyth if any funded / Blank unless any Funded, Check with Kevin/David Smyth if any funded / Blank
Year / 11/12 (or appropriate year the project came from) / 11/12 (or appropriate year) / 11/12 (or appropriate year) / 11/12 (or appropriate year)
Annual Plan Programme Budget / ???? / Blank / Blank / Blank
Start of Year Days to Complete / ???? / Blank / Blank / Blank
Agreed Programme Budget (Projects) / ???? / Blank / Blank / Blank
Notes / Blank / Blank / Blank / Blank

If any of the drop down lists need to be updated due to changes or the end of year (i.e. need to add the next year), then it needs to be added in the code library. To do this you should;

  1. open library explorer [rubix cude/pile of books]
  2. from the left hand side of the screen, find the code library folder
  3. then find the appropriate code folder, (i.e. year)
  4. On the right hand side of the screen, Right click on any white space
  5. Select” new code library entry”
  6. Name the new code library entry appropriately, (i.e. with the appropriate year, 11/12)

The instructions are the same to add any new code library entry and can be used to add a completely new code folder by adding a new step between 3 and 4 and creating a “new code library”

KSR Reporting Level

This code is required for Stefan’s reports as he needs to get figures from individual KSR sublevel folders (i.e. the service activity, fault or enhancement level rather than just the KSR TR code). To get this I created the tag “KSR Status” code “KSR – Reporting Level”. To check this;

  1. Add a new column to the Uoe – Project Standard View, “add column -> Codes -> KSR Status”
  2. On the new column check that all KSR subfolders (service activity, service fault & service enhancement) are tagged with the KSR – Reporting Level code.

1.3.1End of Year Communications

A series of end of year communications need to be sent out for information and action;

  1. Reminders to all PM’s/Teamplan users – can be sent out well in advance of end of July
  • no tasks to span the year (need to be split into 2 tasks if do).
  • Check that correctly named as PM in case need to be contacted (if not PICCL!)
  • Check any closed projects have zero effort (can check this by changing the format of the effort columns by right clicking on column header, selecting format cells and then from the “duration” option increase decimal place option to 4 or 5).
  • PM’s/TR Code owners will be allowed back in to ASTA following final year timesheets being applied. PM’s must make sure that no effort remaining by XX (give ½ day?) before end of year reports run by Kevin/Stefan. If PM’s not going to be around – delegate to programme manager or other?
  • Programme Managers to remember to check the programme folders.
  • Programme Managers to close or withdraw any projects that are not going to be carried forward to next annual plan.
  1. Reminders to all Resource Managers (including Karen Osterburg)
  • Any annual leave tasks that span end of year should be created as two separate tasks.
  • Make sure all staff who are on leave over end of year have completed all timesheets up to last week in year and NOT created for new year
  1. Reminders to all Timesheet users (including SACS staff)
  • All timesheets MUST be submitted by last week in year
  • DO NOT create timesheets for new annual plan year
  • DO NOT use refilter by assignment functionality on timesheets, tasks must be newly created.
  1. Reminders to WIS
  • WIS notes must be completed by Monday 1st August to allow Directors Office to update any baselines, closures, etc for end of year.

For Information;

Email everyone with proposed timeline, including ASTA downtimes.

2Start of Year Tasks

The following tasks should be completed in order, but some can be undertaken by more than one person to reduce the time required to undertake each task.

What / Detail / Who / When?
Run all timesheets / Need to make sure that there are no outstanding timesheets for the year just finished. Any outstanding timesheets for people that have left or are on leave need to be completed by Resource managers. / Directors Office (with assistance from Resource managers if no timesheet for staff) / Monday 6th August – AM
Updates from WIS Minutes / need to make sure that all actions from WIS minutes are applied and any projects to be closed are closed/withdrawn. / Directors Office (with assistance from Project Services if required) / Monday 6tht August – AM, as soon as WIS minutes available
PM’s allowed back in to ASTA to check all projects and remove any outstanding / any time from tasks that has not been used from 10/11 needs to be removed. Holding tasks can be created in interim but needs to be created within 11/12. If PM’s not available then the / Directors Office to confirm timesheets and WIS minutes completed
PM’s to review all projects and update ASTA within deadline / Monday 6tht August – PM (completed by 5pm Monday?)
ASTA access removed / Remind PM’s all ASTA users that ASTA no longer available / Directors Office / Tuesday7th August – AM
Run End of Year Reports / All monitor sheet reports need to be run to get end of year position. All effort remaining should be Zero – if not will need to speak to PM’s and run reports again.
Stefan to run all KSR/RDS end of year reports? / Kevin and Stefan (if he needs to run KSR/RDS reports)
Kevin may need to speak to PM’s if effort remaining is not zero for any project. / Tuesday 7th August – AM
Kevin to confirm when end of year position is correct and start of year tasks can begin!
Remove/Archive all current year codes to be closed / All closed TR codes need to be moved to the Archive 10/11 Folder. No need for these to be in any particular order.
Copy and Paste all;
  • Projects that are closed or withdrawn
  • PCode folders
  • Full KSR, RDS and Overheads folder and contents (don’t do all at once as will break ASTA. Copy and Paste a few folders at a time)
Kevin to confirm what to happen with APP004 projects / Directors Office/Project Services / Tuesday 7th Aug - PM
Create new year BIAS, KSR, RDS and Overheads structure / The new structure needs to be created.
Copy and Pasts all the following from the 11/12 holding area;
  • Projects – move to the BIAS and to the appropriate programme
  • Full KSR, RDS and Overheads folder structures
Create new PCode folders from templates / Directors Office/Project Services / Tuesday7th Aug - PM
Create Proposal Baselines / All new projects from AP, PCodes (PCode Baseline), KSR and RDS codes will need to be baselined with agreed figures from Kevin.
Only create the Proposal Baseline
Directors office have their own step by step instructions for but a basic overview see;
\\\dst\shared\csg\mis\general\ASTA\Support\Year_End_docs\Basic_Baseline_Instructions.doc / Directors Office/Project Services / Tuesday 7th Aug/Wed 8thAug
Create Programme Baselines / All programmes (Programme Baseline) need to be baselined with agreed figures from Kevin.
Create both the “Programme Baseline – Start of Year” and “Programme Baseline – Agreed Summary Baseline”
Directors office have their own step by step instructions for but a basic overview see;