Draft 2014 Spring Executive Committee ACRL AC14 FYI-X

Meeting Minutes Revised May 14, 2014

Association of College and Research Libraries

Spring Executive Committee Meeting

Olin Library, Room 301

Washington University in St. Louis

St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, April 2, 2014

8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. C.D.T


Present: Trevor Dawes (President), Karen Williams (Vice-President), Steven Bell (Past-President), Douglas Lehman (Councilor), Cynthia Steinhoff (Budget and Finance Chair), Mary Ellen Davis (ex officio)

Guests: Allison Payne (ACRL Program Coordinator)

1.0 Call to order

Dawes called the meeting to order at 8:55 a.m.

2.0 Opening remarks/review of ground rules

Dawes welcomed the Executive Committee members and thanked them for traveling to St. Louis for the meeting. He then asked the Executive Committee to review the meeting ground rules included in the agenda and asked for their active participation to ensure an engaging meeting. He announced that the Executive Committee will be joined by Information Literacy Competency Standards in Higher Education Task Force Co-Chairs, Craig Gibson and Trudi Jacobson, via conference call during the afternoon.

3.0 Adoption of the Agenda

Action: The ACRL Executive Committee adopted the agenda as presented.

4.0 Reports

4.1 President’s Report

Dawes directed the Executive committee to his Quarterly Report (Doc 1.1). He stated that he enjoys the opportunity to engage with members in-person and virtually, which gives him the chance to learn about local issues. He is looking forward to future visits.

4.2 Vice-President’s Report

Williams began by adding to her report her Midwinter data management activities. She is looking forward to the upcoming Oklahoma Library Association visit in the fall. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro is organizing a reception for Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award recipient, Tim Bucknall, and wanted an ACRL representative to attend. Mary Ellen will be going to the reception due to already being in the area for another meeting, so Karen will not attend.

4.3 Past-President’s Report

Bell began by discussing an interview he had with The Philadelphia Inquirer reporter, Susan Snyder, who wrote about closing two University of Pennsylvania branch libraries, the engineering library and the math, physics, and astronomy library. The article sympathized with protestors and used a couple of quotations from Bell about why the branch libraries are closing. Bell noted that the reporter omitted his comments that put the closings in context. Dawes thanked Bell for his contribution to the newspaper article.

Because Bell lives in the area covered by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education’s (MSCHE), members of the Executive Committee asked about the town hall meeting on information literacy that he attended and thanked him for his well written, logical response to the proposed Characteristics of Excellence that supported keeping information literacy in the accreditation standard.

Dawes reported that Barbara Jones, director of ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom, and a member of the AAUP’s Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee had reached out to see if she could be helpful in advocating for the inclusion of information literacy in the MSCHE Characteristics of Excellence. The Executive Committee suggested that if Barbara could influence AAUP to make a statement about the importance of information literacy, it could be very useful as it would be faculty making the statement from their perspective, rather than librarians. The focus of such a statement should be on information literacy, but should also acknowledge librarians role in student learning.

Next Steps: Davis will contact Jones regarding whether AAUP would be interested in making a statement to MSCHE about the importance of information literacy and the librarian’s critical role in student learning.

4.4 Councilor’s Report

Lehman began by noting an item dominating the ALA Council: ALA Planning and Budget Assembly (PBA) survey results from former and current members conducted by Karen Schneider and Aaron Dobbs and the concern that members no longer understand the goals of PBA.

Lehman also updated the Executive Committee on the concerns about the upcoming 2016 ALA Annual Conference in Orlando and the Stand-your-ground law. While the ALA Executive Committee reviewed the concerns, moving the conference would cost $814,000 in penalties, so ALA will instead offer an educational component on the Stand-your-ground issue, while the conference is in Orlando.

4.5 75th Anniversary Resolution

Lehman referred the Executive Committee to the draft Resolution Honoring the 75th Anniversary of ACRL (Doc 1.4). Lehman added scholarly communication to the draft after receiving feedback from the Board on ALA Connect. The Executive Committee suggested the following changes: add scholarly communication road show, remove national from “National Information Literacy Institute,” and change references to the national conference to the international conference. On another note about ALA Council, the Executive Committee agreed that Lehman’s experience drafting this resolution could be useful for future resolutions honoring deceased librarians. Lehman will present the amended resolution to the ALA Council.

Discussion: There was no additional discussion.

Action: The ACRL Executive Committee approved the amended draft 75th Anniversary Campaign Resolution.

Next steps: Lehman will make the discussed amendments and present to the ALA Council at Annual Conference in Las Vegas.

4.6 Executive Director’s Plan for Excellence Activities Report (PEAR) and Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

In the interest of time, Davis asked if there were any questions about the written reports. The Executive Committee noted the lower than expected number of Assessment in Action applicants for the upcoming cohort. Davis advised that staff were surprised by this too, and will be making efforts to attract more applicants with increased marketing and outreach efforts.

Davis provided some highlights from her second quarter Plan for Excellence Activities Report (Doc 1.4):

·  Davis is representing ACRL on a national continuing professional education initiative that is an IMLS-funded grant managed by OCLC. IMLS Director Susan Hildredth is interested in reducing duplicate federal spending. Hildreth hopes that a Coalition for National Learning might be instrumental in sharing content and reducing the duplication of efforts to create content. A follow-up grant could be developed and submitted in early August.

·  ACRL Content Strategist Kathryn Deiss is serving as an advisory board member for an Educopia Nexus IMLS grant project on leadership.

·  Davis announced that as part of the Educopia Nexus grant project, she was invited to attend a meeting at the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, North Carolina, which is why she will be in the area for the awards reception Williams mentioned.

·  Davis reported meeting with ARL Executive Director Elliot Shore and that they verbally agreed that ACRL could use the ARL statistics survey for another year. Davis repeated her offer for ACRL to partner with ARL on developing new sets of measures.

Davis discussed ACRL’s contract with Highwire for ACRL journals. Highwire is being sold and may no longer be a non-profit organization. ACRL will look into other options, such as the Open Journal System (OJS). Possible concerns with moving to OJS, include making provisions for advertising, designing an advertisement template, and creating a robust and sophisticated interface for members. Davis concluded with thanks to ACRL Program Coordinator Allison Payne for her assistance with the Spring Executive meeting.

5.0 Consent Agenda

5.1  Approval of Fall 2013 Executive Committee Minutes

Motion: That the ACRL Executive Committee approve the minutes from the October 25 and October 26, 2013 meeting.

6.1  Approval of the Establishment of a Library Marketing and Outreach Division-Level Interest Group

Motion: That the ACRL Executive Committee approve the Establishment of a Library Marketing and Outreach Division-Level Interest Group.

Action: The consent agenda was approved as presented.

6.0 Data Management Roles for ACRL

The Executive Committee discussed the data management report submitted by ACRL’s Research and Scholarly Environment Committee at the ACRL Board’s request addressing issues that surfaced during the invitational forums held at the 2014 Midwinter Meeting.

Recommendation #1 - Have a preconference workshop on data management at ACRL 2015

The Executive Committee discussed the first recommendation and it was advised that ACRL needs to differentiate what we do compared to others, and fill unique niches. The preconference could serve as a prototype for future preconferences and workshops. The Executive Committee discussed upcoming data management webinars hosted by the Digital Curation Interest Group, and the issue of creating a coordinated marketing plan was expressed. The proposal for a data management preconference at ACRL 2015 would be guaranteed a slot, as there is a strategic priority on digital curation preconference. The preconference will be held Wednesday, March 25, 2015, at the Portland Convention Center. It is anticipated that this will be a day-long preconference, which will be scheduled from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., so that the preconference can be completed before the first keynote session. The Executive Committee noted that there were weekly if not almost daily notices of professional development opportunities in this area already underway and recommended that ACRL not wait for another year to offer a workshop. ACRL should consider what else it could offer before the 2015 Conference.

Motion: That the ACRL Executive Committee authorize the Research and Scholarly Environment Committee and Digital Curation Interest Group with other stakeholders to develop and hold a one-day preconference at ACRL 2015 on data management.

Action: The ACRL Executive Committee approved the Research and Scholarly Environment Committee and Digital Curation Interest Group together with other stakeholders develop and hold a one-day preconference at ACRL 2015 on data management.

Next Steps: ACRL Manager of Professional Development Margot Conahan will work with members on logistical needs of the preconference, as well as help develop additional professional development opportunities on this topic.

Break: The Executive Committee adjourned for a break at 10:10 a.m. and was called to order at 10:17 a.m.

Recommendation #2 - Add more information on data management to the ACRL Scholarly Communication Toolkit, including linking to existing resources

The Executive Committee reviewed the report’s second recommendation. The Executive Committee felt this was an important and logical step to take and looks forward to seeing more content on this topic added to the Toolkit.

Motion: That the ACRL Executive Committee add more information on data management to the ACRL Scholarly Communication Toolkit, including linking to existing resources.

Action: The ACRL Executive Committee approved adding more information on data management to the ACRL Scholarly Communication Toolkit, including linking to existing resources.

Next Steps: ACRL Senior Strategist for Special Initiatives Kara Malenfant will assist with adding more information on data management to the ACRL Scholarly Communication Toolkit.

Recommendation #3 - Survey Digital Curation Interest Group (DCIG) members for their needs and suggestions on data management

The Executive Committee discussed the report’s third recommendation and identified a need for two surveys: one of DCIG members and one of non-DCIG members. The Executive Committee suggested that a DCIG member with expertise could work on crafting a survey. It was also suggested that many academic institutions offer assistance in survey design through the campus assessment office and it would be ideal if that expertise could be brought to this project.

Motion: That the ACRL Executive Committee approve the recommendation that a needs assessment survey of member needs, with respect to data management, be developed. Staff will work to identify a lead member to design and implement a survey with analysis. The outcome will be a report by SPOS or Fall Executive to the Board.

Action: The ACRL Executive Committee approved the recommendation that a member needs assessment, with respect to data management, be developed. Staff will work to identify a lead member to design and implement a survey with analysis. The outcome will be a report by SPOS or Fall Executive to the Board.

Next Steps: ACRL ReSEC Chair Lisa Macklin will work with DCIG and ACRL staff to identify a member to take the lead on developing a survey.

Recommendation #4 - Create data literacy competency standards

The Executive Committee began discussion on the report’s fourth recommendation. ACRL President Trevor Dawes attended a presentation at CNI the day before the Executive Committee meeting about the research on data management competencies being developed by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). The draft document indicated considerable overlap with what ACRL might develop. Rather than ACRL starting its own initiative, it was agreed that Dawes should reach out to ARL to find out if ACRL might join this effort and have an ACRL member to be appointed to their group.

Next Steps: Trevor Dawes will contact ARL to see if an ACRL member can be added to data literacy standards work of ARL.

Recommendation #5 - Create professional development opportunities on data literacy

The Executive Board concluded that ACRL will continue to work on professional development opportunities and welcomes suggestions. Currently, ACRL is offering an online course and a webinar on these topics this month and next.

7.0 Composition of LRNC

The Executive Committee discussed the importance of having a knowledge-based Board and how a relationship between the Board and the Leadership Recruitment and Nomination Committee (LRNC) could be beneficial. There is a need to strengthen this relationship, and it was suggested that a former Board member could be appointed to the LRNC. There was some concern that serving six consecutive years would be too long. It was also proposed that a Board member could serve as a member or liaison for the LRNC during his or her final year on the Board. Other ideas for strengthening the relationship included a mentorship for new Board members and having an executive session where LRNC members are invited to talk with the Board about potential candidates.

It was suggested that the Board could discuss this topic during the Board meeting at Annual Conference, Board Orientation, and during SPOS.

Next steps: The Board will discuss the relationship between the Board and LRNC during the Friday morning update at Annual Conference.

8.0 Budget and Finance

8.1 FY14 2nd Quarter Report

Chair of the Budget & Finance Committee Steinhoff reviewed the Second Quarter report. She advised that it is still early in the fiscal year to draw conclusions. Both revenue and expenses are down. Steinhoff noted that C&RL subscriptions’ budget anticipated earnings from the two print issues. However, the revenue from the September 2013 issue was recognized in FY2013, so we will be short of budget in FY14. Steinhoff also noted the reduced books sales may partly be a result of ACRL’s books not being shipped to its approval plan customers when there was a change in personnel at the distribution center. Sales should increase some with these shipments now going out. Consulting is an area that could be further developed if ACRL can add to its consultants roster.