Association of Advanced Nursing Practice Educators (AANPE)

Committee Meeting

15/12/08: London South Bank University



Dave Barton (Chair) Swansea University

Katrina Maclaine (Deputy Chair) London South Bank University

Linda East (Secretary) University of Nottingham

Chris Inman Birmingham City University

Claire Hale University of Leeds

Rhian Barnes Cardiff University

Helen Ward London South Bank University


Douglas Allan (Treasurer) Glasgow Caledonian University

Heather Griffith Bournemouth University

Lesley Bridges Bucks New University

Donna McConnell University of Ulster

Carol Cox City University

Georgina Hourahane Cardiff University

Mike Walsh University of Cumbria

Hilary Paniagua Wolverhampton University

1.  Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.

2.  Matters arising

CASES project

Mike reported via Email that there are currently 8 universities participating in the CASES research study, which explores student self confidence in relation to advanced clinical skills. Committee members were interested to know whether there will be a further opportunity to join the project next year.

Reports from ICN INP/APNN Conference 2008

Linda’s report was welcomed. Helen also found the conference to be interesting and useful. The issue of the process whereby the Committee decides to support members attending conferences should be discussed by the new committee following the AGM.

ICN INP/APNN Conference 2012

Helen has met with the events committee of the RCN, who will be applying to host the 2012 conference in London (deadline for application is end of January, 2009).

Availability of ICN competencies for advanced practice document

Linda reported that she had raised the problem of this document not being widely available, including available for download, at the IPN/APNN conference. She has corresponded with David Benton, Chief Executive of the ICN, who replied the document could not be made available for download as the ICN need to recoup production costs. The Committee felt, however, that it is important that this document is widely accessible, e.g. to students and nurses working in developing countries. Action: Linda to draft letter to David Benton on behalf of AANPE, to be copied to Peter Carter, General Secretary of the RCN.

3.  Finance report

Dave informed the Committee that Douglas had sent him a report indicating that the financial position of AANPE has not changed since our last meeting. Dave will continue to pursue our status in relation to NONPF. Action: Dave

4.  Feedback from RCN Nurse Practitioner Association meetings

Katrina continues to attend the Nurse Practitioner Association (NPA) meetings as AANPE representative. She reported that the cross-Forum day on advanced practice held in September was very successful. It was agreed that the RCN would develop a position paper on advanced practice using the Supporting the Development of Advanced Nursing Practice Toolkit as a foundation. Kim Manley, who chaired the day, is leading on this and aiming for a first draft in January.

A joint RCN/Council of Deans seminar on post-registration nursing is to be held in January. Representatives of the DoH and NMC will also be present. Katrina will be attending on behalf of the NPA and Dave is hoping to secure an invitation to attend as AANPE representative. There is increasing divergence between the four UK countries of the UK, which will no doubt be part of the discussions.

The NPA conference in November in Aintree was very successful. Those attending were split evenly between the acute sector and primary care and there was good representation from the private sector.

Katrina reported that the new lead for advanced practice and non-medical prescribing at the NMC is Rebecca Cheatle, who she will be meeting in the new year.

Dave attended a meeting of the RCN Accreditation Unit. Around 11 universities are currently accredited to run their nurse practitioner programmes by the RCN.

5.  Supporting the Development of Advanced Nursing Practice - Toolkit

The on-line Advanced Nursing Toolkit is now up and running:

The Committee welcomed the launch of the Toolkit, which has been widely endorsed.

6.  Advanced practice regulation activity

Chris recently attended a regulation event in Newcastle and reported back. It seems the main concern of the Regulation Working Group is the regulation of new groups of professionals rather than the regulation of advanced practice. Chris has prepared a paper on the omission of advanced practice in the professional regulatory review, which she agreed to circulate for comments.

Dave observed that there appears to be less direction in relation to the regulation of advanced practice than there was two years ago. As HEIs, we will continue to work with what is available, mapping our programmes against existing national frameworks and addressing the needs of local stakeholders. The role of AANPE continues to be that of a lobbying group, networked with our national organisations. It was suggested that establishing a journal for publications and news in relation to advanced practice would be very useful, and that Douglas be encouraged to pursue his work on the proposed e-journal. Dave suggested that the question be put to the membership at the AGM as to whether AANPE should expand its remit to include advanced practice within the allied health professions as well as nursing. (Agreed)

7.  AANPE position statements

It was agreed that Dave will continue to collate these in preparation for the AGM/Annual Seminar. Action: committee members who have not yet returned their contribution to Dave (as agreed at the last meeting).

8.  2009 AANPE AGM/Seminar

The 2009 AGM will take place at The University of Leeds on 27th February. An EMail circular to AANPE members with the date and time should be sent out as soon as possible. (Action: Dave) The agenda will follow ASAP. (Action: Heather and Linda)

Maureen Morgan (Deputy CNO for England), Rebecca Cheatle (NMC) and Kathy Fodey (DoH Northern Ireland) have all agreed to be on the Q+A panel. Mike Sabin (NES Scotland) and Jean White (Welsh Assembly) have agreed to give presentations, and Katrina agreed to approach Marie Barnett to talk on the regulation of the health professions. Action: Katrina

9.  Committee elections 2009

Seven positions on the Committee will become vacant at the next AGM, although existing members whose term is coming to an end can stand for re-election. The position of Deputy Chair will become vacant, and it was agreed that this office should be renamed ‘Chair Elect’. The ‘Chair Elect’ will be elected by the Committee at the first meeting following the elections (April 2009). It was agreed that to avoid breaks to continuity at this crucial time, Dave as Chair should remain in post and serve one more year as the Chair of AANPE, and then the Chair Elect will take over. There is a need to review the current wording of the constitution at the AGM to reflect these changes and the number of Committee members. It was agreed that specific responsibilities should be assigned at the April Committee meeting to support the work of AANPE, for example conference lead and PR contact.

Helen has met with Carol and the self-nomination forms for committee members have been drafted. Action: Helen to circulate.

10. Any other business


11. Date and time of next meeting

Monday, April 27th, 2009 – Birmingham

Friday, July 17th, 2009 – venue TBC