Association and Industry Development Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
9:00am – 10:00am ET
Washington, DC
Members in Attendance: Tim Flood, Committee Chairman, Past President; Todd Monteferrario, President; Steve Hey, President-Elect; Bree Allen; John Benish; Charlie Bruce; Kevin Clifford; John Elliott Jr.; Jacqueline Gelb; Bob Hach; David Hackel; Bobbie Hartman; Gail Hyser; Patrick Johnson; Paul Losos; Justina Morosin; Corey Muirhead; Bob Pape; Bob Ramsdell; Mark Ramljak; Barry Stock;
Consultants: Jennifer Hickey Bruce
Staff: Meaghan Allain; Alexandra Huss; Ronna Weber
Welcome and Call to Order
Tim Flood called the meeting to order at 9:10amET.
Awards and Meetings
Gail Hyser reported that we are starting to work on Awards for the Annual Meeting. If you are interested in nominating those you work with, please contact the NSTA office.
2016 Meetings
Annual Meeting – July 16-20 – Greensboro, North Carolina
2017 Meetings
Mid-Winter Meeting – January 13-18 – Palm Springs, California
Annual Meeting – July 14-19 – Indianapolis, Indiana
Marketing and Communications
Bobbie Hartman reported that she is currently working on a presentation for Mike LaFaive for the NSBA tradeshow, Mike will have 75 minutes to present and NSTA is looking to partner with 4 school districts to speak about recent conversions to outsourcing. Bobbie reported that the primary focus will be put on the benefits of contracting, panel discussion and information about the growth of conversions. Bobbie reported that NSTA is looking to create a survey and will reach out to members to figure out the customers who have switched to contracting and focus on benefits besides cost. Bobbie noted that NSTA is working on a white paper that will focus on the benefits of contracting. Bobbie also reported that NSTA has not updated or created a new toolkit in approximately 2 years. If you are a member that thinks a toolkit should be updated or have an idea for a new toolkit please contact NSTA office. Kevin Clifford commented that the white paper should look deeper into the savings and how the savings were created by the conversion. Bobbie reported that NSTA will ask members to submit conversion stories for this purpose. Barry Stock commented that we may want to break down the cost benefit into time periods as they may change the value over the years.
No new updates.
Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Technology
No new updates.
Business Development
Barry Stock reported about the great work that the Mackinaw Center has been working on for NSTA. Barry also reported that School Bus Fleet will be working with NSTA to provide more reporting and information for NSTA. Ronna Weber reported that we will be working with School Bus Fleet on expanding the survey that they send out.
State Trade Shows
Upcoming Shows
NSBA – April 9-11, 2016, Boston, MA
MSBO - April 26-28, 2016, Grand Rapids, MI
NYSASBO - June 12-15, 2016, Saratoga Springs, NY
TASA/TASB - September 23-26th, Houston, TX
OSBA – November 14-16, 2016, Columbus, OH
Drip Campaign
Email campaign
Contracting Study
Other Business
Barry Stock commented that there will be tremendous items coming out of the strategic plan and each of the AID committees will receive more attention following the Annual Meeting.
Next AID Meeting: TBD at Annual Meeting in Greensboro, NC
Tim Flood adjourned the meeting at 9:33amET.
Committee Action Items:
· Bobbie Hartman and Staff will work to create a survey on the benefits on contracting.
· All members are asked to provide any input on the updating of toolkits or the development of new toolkits to NSTA Staff.
· NSTA will seek conversion stories from members.
Board Action Items:
· None at this time.
Association and Industry Development Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
9:00am – 10:00am ET
Washington, DC
Awards and Meetings
I. Recognition of members’ achievements and awards
Association and Industry Development Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
9:00am – 10:00am ET
Washington, DC
Marketing and Communication
II. Increase awareness of the benefits of outsourcing.
III. Better communication of legislative and regulatory successes to membership and stakeholders.
IV. Outsourcing success case studies.
V. Educate members to recognize and report illegal activities of transit agencies.
VI. Promote the value to membership in the Association.
VII. Recognition of members’ achievements and awards.
VIII. Encourage and grow participation in the Annual Bus-In.
IX. Support the mission of the ASBC.
Association and Industry Development Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
9:00am – 10:00am ET
Washington, DC
I. Develop a member-to-member and member-to-potential-member outreach program.
II. Update member benefits package.
III. Promote the value to membership in the Association.
Association and Industry Development Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
9:00am – 10:00am ET
Washington, DC
Manufactures, Suppliers and Technology
I. Assist members to leverage technology to enhance operational and eco-efficiency.
II. Utilize technology for additional educational opportunities.
Association and Industry Development Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
9:00am – 10:00am ET
Washington, DC
Business Development
I. Leverage state and national association relationship and activities with NSTA’s efforts to grow outsourcing.
II. Increase awareness of the benefits of outsourcing.
III. Outsourcing success case studies.
IV. Develop a reliable measurement of school bus transportation market share figures.