8th Grade Math
Ms. Leslie Miller
Mill Creek Middle School
Room D230
Required Text
Glencoe Math – Course 3 (McGraw-Hill)
Please bring the following materials to class each day.
1. 1 ½ Inch Binder2. Notebook Paper
3. Pencil4. TI-34 Calculator
The Glencoe Math – Course 3 Textbook consists of Volumes 1 and 2. Students are responsible for keeping track of both volumes throughout the year.
Course Content
For specific standards and objectives, students and parents can view the WCS Scope and Sequence at or they can see me for a hard copy of this document. Students can expect major assessments on each of the topics below.
Quarter 1- The Number System (50 %)
- Expressions and Equations (50 %)
- Formative (0%)
- Expressions and Equations (50%)
- Functions (50%)
- Formative (0%)
Quarter 3
- Functions (50%)
- Geometry (50%)
- Formative (0%)
- Geometry (50%)
- Statistics and Probability (50%)
- Formative (0%)
Classroom Expectations
- Students should expect to be challenged, make mistakes, and work bell to bell!
- Students are expected to follow all Class Rules.
- Respect the teacher, the classroom, and each other.
- Be on time, on task, and ready to learn.
- Be responsible for your own learning.
- Students are expected to follow all rules and guidelines in the Student Handbook.
- Homework will be given most nights, and students are expected to complete it the night it is assigned. The assignment will be posted on the whiteboard and on the Edublog, and it will be checked after the bellringereach day.
- When students are absent, it is their responsibility to check the Absent Work folders and to get notes from a friend.
Grading Policy
At Mill Creek Middle School, we believe that students should be given multiple opportunities to practice a skill before it counts for a grade. Therefore, we provide students with many ongoing practice opportunities including homework and classwork, before we administer an assessment (a quiz or a test) for a grade. Homework is not graded, but is required of each student because of the important practice that it provides. In addition, we believe that some students will require more time to learn a skill and we allow time for this individualized development.
Mill Creek students are given until the end of the grading period (the quarter) to provide their final mastery of a skill. While all students will take the assessments (quizzes and tests) at the same time throughout the quarter, if students are not pleased with their scores or grades, they may meet with their teachers during Flex time to receive extra help. They may retake their quizzes or tests, provided they have sought this Flex time assistance and remediation work.
Finally, we believe in grading for learning. Our grades are based on the content we have taught, not on behaviors. Therefore, participation, preparedness, and other behavioral factors are handled through our school wide and class wide behavior management programs, not through grades. All students’ grades are a clear reflection of their mastery of the content. We adhere to the WCS Board policy grading scale of A=91-100, B=81-90, C=72-80, D=70-71, F=69 or below, and teachers will provide communication regarding which content standards contribute to each grading category in our electronic grading system.
Visit my page on Mill Creek’s 8th Grade Edublog at see homework assignments and other important updates.
Also, please email me with any comments or questions. I am always available to discuss your child’s progress with you, so don’t hesitate to contact me throughout the school year.
I look forward to a great year in 8th Grade Math!
Student Handbook
All students are expected to read the Student Handbook online at By signing this form, students are agreeing to abide by the information provided on the Syllabus and in the Student Handbook. Parents are signing to acknowledge that their student has received this information.
Please sign and return this page to me to show that you and your child have read the course syllabus and student handbook by Monday, August 14th, 2017.
Student Name ______
Student Signature ______
Guardian Contact Information
Guardian Name______
Guardian Signature ______
Phone Number ______
Email ______
Please include any information that will help me get to know your child and be a more effective teacher for him or her. Your input as a parent/guardian is invaluable. Thank you!