Associated Students of CabrilloCollege


Student Senate Chamber

SAC EAST Room 225

Thursday, October 23, 2008

3:00 PM

While this location is considered accessible to those with ambulatory difficulties, the Associated Students of CabrilloCollege hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If we can provide you with disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services than would facilitate your attendance at our meetings, please call Nicki or Alta at Disabled Student Program and Services, at 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time.


1.Call to Order/Roll Call

Voting Members: 17

President: Rebeca Villafana

Voting Members: 16

Aleana Zaldanapresent

Anthony Garzapresent

Christina Carolus present

David Duhlpresent

Dorothea Arnoldpresent

Elowyn Corbypresent

Eric Barbourpresent

Fenix Bedoyapresent

Gary Meyerpresent

Geoffrey Stanfieldpresent

Leo Cruzpresent

Lupe Ortizabsent


Michelle Giovannaripresent

Rebecca Fortune present

Sophia Forde present


1.Gabe Gutierrez present

2.Sesario Escoto present


Ryan Kaplan absent

Tully Gibney present

Voting members needed for quorum (1/2 + 1): 9

Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 12

2.Approval of Agenda for 10/16/08

Action item 2 stricken

Action item 5 moved to info item

Action item 7 move to sustainability committee

Paul add info item for day of the dead

Anthony Moves to approve agenda

Elowyn 2nd

Approved 17/0

3.Approval of Minutes from 10/9/08

Anthony moves to approve minutes

David 2nd

Approved 15/1


III.PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 minutes each)

This portion of the meeting is reserved for those wishing to address the Student Senate on any matter. No action will be taken. If needed, the item will be placed on the agenda of a future meeting.

ElizabethThorn: I would like to invite every one to the blood drive kick off 28th and 29th


I would like to thank to those of you who turned in your evaluations of the president. The deadline to turn them in is tomorrow. The master plan goal A I would like to have more students on these committees. Senators who were interested in helping Cabrillo’s website


VI.ACTION ITEMS (5 minutes each)

1.Senator Elowyn Corby – Motion to approve $520 from Programs for 1000 wristbands in support of the ‘Lowering Textbook’ prices campaign.

There were questions about the number and the price. If we purchase 1000 wristbands we get a better price.

Elowyn moves to allocate $520

2nd by Anthony

Approved 15/2

Geoffrey: A wrist band can be worn all the time and taken off any time, so it’s a good idea.

Anthony: These wristbands are good if we can get the teachers to believe that they can play a part in lowing textbook prices

2.Senator Maxwell Bay – Motion to approve a $200 Donation from the Student Senate Programs CSSC (California Student Sustainability Coalition) Fall Convergence 2008 Conference, Oct. 24th-26th, FREE TO STUDENTS!


3.Watsonville Rep. Paul Carrillo – Motion to approve $450 from Cultural Events for the Halloween event in Watsonville campus.

Paul moves to have $450 for the Halloween Watsonville event

2nd by Lupe

Approved 15/0

Michelle moves to amend the amount from $450 to $600

2nd Fenix

Approved 16/0

Geoffrey: We should plan to implement the SAC card

4.Legislative Rep. Anthony Garza – Motion to approve $1000 from Student Rep Fee account to send 3 students to the SSCCC General Assembly Conference on October 24th through the 26th.

Anthony: I’m going to need an additional $500 for hotels I would like to know how you feel about adding additional money

Can I see a straw vote?

Ok, I would like to add as an action item for next week

5.Senator Geoffrey Stanfield – Motion to approve $90 from Equipment account to purchase a coffee maker.

Action item 5 moved to info item

Geoffrey: I would like to bring to every ones attention the costs of coffee. It’s less then a $1000 a year in order to bring students to our office for coffee and chatting.

MG: I personally don’t like coffee, but the clubs would like a refreshment.

Fenix: I am definitely against promoting coffee and sugar

Becka: I disagree with Fenix and I don’t think we are going to be getting people addicted to coffee.

Geoffrey: This coffee maker can also be used to make hot water for tea

Michelle: I think the senators should go out and meet people. I am strongly opposed to this coffee machine

Moved by Sophia to extend time 2 min

2nd by Geoffrey

Motion failed

6.Senator Geoffrey Stanfield – Motion to approve $70 from Programs account to purchase 2 CPR kits.

Moved by Geoffrey

2nd by Becka

Gary: Have you contacted health services?

Geoffrey: I personally still feel that we should take a leadership role to put money into this.

Geoffrey: We have CPR Manikins already these are the latest video for CPR training and manikins.

MG: It seems that we should keep these CPR kits in the right departments where are we going to keep these kits.

Fenix moves this item to an info item next week

2nd by Paul

Approved 11/4/1

7.Senator Fenix Bedoya – Would like to propose the allocation of funds for the Sustainability committee members to attend the "This Way to Sustainability IV, Nov 6-9, 2008, hosted by CSUC.

Moved to sustainability committee.

VII.INFO ITEMS (5 minutes each)

1.Legislative Rep. Anthony Garza – Request the Student Senate approve $______for the Third Social Justice Conference on May 2nd, 2009.

Anthony: This is a big effort by all of the organizations to get the message out there about racism, globalization, discrimination, this is something that the school every year is try to get more people to attend.

Joseph Carter: I have a hand out. This is a hand out about more info about the Social Justice Conference. This is a student centered event it is not just for faculty.

Anthony: This is a forum for students to do research and get the message out and to learn as well.

Joseph Carter: I can go on and on I really encourage you to participate.

Ivan: As a student I worked in the social conference for 2 years I have enjoyed working for this conference and its good to see people giving there time to get the word out.

Anthony: This is coming up again as an information item.

Anthony extended for 2min

2nd by Paul

Motion fails 9/8

2.VP Lupe Ortiz – Request the Student Senate approve $______to purchase Window Shades for the Watsonville Campus Student Senate/Club office area.

Lupe: Gary and I have gone to measure the windows in our office. I wanted to discuss the prices on the footage and would like to bring this back as an informational items next week. This would come out of the student center fee fund.

3.President Rebeca – Request the Student Senate look into getting our website organized through OrgSync, an expert in Student Government Websites.

If the student senate will allow I would like to move this till later in the meeting

4.Senator Eric Barbour – Concept Adz, Photocopiers and Photocopies at no charge to the students, staff, faculty or staff.

Eric: This organization uses advertising to give collage free stuff. They will give us a free photo copier and they will give us paper and toner. The benefit they get from doing all of this is that they will put their advertisements on the back of every paper.

Elowyn: Committed to senate’s use of recycled paper. Thinks the senate would waste paper using Concept Adz.

Geoffrey: What is the quality of the photo copier? Would advertising for inter-office paper ..

Gabe: Are they going to give any of the profits to the student senate?

Max: I think that I like the idea of free paper I think this would be detrimental because we cannot print on both sides of the paper

VIII.SENATOR REPORTS (3 minutes each)

This portion of the agenda is reserved for senators who have information to report from internal and external committees. Additionally, if there is a personal accomplishment or challenge you are facing, feel free to include it in this report.

Geoffrey: I would like to organize a spiritual religious awareness week. I think it would help promote unity and understanding in out community.

Gary: I also went to the student leadership conference and we have a little card & gift for Sesario.

Eric: I would like to give a brown act report. All student senate organization is bound by the brown act. Every Club or committee is required to post and Agenda 72 hours in advance in a public area. We can’t add items to the agenda during the meeting. Even guests has to have information packets minutes the agenda and so on.

Sophia: Elowyn and I presented our workshop. One thing I learned a lot about was parliamentary procedure. We have information regarding the rules we learned there and there are a lot of differences in what we are doing and what we learned there.

David: I would like to say the most important thing I learned there was picking up ideas from other colleges especially De Anza’s budget. I was very impressed how they support a lot of different committees.

Max: I’m going to print up a copy of all of the rules in parliamentary procedures.

Anthony: I would like to see a written report on the conference. Hopefully we will be able to write a report next Thursday of our findings at the conference

Fenix: I was asked by Rocio of the LLN I would like to pass out information about el dia de los muertos. As a new senator I haven’t been able to connect with every one in the group in the student senate. Please meet with me about anything I am active and proactive.

Elowyn: I would like to give you a copy of my report about the conference even though

MG: I attended all of the work shops and I have some humor to present. If any of you have any questions please see me.

Becka: I went to the Lobbying workshop and I was very informative as well as the budget workshop.

There was also an opportunities to get some entertainment events here

Aleana: I will briefly say that I went to a lot of our all of the work shops this week.


IX.ASCC STUDENT SENATE ’08-’09 GOALS (10 minutes)

Rebeca: I think that it is really important that we keep on top of what we said we were going to do.

What I want to do is that I am going to ask several people to read each goal internal and external and I would like to brain storm and here from you if you think we are fulfilling these goals.

Fenix: I would like to see more participation from the students to beautify the space like put up murals and art from the students

Eric: I think we are actually doing better at making our space good than we thought.

Rebeca: We are going to just read these in the favor of time

X.COMMITTEE REPORTS (5 minutes each)

XI.ICC REPORT (5 minutes)

MG: The ICC is a wonderful way to use the student activities center.


David: The Halloween committee is meeting after this meeting and every one is welcome to attend

XIII.ADVISOR REPORTS (5 minutes each)

Sesario: I would like to say that I am very proud of the students we sent. I saw the enthusiasm of the students at lunch discussing all of the things we learned. I felt that seeing this enthusiasm that we were meeting our goals in learning about leadership. A good thing I saw that you had made your notes and summarized them automatically that is leadership. I see you coming back to your goals and I encourage you to keep talking about them. Also I like the idea of getting out there in the quad and making some juice and meeting the students yourselves.

Gabe: Halloween. Please everyone stay and help after this meeting. We have to send out a college wide invitation to the Halloween event. Other than that I’m glad you guys had fun at your conference.


Geoffrey: I need to make my actions again because they were moved down to info items. I would also like to make a spiritual and religious awareness week info item.

Gary: I would like a action item the Lobby TV. The second info item to buy a computer to see if we can configure it to the way Gabe wants it, in the lobby.

Anthony Garza: I would like to make an action item for the same one this week

Lupe: I would like to have an action items for window shades

Fenix: Action item #7 to be put again on the action items list

Meeting called to close 5:28