AlamedaCounty WIC Program

Personal Pump Give-Away Program

Guidelines for Issuing of Single-User Pumps

(aka WIC-In-Style or Pump-In-Style)

Objective: To increase breastfeeding duration among WIC participants who may not be able to afford the cost of an electric pump, by providing a Give-Away Pump to WIC mothers who:

  • plan to exclusively breastfeed their infants for at least one year
  • have a well-established milk supplyas demonstrated by infant’s very adequate weight gains since hospital discharge (i.e. above 1.5-2 lbs per month)
  • need an effective pump to maintain their milk supply when they return to work or school (at least 30 hours/week)

Personal or ‘give-away’ (or WIC ‘n Style) electric breastpumps are:

  • designed for a single-user (one mother, no returns)
  • provided at no charge by Alameda County WIC to participants for exclusive use by that mother
  • not intended for use by mothers with a low milk supply or who need a higher grade pump (e.g. Lactina) to build or sustain a good milk supply in the absence of a baby (hospitalized or premature infant)
  • for babies that are exclusively breastfeeding when pump is issued, unless being followed and prescribed by a Lactation Specialist within WIC.

Authorized Staff: Staff who complete the Personal Pump Training are responsible for determination of need, issuance, instruction for use, documentation (including care plan), and provision of follow-up or referral as needed.

Eligibility - All (four)of the following criteria must be met:

  1. The mother hasexclusively breastfed current infant for a minimum of three (3) months* and is not having breastfeeding problems
  2. The mother has actively attended WIC appointments and received food instruments for the previous three (3) months
  3. The mother works at least 30 hours per weekor attends schoolat least 12 units. Travel time to and from work/school and time for academic assignments that must be completed away from home can be includedmay be included. Verification is requiredand a copy must be stapled to the application:
  4. The mother’s intent to exclusively breastfeed her infant for one year or longeris clear (however, WIC staff may not request that a participant return the pump in the event that the mother’s plans change and sherequests formula prior to infant’s first birthday)

*If a mother needs a pump before her infant turns 3 months, she may be issued a Lactina loaner pump to cover the interim period.


  • If participant has received a personal pump with a previous baby and she is requesting a new one, she may have a second personal pump if her record indicates that she exclusively breastfed for one year when using the first pump. CHDP WIC authorized this due to the fact that the warranty for each pump is good only for one year.
  • Older Infants: The ‘verbal agreement’ among WIC staff has been to issue personal pumps to mothers with infants less than 9 months of age. Like with many other ‘rules’ there may be individual exceptions, which should be approved by the site manager or breastfeeding coordinator (client should be interviewed to better understand feeding goals, it’s not often possible to discern, but one concern is that some clients ask for an item simply because they know it is ‘freebie’ for themselves or a friend, etc). Consider offering a manual pump if appropriate.

Additional State Eligibility Criteria

  1. Baby is exclusively breastfeeding when pump is issued, unless being followed by a Lactation Specialist within WIC.
  2. Mother has attended one prenatal class.
  3. Does not meet criteria for issuing a rental electric breast pump. Mom and baby are having no problems with breastfeeding.
  4. For exclusive breastfeeding mothers who must be separated from their infant for reasons such as:
  • part-time or full time return to work or school >30 (include travel time) hours per week and unable to feed baby while at work or at break
  • infant/mother hospitalization
  • separation due to shared custody of infant
  • other reasons as determined by a Lactation Specialist or Breastfeeding Coordinator.
  1. For mothers:
  • of infants with special needs such as cleft lip or palate, Down’s syndrome, cardiac problems, Cystic Fibrosis, PKU neurological impairment, or other special needs as determined by the designated agency staff person.
  • of multiple infants
  • of infants with physical or neurological impairment such as uncoordinated suck/swallow pattern, weak suck, inability to suck, or inability to latch on to the breast
  • who are having difficult maintaining adequate milk supply due to infant’s or mother’s illness
  1. WIC Employees:
  • A WIC employee who is also a WIC participant can be issued an electric personal-use breast pump if they are working 30 hours or more per week
  • A WIC employee who does NOT receive WIC may use an electric breast pump that is available at her office as a demonstration model

Alameda County WIC Program

Personal Pump Give-Away Program

Guidelines for Issuing of Single-User Pumps

(aka WIC-In-Style or Pump-In-Style)

Updated 2/27/13

Issuance Procedures

  1. Personal Pump Application:
  2. Use a pre-numbered (corresponding to the number assigned to the pump) application for each pump issuance.
  3. Participant completestop portion of the Personal Pump Application (manager/supervisor’s name and phone # are required by State WIC)
  4. WIC staff completes lower portion.
  5. Attach one of the followingState-requiredverificationdocuments to the completed application:
  6. employment (pay stub or letter from employer), or
  7. college (class) schedule (at least 12 units)
  8. If mother attends high school and does not have a copy of the class schedule, contact the school directly.
  9. Store completed applications in the Personal Pump Binder in numeric order.
  1. Pump Warranty:
  2. Participant and WIC staff will complete the warranty card, noting date pump was issued to participant.
  3. Warranty Card: The participant keepsthe warranty card.
  4. Broken Pumps: If the pump breaks the participant calls Medela and reports the date (on warranty card) that the pump was issued.
  5. Medela will repair broken pumps for free during the warranty period.
  1. Pump:
  2. Mark participant’s name on the breast pump with permanent pen(to prevent resale).
  3. Notify participant that she may not sell, loan, or give her personal use pump to anyone.
  1. Pump Education:
  2. Use instruction manual provided with each pump to demonstrate assembly, use, and cleaning or other appropriate materials or use demo pump to teach set-up and how to use.
  3. Review milk storage guidelines (WIC handout).
  4. Check if participant needs tips on how to feed baby with a bottle or cup.
  5. Provide BFHL # to call if she has problems pumping or other breastfeeding related needs.
  6. Provide handouts such as the Lactation Accommodation Law if necessary.
  7. Single-user breast pump release form: WIC participant shall read and sign when a single-user electric pump is issued (waiting for reply from State WIC).
  1. ISIS Documentation:

The word ‘GIVE’ is entered on the Nutrition Education Screenin the Non-WIC Ed field under the Mother’sname.

  1. Note ‘GIVE’ only for personal pump give-away’s (WIC-in-Style) to help State WIC monitor this activity. Do not note ‘GIVE’ for manual pumps, or any loaned pump.
  2. Record pump # and reason for pump issuance in Family Comments, place a hold in event client requests formula at a later date.
  3. Note instruction provided and plan for follow-up.
  4. Document SA80 for contact.
  5. Place a ‘hold’ in Comments in the event that client requests formula at a later date* (see Participant Follow-up items 6c-e).
  1. Pump Follow-up
  1. Schedule phone follow-up within one week of issuance. Assess breastfeeding, pumping progress, and any counseling needs.
  2. Document all contacts regarding personal pump use in ISIS Comments, and SA80 in the Nutrition Ed Screen
  3. *If formula is requested by a participant after a issuing a personal pump, assess reason for supplementation and provide appropriate intervention or referral to a trained staff member. Formula benefits may not be denied.
  4. *Discuss the risks involved in formula supplementation and recommended ways to maintain milk supply and avoid supplementation.
  5. *If it is determined that formula will be issued, determine the appropriate amount based on amount pumped, infant’s intake during hours of separation, and Infant Feeding Amounts Chart.
  6. The participant is not required to return single-user electric pump if breastfeeding or pumping is discontinued.
  7. Encourage participant to save the pump for future use (next baby).
  8. Remind client that the pump is issued to her alone and WIC expects her not to loan or sell it.

Inventory Control

  1. Each carton contains 3 boxed pumps. Mark each carton with:
  2. Shipment date (10/11)
  3. Appropriate site initial (T, H, or E)
  4. A number: (1000-A, 1000-B, 2000-A, 2000-C, 4000 A-C, etc).
  5. Telegraph: 1000-1999
  6. Eastmont: 2000-2999
  7. Hayward: 4000-4999
  8. Letters A, B, C
  9. When the carton is opened mark each individual pump box 1001-A, 1001-B, 1001-C, so there is an ‘A’, a ‘B’, and a ‘C’ for every carton.
  10. Enter pump issuance info on the Personal Pump Excel Log.
  11. Breastfeeding Coordinator or designated staff will:
  12. Collect completed applications annually to assess for missing pumps
  13. Review Excel Personal Pump Log for chronological issuance of pumps 1-2 times a year

Personal Pump Procedures

Knowledge Check

  1. What is the minimum # of hours that a participant must be separated from her infant, for employment, each week in order to qualify for a free Pump In Style?


  1. Selena works 4 days each week, 6 hours each day. Her commute is 45 minutes each way. Does she qualify for a Pump In Style?

___ Yes _____ No ______Maybe

  1. What is the 4 character code that State WIC expects staff to enter in ISIS when we issue a Personal Pump?


  1. Where is this code entered in ISIS?
  2. _____ Nutrition Ed Plan under Mother’s Name
  3. _____ Nutrition Ed Plan under Infant’s Name
  4. _____ Mother’s Summary Screen in Other Programs
  5. _____ Infant’s Summary Screen in Other Programs
  1. True or False: Cassandra receives a Pump In Style when her baby reached 4 months of age in March. She returns in May and states she wants formula because her job is too stressful, and she does not always get enough milk to leave for her baby.
  2. ____ She is not entitled to get formula because she ‘committed’ to

exclusively breastfeed for one year.

  1. ____ She needs to return the pump
  1. Why are Pump In Styles inappropriate when a mother has a low milk supply?


  1. Where is the Pump-In-Style warranty card kept?
  2. ___ with participant
  3. ___ stapled to pump application
  1. Who calls Medela if the pump needs repair?
  2. ___ The pump manager
  3. ___ The participant
  4. ___ The clinic manager
  5. ___ The staff person who issued the pump
  1. When is a WIC employee eligible for a Pump-In-Style of her own?
