Administrative Staff Intent Form for SY 2009-2010
Leadership Management
As we begin planning for the 2009-2010 school year, it is important for us to know your intent regarding continued employment with the CobbCountySchool District.
Human Resources will prepare and your principal/division head will deliver contracts for school year 2009-2010 in March. Your principal/division head will accept resignations through May 1, 2009. After that date, you will be released from your contract only in an emergency situation or in the event of a promotion.
Each assistant administrator, assistant principal, and associate principal must complete this form and return it to his/her principal no later than Monday, January 12, 2009. The form may be saved and completed on your computer, and emailed back to your principal or printed and completed by hand and returned to your principal. Principals will sign each form and return them to Leadership Management. If you have questions, please contact Leadership Management or your principal.
Current Position / Associate Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Administrator
For the 2009-2010 school year, I wish to: (check all that apply)
remain in my current position.retain my current job title but move to a different school or level (lateral move). Explain and provide preferences.
(If you request a lateral move, Leadership Management will make your name available to principals who have openings, and principals will decide which candidates they wish to interview. If you are interested in being considered for a position at a different level, the above information must also be reflected on youron-line application.)
seek a promotion,but if not promoted, I would like to remain at my current school in my current position.
You must have an on-line application to be considered.
retire from my current position at the end of school year 2008-09. It is essential that you notify the Human Resources Benefits Department of your intentions to retire; contact Eyvonne Petersen, Retirement Specialist via email or at (770) 429-5868. Please attach a letter of retirement. / Approximate
Effective Date / m/d/yyyy
resign from my current position at the end of school year 2008-09.
Please attach a letter of resignation. / Approximate
Effective Date / m/d/yyyy
other. Explain
(If you would like to be considered for a promotion or Central Office position, you must complete an on-line application.)
This intent form is for planning purposes only and is not legally binding.
Administrator’s SignatureDatePrincipal’s SignatureDate
Principal’s comments (optional)