The Healing Codes 10/30/20081
Thursday Night Q&ATom Costello
*Participant: (Pat) My friend Beth Ann, here in Indiana, had mentioned to you about me and the Codes. You suggested for her to give me the Unforgiveness Code, like one round so I could get a feel for it. It’s surrounding being laid off for a job. So she came over yesterday. I did it. I got two calls for positions today. That was just a nice thing that happened just from the little bit that we did.
*Participant: (Sharon) I bought and did the Codes because my metabolism doesn’t like to work right. I just got back from this three and a half week vacation and cruise. For the first time in 18 to 25 years I was gone and I only gained 3 pounds and it was wonderful.
Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes question and answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is October 30, 2008. Everything on this call is being recorded. The recording is available as a download from our website:
We like to support our clients in this very valuable work and the Q&A call is one way. The recording is another. We provide personal coaching with The Healing Codes packages. Personally, I think, that’s the most valuable thing that we provide. We’ve got a Clients Only area on our website. It’s for clients, only. It requires a user name and password. I’m going to tell you those two top secret things right now. If you’re not a client, please respect the boundary. Username: healingcodes Password: 12days
We have a coach who monitors that area. She’s the moderator. Questions posed will be answered.
We’d like to ask anybody who is uncertain about any part of The Healing Codes process or has a specific situation they want to deal with, this is a great opportunity to do that. We like to wipe out uncertainty. When we’re uncertain we tend to put the brakes on to slow ourselves down. There’s no sense slowing down our own progress.
Your questions help not only you, but other people on this call or people listening to the recordings at a later date. That gives you additional motivation if you are hesitating to ask. Yes, you should.
We like to validate people who tell us their stories of success with the Codes. Other people find that encouraging. “It will work.” Yes. It will work for people who do this in an effective manner. It’s not that difficult to do it in an effective manner.
Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart and it is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. The opinions I express are my own opinions. If they serve you I’m pleased. If not, just let them go flying by.
Why don’t I just open the floor? In filler I’ll go over some of the fundamentals that I think are conducive to your individual effectiveness. Let me just say what I believe the number one thing is: Don’t try so hard to do the Codes perfectly. There is no perfect. If you do the Codes you are doing them right. We’re looking to reduce stress and increase relaxation. You automatically get a grade of 100 if you do the Codes. Just get in a physically comfortable position, prop your elbows up on pillows if that is convenient for you whether you are lying down, sitting in a recliner, on a chair or lying on the floor. Relax. Do the Codes and allow, allow your body to do what it knows how to do. To me that’s the most important point.
Does somebody have a question, an answer, a comment or a story that they’d like to share or an issue they’d like to work on?
Participant: (Pat) I would like to work on fibroid tumors. My doctor has said that I should have a full hysterectomy and I really don’t want to go that route. The Trust Code and the Love Code are the ones I should be working with?
Tom Costello: Those are good choices, but I’ll give you a Custom Code. Let me talk about this. I bet most of the people on this call are female. I have a client in Spain. I was speaking to her the other day and fibroids were her issue as well. I use a reference manual. I’m going to name it, but I don’t recommend it. It’s $140, 740 pages. It talks about all kinds of problems and their possible underlying beliefs or experiences.
You’ll be able to see this. Now The Healing Codes does not deal with sore throats or dandruff or important stuff like fibroids. What we do deal with are underlying energy patterns, cellular memories, beliefs, interpretations of events that we have had that are like finger-nail-on-the-blackboard vibrations. Those sounds persist in our energy field. You know if you heard a fingernail on the blackboard the hair would go up on your neck. You’d get goose pimples. After a minute or two it would seem to be over. In terms of these memories it’s not actually over. They are still there and they get activated from time to time.
I’m just going to, off the top of my head, refer to some of the concepts that show up in “Messages from the Body” written by Michael Lincoln. He speaks to the idea that fibroids, and this tends to be a consistent pattern, that if a part of the body is affecting us (prostrate or male genitalia in a man or the female parts) it has to do with our beliefs, our experiences, some of the information that we would have received about our gender over the course of our lives.
Okay, maybe that makes a little bit of sense. I recognized in multiple scenarios this information about fibroids and what I will describe “Gender War” and misgivings about being a woman – even a man can recognize that culturally it would appear that women can be put upon, can have more responsibility than rights. In the past I’ve spoken about that combination of rights and responsibilities. There ought to be some sort of balance there. But women end up with more responsibilities than rights in a lot of scenarios.
I had three older sisters. I recognize they ended up with responsibilities of raising the younger children. Wow! An 8 or 10 year old girl ends up with the responsibility to mother four younger siblings – that’s a lot of responsibility.
I would suggest this area of fibroids or anything else having to do with the gender is to seek – this is true in every case in my opinion – we are seeking with The Healing Codes to reduce our stress by getting a new point of view about events, about information.
Here’s one point of view. I believe women are a greater source of creativity than men. It’s not only because you can bear children, but because you can open up and give and nurture and receive information that men, in regular circumstances, are too dense or have been trained to deny in themselves.
Another point of view: I believe women are stronger than men. Not when it comes time to lift a heavy suitcase or chop down the tree, but strength in terms of their emotional resilience. I live in Florida. If I saw two trees, a palm tree and an oak tree, you might say the oak tree is stronger. Yea, wait until the next hurricane hits. Then you tell me which is stronger. That palm tree will be standing but the oak tree will be ripped up by its roots because it was resistant and inflexible. I see women as having this wisdom, another great strength.
Those points of view about a woman, that’s really what I’d like to inculcate into my view of myself as a woman: strong, creative, resilient, powerful, the ability to receive information before other people. Now as you settle into that, “I am definitely wearing the right body. I am definitely of the right gender. This is fantastic.” Now we fit into our gender more comfortably. The energy flow and self-acceptance starts to escalate. When we’re not at war with ourselves, when we’re not at war with our own gender or we’re not at war with the other gender, now stuff changes.
I think women have the ability to manage men more superbly than men have the ability to manage women. You go, “That’s kind of cool.” You’re looking to adopt, in my opinion, this is my suggestion, new points of view about the wonders of your own gender, your own body, your own sexuality.
Any of that resonate? Make you want to scream? What?
Participant: Yes, that makes a lot of sense and fits in perfectly.
Tom Costello: Instead of rejecting femininity – not that you said this, but this is part of the reference – instead of rejecting femininity, see it as an amazing blessing to you and the world. Instead of rejecting masculinity, see it as a blessing to the world and a necessary and valuable balance. Right? If I were driving the car, and you can almost hear the male power in that, I am way better having a woman right off to my right helping me navigate by providing wisdom. That’s a nice combination in my opinion.
I’ve read books that refer to Father God as power and Mother God as wisdom. Wow, whoever thought that must have been in a car. That’s very, very helpful. How about a Code?
(Tom tests for the Code.) This is for everybody else’s benefit more than yours. When we’re at war we don’t do any building because we are at war. We’re building fences or we’re trying to destroy something. We’re not constructing. We’re destructing. By declaring peace in our bodies we say to the immune system, we tell our bodies “now is the time to maintain and rebuild.” That’s the way to use our own personal energy is to heal the stuff that needs healing. Surgery doesn’t heal. Drugs don’t heal. Chemo doesn’t heal. Radiation doesn’t heal. It is the body that heals itself if, if we declare peace. That’s what The Healing Codes are about.
(Tom delivers the Code)
This is something I just recommended to a client just before this call. I think this is a good focus: inner joyousness. The client said, “I’m not sure I know what that is.” Personally the first time I did it I thought, “I’m not sure I now what this is, but I’m interested in seeing if I can feel what inner joyousness feels like.” Guess what. I think inner joyousness or joyousness is a characteristic of my God. The closer I got to God the more joyousness I would feel. Oh, well, then I’d like some more of that.
Participant: Okay. Thank you so much.
Tom Costello: You’re welcome, Pat. Anyone else have a comment, question, experience?
Participant: (Marion) I’m on the tenth day of the Codes. I’m just new at this. I’m having quite the nightmares at night. Is it to do with cleaning?
Tom Costello: It could very well be. It could be. Shall I explain a little bit about healing response?
Participant: Okay.
Tom Costello: Healing response is a characteristic or a phrase that is used when the body is changing state. I use change of state as a concept. If I happen to be standing, I’m going to change state. Now I’m sitting. I’m going to change state again and now I’m standing again. When a chicken hatches it is changing state. It’s got to break through that shell.
When we do The Healing Codes we are relaxing. When we relax the physiology, the cells in the body behave differently. When we’re under stress the cells in the body – if you can just imagine – they are like a flower that when it is cold closes up trying to hold on, trying to protect itself. When the sun, warmth, or in this case relaxation occurs the flower opens up.
What happens for people who have been chronically ill or have a physical condition in which they have been under stress for quite a period of time… The real problem with being under stress for a period of time is that the cell and depending on your size or my size we have 50 to 100 trillion cells. That’s a lot of cells. Instead of releasing waste products the cells hold on to them. They’re like that flower that is scrunched up trying to protect itself. A limited amount of nutrition can get in. A limited amount of energy, a limited amount of water can get in and it’s hard to take the waste out.
All of a sudden when we declare peace by starting to relax it’s as if the 50 trillion citizens in the body go “Oh, let’s take out the garbage.” And they all take out the garbage on the same day. This is why I recommend that standard processes ought to be: drink plenty of fresh water. You want to flush this out. I’ve lived in the tropics. There is debris in the streets. At three o’clock in the afternoon it rains a huge downpour for 15 or 20 minutes. You look outside and the streets are clean. That water cleans things out. So drink plenty of fresh water.
Breathing is hugely important. I was talking to a client in Norway this week and he was telling me about his studies on breathing. I’m going to just put this in here for you. He says he’s studied a couple of different sites and some other information that says if you try this you’ll notice a difference. Inhale for 5 seconds. Exhale for 5 seconds. Inhale for 5 seconds. Exhale for 5 seconds. Continue to breathe like that for a period of time. I did it last night when I laid down in bed. I don’t know how many times I did it, but I was going bye-bye very quickly.
He said they’ve gone studies and they recognize that kind of breathing starts to synchronize with the heart. It basically doubles the flow of blood through the brain as well as increases dramatically the oxygenation of the body. We’re not talking vigorous, we’re talking nice gentle breaths. But because of synchronizing the heart and the breathing it goes into autonomic balance. That is the autonomic nervous system. He says it’s a remarkable thing. I recommend you try that. Before you go to sleep tonight, as you are falling asleep and should you wake up in the middle of the night.
There are not only waste products in the cells, of cell metabolism that are being released. There are memories of who knows what from our experiences being released, memories of stuff that we’ve seen on television, death and destruction and 6 o’clock news. That stuff is not showing up; it’s leaving. That’s kind of reassuring.
To be a little bit more graphic and border on the vulgar, somebody says “I’m getting sick. I’m getting sick. I’m about to throw up.” Hold on a second. It’s time for a lecture. You’re not getting sick. You’re about to get better. Your body is saying, “We don’t want this stuff in us any more. It doesn’t work for us. It doesn’t serve us. Let’s get rid of it. You’re about to get better. This is part of the getting better process.” Oh, I thought I was getting worse. “Uh-uh. It’s not pleasant, but watch it. In another 60 seconds you’re going to go, ‘Whew, I feel a lot better.’ That is the beginning of the getting better stage.”
I would suggest that could be what you’re experiencing.
Participant: Okay. That’s great.
Tom Costello: That seems a whole lot better than worrying about getting worse.
Can you share with us what you’ve been focusing on?
Participant: My dreams?
Tom Costello: Why you bought the Codes and what you are trying to accomplish, if it’s not too personal.
Participant: I have lots of pain on the right side of my body. I’ve had it for a few years. I happened to see this and said, “I’m going to give it a try because I want to be healed.”
Tom Costello: Fibromyalgia falls into the category of the immune system. You don’t really hear it in that word “autoimmune”, but “auto” is Greek for self. What really is going on in an autoimmune disease is the immune system has lost sight of who the friend is and who the foe is. The immune system goes, “I’ve got it. You’re the enemy.” You go, “Hold on. No, no. I’m the owner of the body. I’m not the enemy.” It is self attack. Really the declaration of peace, in all cases for me, in all cases is – this is my prescription – a high “self-approval” diet.
High self-approval diet – what does that mean? It means every single opportunity that you can think of for an "at-a-girl", “"at-a-girl" Marion. "At-a-girl" for buying The Healing Codes. "At-a-girl" for getting on this call. "At-a-girl" for asking a question and making a comment. "At-a-girl".
That’s different. We’re not raised that way. We get taught management by disapproval. We get taught this worst of all lessons as far as I’m concerned. “I’ve got it. In order to get myself to change I have to disapprove of myself. I’ll kick myself. I’ll beat myself up. I’ll criticize myself. I’ll scold myself. That’s how to do it. That’s how my parents, my teachers, my church, my bosses, that’s how everybody does it. That’s what I’ll do.”
EEER!! WRONG. Ineffective! That is totally ineffective. I’m looking outside. It’s dark here, but I have lights out in my courtyard. I’m seeing some flowers. There are some that are blooming, but I see some buds. Hold on. I’m going to put you guys on hold. I’m going to go out there and stomp the buds so they will grow faster.