2734 Louisiana Lawrence, KS 66046
Principal: Dr. Keith Jones
Assistant Principal: Ms. Anita Carlson
July 31, 2017
Dear South Middle School Parents and Guardians,
We are excitedly gearing up for the 2017-2018 school year! As we prepare for the start of a new academic year, I’d like to take a moment to share more information regarding the first week of school. It’s our goal at South Middle School to build healthy relationships with all students because we know students thrive in a learning environment where they feel safe, connected and supported in and out the classroom. This year, we are kicking off the first day of school with a “Black and Gold Carpet Event,” that will hopefully engage students and parents for the upcoming school year. Students are encouraged to wear black and gold on the first day of school. We will be having an all-school “Kick-Off” assembly at the beginning of the day from 8-9a.m. to have some fun, set the expectation for the school year and hear from our interim superintendent Dr. Anna Stubblefield. We will kick off the morning by welcoming students outside as we set up our “newly designed Cougar Station” to interview students about their expectations of the school year. We invite you the parents to join us in celebrating the first day of school by coming and cheering on your student as the doors open. As students enter the building they will be greeted by all 85 staff members as they step on the gold carpet. Parents are welcomed to bring signs with their student’s name on it and cheer their student on for another successful school year. If you are interested, please arrive from 7:30-7:45 as we interview students. The Cougar Station will be streamed live for parents and the community to view if they can’t make it.
Also, included in the newsletter is the schedule for the first two full-days of school. This year students will spend the first half of the day learning about classroom and building expectations and the second half meeting their teachers and attending their class schedule.
Here are a few dates and announcements that you should be aware of going into the first month of school:
Ø Wednesday, August 16th 2017- Cougar Camp (6th grade only) from 8-11: 15a.m
Ø Thursday and Friday, August 17th and 18th (All students should attend)
Ø August 21, 2017- Ipads will be checked out to 7th and 8th graders during the day and 6th grade in the evening from 5-7p.m.
o Ipad Checkout make-up day will be August 22nd during the day for all students.
Ø August 21st 2017 is also a special day due to the Solar Eclipse that will be happening between 11-1:30p.m. We will have an adjusted schedule to participate in the event. (Students who will miss school due to their family participating in this event will be excused with prior notice to the office.)
Ø August 29th, 2017- Back to School Night- This year we plan to add food and activities to the evening as we highlight our clubs and activities that will be available for students. Parents are invited to attend to meet their student’s teachers and tour the school. This is a great opportunity to hear from the Parent Council, the Site Team, and other groups within the school that make a difference in our school. We want to make this a family event, please bring everyone to celebrate the start of the school year. The night will start with an introduction by the new administration to share the vision of the school and some key information for the year.
Topics covered at the 6th grade Ipad Roll-out night will include:
· Workshops around e-mails, access to the grading system
· Tech Café to answer common questions
· Digital Citizenship Video and presentation
· Safety and Security – Protect one’s own and other’s information online
· Digital Communication – Sharing ideas online with respect and kindness
· Digital Literacy – Navigate, evaluate, create and credit sources
· Authorized User Agreement and Q & A
During the first week of school, staff will be discussing the importance of digital citizenship and the responsibility that comes with increased access to an iPad device. South Middle School will be deploying iPads to our students on Thursday, August 21st If you have any questions, please contact our office at 785-832-5450, or myself by email at .
We look forward to serving your child this year!
Warm Regards,
Keith Jones, Ed.D.
Parent Newsletter
August 2017
2734 Louisiana Street
Lawrence, KS 66046
Office Hours: 7:30-4:00 pm M-F
South Middle School Mission Statement:
South Middle School will empower our learning community to think intensively and critically; we will cultivate intellect with character to develop 21st century learners.
Contact Information
MAIN OFFICE - 7:30-4:00 Monday-Friday / Guidance Dept. - 7:30-4:00, Monday-FridayDr. Keith Jones, Principal / 330-2304 / Mrs. Kristen Kircher, A-K Counselor / 330-2497
Ms. Anita Carlson, Asst. Principal / 330-4778 / Mr. Marc Conover, L-Z Counselor / 330-1801
Mrs. Jolene Pearson, Admin. Asst. / 330-4302 / Mrs. Rebecca Lyles, Registrar / 330-2536
Mrs. Julie Rea, General & Athletic Sec / 832-5450
Mrs. Jodi Kennedy, School Nurse / 330-1754 / School Cafeteria - 7:30 - 1:30, Monday-Friday
Mrs. Nancy Starcher - Manager / 330-4571
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 8:00 a.m. – 3:05 p.m.
*Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 1:35 p.m. -> -->- ->
Half day 8:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Late Start 10:00 a.m. – 3:05 p.m.
Parents/Visitors 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Students 7:52 a.m. – 3:20 p.m.
Inclement Weather gym area will open at 7:30 a.m.
BREAKFAST SERVED 7:30 a.m. to 7:52 a.m. Students should leave the cafeteria after eating.
Important Dates in August
Thursday, August 106th grade Sneak Peek
9:00-11:00 am (optional) / Monday, August 15th
8th gr football practice begins 3:15-5:30
8th grade Girls Volleyball Tryouts begin 3:15-5:45
Cheer Pre-tryout Clinics 3:15-4:15 / Tuesday, August 16th
Cheer Pre-tryout Clinics 3:15-4:15
Volleyball tryouts - 3:15-5:45
Wednesday, August 16
First Day for 6th graders (AM only)
Cheer Tryouts 3:15-5:00
Volleyball tryouts - 3:15-5:45 / Thursday, August 17
First Day all grades
Volleyball tryouts - 3:15-5:45 / Friday, August 19th
First 8th gr Volleyball practice and uniform checkout 3:15-5:45
Monday, August 21
South Singers Rehearsal-7:10 AM
iPad Rollout
7th gr. 1st-3rd hrs.
8th gr. 7-8 hrs.
6th gr. Rollout and Workshop 5:00-7:00
Girls Tennis Tryouts 3:15-4:15 / Tuesday, August 22
South Singers Parent Meeting 6:00 pm room 102
Wednesday, August 24
Instrument Vendor Night / Thursday, August 24th
Picture Day 8:00-12:00
Tuesday, August 29
Back to School Night 5:00-7:00
The following information is located on our website at:
*Monthly Calendar of ALL SMS events
*Complete listing of all Athletic Events, schedules, and locations
*All Athletic Forms
*SMS 2016-2017 Supply list will be posted by (August 1st)
*Authorization for Nonprescription Medication-Confidential-FORM
*Self-Administration plan for Medication-Confidential-FORM
*Permission for Medication-Confidential-FORM
*Skyward Family Access-FORM
*Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
*Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
*Health Information
*Health Information-Spanish
*Fee Payment Form
*Fee Payment form-Spanish
Sneak Peek – All Sixth Grade and New to South Seventh & Eighth Grade Students
All sixth graders and new seventh and eighth graders attending South Middle School for the first time are encouraged, but not required, to attend our “Sneak Peek” on Thursday, August 10th. It will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the South auditorium and end at 11:00 a.m. Staff will be outside to greet students and direct them to the auditorium upon their arrival. Administrators and sixth grade teachers will be on hand to answer questions and give a preview of sixth grade and middle school. Schedules and locker assignments will be given out and students will be allowed to find classrooms and practice opening their lockers.
Orientation is a structured event designed for acquainting students to the building. There will be many teachers and staff on hand to explain class schedules and help new students locate their classrooms. Parents are welcome to stay but not required. Orientation is optional; therefore, transportation is not provided.
Back to School Night
Please join us for our “Back to School Night.” On Tuesday, August 29th from 5:00-7:00p.m. all are welcomed. (Food and activities will be available)
School Hours
Our 2017-2018 School Hours are 8:00 a.m.-3:05 p.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs. and Fri. /8:00 a.m.-1:35 p.m. on Wednesdays.
First Day of School
Wednesday, August 16th is the first day of school for 6th graders. School will begin at 8:00 and end at 11:15.
Thursday, August 17th all students will attend for a full day.
Students should plan to bring paper and pen, or pencil, with them on the first day they attend class.
Student Planners
Students will receive their planners on the first day of school.
ID & Yearbook Pictures
Lifetouch will be here to take school pictures on Thursday, August 24th. Parents will have the option of purchasing school pictures, with proofs sent home with students at a later date. There will be a make-up date for students who are absent August 24th. The make-up date has yet to be determined. If there are any questions call the South Middle School office, 832-5450, or email Julie Rea at
ID cards will be handed out at a time to be determined. The first card is free. Any replacement after that is $5.00.
Student Supervision
Before School – Beginning at 7:40 am morning supervision is available for students outside or in the gym, depending on the weather. During inclement weather, the gym area will open at 7:30 a.m. Students are asked not to enter the building before the designated time as we do not have personnel assigned to supervise the building.
Students intending to eat breakfast will be allowed in the cafeteria from 7:30-7:52 a.m.
After school -- Classes are dismissed at 3:05 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Dismissal is 1:35 p.m. every Wednesday. All students should plan to leave the building and school grounds as soon as possible unless they are involved in extracurricular activities or under the direct supervision of a teacher. Most teachers are available until 3:40 p.m. Activity programs begin after school at the coaches’ discretion.
The administration asks that you make specific arrangements for the supervision of your children. The building doors are locked at 4:00 p.m. and students are not allowed to come back in.
On days your student is ill or is not going to be at school, please call so we can keep the attendance record accurate. Only the parent, legal guardian or other authorized person(s), as listed on the student’s records, may excuse students’ absence. Students who become ill during the day must check out with the school nurse or administrator before leaving school.
Appointment/Early Pickup
Students leaving school for an appointment must check out and in through the office. The students’ parent or legal guardian must call the school office in advance, preferably at least one hour prior to the time your child needs to be released, in order to secure a pass to leave school.
Students are not allowed to leave the building unless:
v The parent or guardian comes to the office to pick up the student, or
v Written permission, signed and dated by the parent or guardian is sent to school with the student, to be given to the attendance assistant (not the teacher) or
v Office personnel receive telephone instruction from the parent or guardian prior to the early dismissal.
Visitors to Schools
Board Policy Reference KM:
Visits to district schools must be scheduled in advance and require approval from the building principal. Any person who visits a building and/or grounds of the district shall be under the jurisdiction of the building principal.
Visitors are required to check in at the office to obtain a visitor’s pass immediately upon entering the building.
Student Visitors
Visiting students who are guests of a district student may visit the school for a tour only during non-school hours.
Class Observation Procedures
When a request is received from a patron (defined as a parent, non-custodial parent, grandparent, cousin, retired
person, etc.) to observe a classroom, the following procedures apply:
· A written request should be submitted to the principal;
· Principal will contact the teacher for his/her permission;
· If the teacher agrees to the observation, the teacher will suggest a date and time when a planned classroom
Activity would lend itself to an observation (test taking and other inappropriate days should be avoided)’
· Principal will notify patron as to the date/time of the observation;
· Patron must check in at the office, sign in, and get a visitor’s badge;
· Patron is requested to not participate in class discussions or activities;
· Visitors will be asked to leave if they become disruptive and law enforcement may be called.
Walking and Biking Back To School
As summer closes and school approaches, it is a great time for students and families to create new healthy, fun and safe habits for getting to and from school. Walking and biking are excellent options to increase the amount of physical activities students are participating in each day.
Top Tips to keep young pedestrians and bikers safe:
* Talk to your kids about how to be safe while walking and biking. It’s always best to walk on sidewalks or paths and cross at street corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks.
* When on bikes, tell your kids to ride on the right side of the road, with traffic, not against it. Stay as far to the right as possible. Use appropriate hand signals and respect traffic signals, stopping at all stop signs and stoplights.
* Before a bike ride, make sure the reflectors are secure, brakes work properly, gears shift smoothly, and tires are tightly secured and properly inflated.
* Teach kids at an early age to put down their devices and then look left, right and left again when crossing the street.