Sep 2006. To print your own copies of this document visit:

Assistance / Assistants

'Assistance' is the help that you get when you are doing something.

'Assistants' are the people that give you the help.

Write your own sentences

Important: to type your own sentences into this worksheet select the Forms toolbar and ‘unlock’ the padlock. You will need to lock it again before doing the fill-in exercises on page 2.

Write a sentence using ‘assistants’

Write a sentence using ‘assistance’


Complete these sentences by choosing the correct word from the menu.

1. When the car wouldn't start, the AA came to my .

2. The in the shop were very helpful.

3. I couldn't have done it without your .

4. Some male magicians have young women as their

5. He had to go to the DHSS for some financial .

6. Your has been invaluable.

7. There are plenty of jobs for sales being advertised in the paper.

8. Give me a ring if you need some and I'll give you a hand.

9. She could not walk without .

10. With the help of my two we should finish the job in no time.

Check your answers.

Assistants / Assistance

1. When the car wouldn't start, the AA came to my assistance .

2. The assistants in the shop were very helpful.

3. I couldn't have done it without your assistance .

4. Some male magicians have young women as their assistants.

5. He had to go to the DHSS for some financial assistance .

6. Your assistance has been invaluable.

7. There are plenty of jobs for sales assistants being advertised in the paper.

8. Give me a ring if you need some assistance and I'll give you a hand.

9. She could not walk without assistance .

10. With the help of my two assistants we should finish the job in no time.

This resource kindly contributed by Gaye Noel Park Lane College, Leeds.

Ww/L1.1 L2.1 Spell correctly words most often used at work, studies & daily life. Understand that spelling of homophones is related to meaning & grammar.

To use this worksheet. If you can’t see the drop down menus next to the shaded words select the Forms toolbar and lock the padlock. Use ‘print layout’.