Assignment Directions

Structural Drafting

S 20 Border and Title Block

The student will set up and draw a standard border and title block for size "C" paper with the following parameters:

 Title Block /  Standard layers for Structural Discipline
 Revisions Block /  Scale is 1 = 1
 Bill of Materials
 North Arrow
 General Notes
 Border C-7 and set limits to 23.60,16.66

S 21 Structural Shapes

Draw each structural steel shapes full size and save each shape as a separate drawing file. Draw the structural

Shapes on Layer “0”. Set the drawing UNITS to Architectural and the precision to 1/64”. Use the fraction values,

not the decimal values. Do not add the dimensions.

Prepare a size "C" drawing paper with the assigned border and title block. Begin a new drawing and insert the

Border and title block using a scale of 1” = 1”.

Insert each of the structural steel shapes using the scale factor for 1 1/2" = 1' 0".

Set the layer to S-ANNO-DIMS and the dimension style to EDD141-8 and add the required dimensions. Modify

The dimension style and set the units for fractions.

Depth (d)

Web Thickness (tw)

Flange Thickness (tf)

Flange Width (bf)

Shape Designation Title under each structural shape

Add the title for each structural steel shape under each shape using ¼” lettering.

Structural Steel Shapes

W30 x 108W24 x 76W18 x 60W12x 35W10 x 60W10 x 45

W6 x 20C15 x 50C8 x 13.78 x 4 x 1/23x 2 1/2 x 1/4

For detailing purposes, use k(det)for the fillet radius (where the web joins the flange).

S-22 Simple Parts Plan #1

Draw a complete set of structural drawings for the assigned problem. Prepare a size "C" sheet of drawing paper using the assigned border and title block, bill of materials, and revisions block. Be sure to include North Arrow, Title, and General Notes.

Create the appropriate layers as needed for the structural details.

Do not use AutoCAD's default dimensioning parameters. Open the border and title block drawing file and create three dimension styles (PLAN, SHOP DRAWINGS, and DETAILS). In the Dimension pull-down menu select the Style option and create the three dimension styles.

Assignment Directions

Structural Drafting

Prepare a set of structural drawings including the following:

Engineering Drawing (Part Plan). Include all dimensions, beam designations, and end reaction loads.

Erection Plan. Include all beam designations and erection marks.

Connection detail. Include all dimensions.

Shop drawing for the W18 x 60 beam. Include all appropriate dimensions.

Shop drawing for the W12 x 35 beam. Include all appropriate dimensions.

Problem Specifications:

Bolts are to be 3/4" diameter, ASTM A325-N. Two rows of bolts are to be used for the connections.

Angles are 3" x 5-1/2" x 1/4" with edge distances of 1-1/4"

Bolt spacing is 3" center to center

The edge distance from the end of the W12 x 35 beam to the holes is 1-1/4"

The tops of steel are flush

Center to center distance is 5-1/16"

General Notes:


MTL: ASTM A992 (FY = 50 KSI)




S 23 Simple Parts Plan (coped beams)

Draw a complete set of structural drawings for the assigned problem. Prepare a size "C" sheet of drawing paper using the assigned border and title block, bill of materials, and revisions block. Be sure to include North Arrow, Title, and General Notes.

Create the appropriate layers as needed for the structural details.

Do not use AutoCAD's default dimensioning parameters. Open the border and title block drawing file and create three dimension styles (PLAN, SHOP DRAWINGS, and DETAILS). In the Dimension pull-down menu select the Style option and create the three dimension styles.

Prepare a set of structural drawings including the following:

Engineering Drawing (Part Plan). Include all dimensions, beam designations, and end reaction loads.

Erection Plan

Connection detail "A" (W24 x 76 and W18 x 60). Include all appropriate dimensions.

Connection detail "B" (W30 x 108 and W18 x 60). Include all appropriate dimensions.

Shop drawing for the W24 x 76 beam. Include all appropriate dimensions.

Shop drawing for the W30 x 108 beam. Include all appropriate dimensions.

Shop drawing for the 18 x 60 beam. Include all appropriate dimensions.

Assignment Directions

Structural Drafting

Problem Specifications:

Bolts are to be 3/4" diameter, ASTM A325-N. Three rows of bolts are to be used for the connections.

Angles are 1/4" with edge distances of 1-1/4"

Bolt spacing is 3" center to center

The edge distance from the end of the W18 x 60 beam to the holes is 1-1/4"

The tops of steel are flush

Center to center distances are (from calculations)"

General Notes:


MTL: ASTM A992 (FY = 50 KSI)




S 24 Problems: End Reactions Uniformly Loaded Beams

Solve each of the given problems. (See handout: End Reactions Uniformly Loaded Beams)

All work will be on engineering paper with proper headings.

Use one sheet of engineering paper for each problem.

Show all formulas and calculations.

Show loading diagram for each problem and label all components.

Show end reaction calculations.

S 25 Problems: End Reactions Using AISC Tables

Solve each of the given problems. (See handout: Calculating End Reactions of Beams)

All work will be on engineering paper with proper headings.

Show formulas used.

Show calculations.

Show final answer and underline.

S 26 Problems: Fasteners In Shear Worksheet

Solve each of the given problems. (See handout)

All work will be on engineering paper complete with proper headings.

For each problem list the given information and include all formulas where applicable

Underline each answer

Label all data and number values where applicable

Show all work and calculations where necessary.