Frome Twinning Association
Annual General Meeting, 1 April, 7.00pm
plus Skittles & Supper
This year our AGM will be held at the Rugby Club. After the short business meeting, there will be skittles and a ploughman’s supper, for those who wish to stay. Tickets for supper, £7.50. There will be a bar & raffle. Please complete the form below.
Although the present committee members are willing to stand again, they would welcome extra help. If you would like to volunteer to serve on the committee, or know someone who would, please complete the form below and return to Mrs Pat Boyd, 103 Leys Lane, Frome, BA11 2JS; or by 15 March. Should you have any matters you wish to raise, please complete the form below.
Members and friends are always welcome, including those who would like to learn more about twinning and the friendship between our four towns. Alternatively take the chance to share with others your news and photos of any twinning events over the past year, which included the visit to Frome of many friends in July, and a trip to Murrhardt in October. This year we are again looking for ways to raise extra funds. Ideas for such events are always welcome..
Members are reminded that subscriptions are due on 1 April. The committee propose that the rates remain the same this year at £10.00 per family and £7.50 per single membership.
Murrhardt 21-24 July
Whilst we may have filled the places for this trip, we will run a reserve list, in case anyone has to drop out. Please contact Alan Glover on 01373 454576 or email if you are interested..
Rabka 15-18 September
The precise theme for this fourth stage of the Thematic Networking forum has yet to be confirmed, but will be around Leisure and Freetime Activities. Rabka is an internationally known tourist and ski-resort at the foot of the Tatra Mountains. We need to hear from anyone who is interested in going in September. Please contact Damon Hooton on 07850 681163 or to register your interest,
(cont’d over)
FTA Committee Membership
I would like to volunteer/propose ...... (please print)
to stand for election as a committee member.
Signed ...... Date ......
Name ...... (please print)
Please return to Mrs Pat Boyd, 103 Leys Lane, Frome, BA11 2JS; or by 15 March.
Ivan Filonenko
We were sad to read in the Murrhardt newspaper:
A veteran of international understandingFriendship Club Murrhardt Chuguev and Malinovka mourns Iwan Fjodorowitsch Filonenko (1926-2015)
He was a staunch Ukrainian and good friend of Europe, who engaged with devotion, joy and humor in old age in the reconciliation of former enemies and international understanding: Colonel (ret'd) Iwan Fjodorowitsch Filonenko, who died on Christmas Eve after a long severe illness in his 90th year in Chuguev (Ukraine).
Many Murrhardters will remember on his visits to the town and his speeches at the remembrance day commemorations, where he always urged for peace and called for the understanding of nations
Some Frome members will particularly remember this impressive figure in his green
uniform with his many medals, standing proudly next to the Murrhart flag-bearers at
the cenotaph in Château-Gontier on Remembrance day in 2006.)
Chairman: Alan Glover, 87 Selwood Road, Frome, BA11 3BP : tel 01373 454576
Secretary: Pat Boyd, 103 Leys Lane, Frome, BA11 2JS : tel 01373 474878
Frome Twinning Association
AGM, Skittles & Supper, 1 April 2016
I/We will be staying for skittles and supper after the AGM:
Name(s) ...... (please print)
Please return to Alan Glover, 87 Selwood Road, Frome, BA11 3BP by 15 March
Frome Twinning Association
Annual General Meeting, 1 April 2016
I/We will be attending the AGM: Name(s) ...... (please print)
and would like the following matter to be raised ......
Please return to Mrs Pat Boyd, 103 Leys Lane, Frome, BA11 2JS; or by 15 March