FSK Athletic Boosters Meeting Minutes
July 19, 2010
John Baugher, Ken Fischer, Craig Walker, George Grillon, Andy Cashman, Andrea Vickery, Joe Linthicum, Bryan Fox, Chris Belge, Joe Belge, Stacey Bassler, Tim Walsh, Bret Grossnickle, Deborah Holmer, Tom Vickery,Teresa Boggs, Aaron Boggs, Phil Riddle, JoAnn Cashman, Amy Alder, Karen Dudley, Brian Dudley, Michelle Vant,
Call to order:
The meeting was called to order by George Grillon @ 7pm
Secretary’s Report:
June minutes were read. Motion was made and seconded by Joe Belge, to accept the minutes as read-vote taken, unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Checking account has $9006.00 and savings account (for individual teams) has $5990.00. A CD for scholarships has approximately $2500.00.
Audit update- JoAnne Cashman has books and the audit should be done by next meeting. The committee consists of Fred Ziegler, Denise Ziegler and JoAnne Cashman.
Athletic Director’s Report:
Mr. Walker gave us an update on our track which is being resurfaced it was supposed to be completed last Friday, but with the weather it has been delayed. There were low spots in the track, those spots were torn up and patched. All area school tracks are being resurfaced with the exception of Manchester Valley. The Athletic department purchased practice goals for soccer and game goals for field hockey due to deterioration and safety concerns. Mr. Walsh is in need of 3 new poles for volleyball, he has asked the PE department and the boosters to split the cost. Golf Tournament is Sept. 19th at the Links of Gettysburg. We are looking for sponsors and door prizes. Mr. Kimble and Mr. Brilhart are chairing this event. Volleyball has open gym on Tuesday and Thursday. We invited Westminster to share this time with us, being they were gracious in allowing us to use their gym last summer. Both the Girls and Boys basketball are in a summer league and doing well.
Administration Report:
Mr. Baugher would like to create a 3, 5 and 10 year plan and set priorities/goals so that we can start earmarking money for big projects that need to be completed. Committees will be assigned to assess projects in order of need. SGA is having a tail gate party at our first football game. There is going to be food, a dunking booth, and other games. On August 14th from 8-10 there will be a breakfast for all parents. This is the start of “Key Time”. Every other month there will be a breakfast and the opportunity for parents to indulge our children’s learning environment. There will be more about this in the newsletter coming out this month. We would also like to have a Key beautification day. This will be a day for all parents and students to come out with the administration to sweep the sidewalks weed wack (parents will need to their own weed wacker) and paint fences. Tom Vickery asked about painting the railing and improving the announcers’ booth. Tom Vickery, Joe Belge, Joe Alder, Phil Riddle and Aaron Boggs have formed a committee to oversee the booth improvements. .
Presidents Message:
We are going to start working on getting our nonprofit status. Each committee will create a “how to” manual so that when someone new steps in they, have contacts and can pick up where the previous volunteer left off. There have been questions about why the PDP letter writing campaign is going to be handled through the Athletic department instead of the Boosters. The PDP Company feels more comfortable having it handled through the school.
Committee Reports:
Please see attached report on all our planned fundraisers for the year.
Karen asked what uniforms we will need to replaced this year. The uniforms are Golf (already order $500), tennis and Baseball. Volleyball has some rule changes but they are doing their own fundraiser to purchase uniforms.
We do not have a date for the bull roast. We want to check to see when the county wrestling tournament is and would like to make sure we don’t have the same night as Westminster.
We will be setting up a table during back to school night to sell lottery raffle tickets and season passes.
We are planning some community nights i.e. Firefighters and armed services night. We will also have nights for business’ that have sponsored us throughout the year. We will give them a pass for free admission which will also be used for complimentary meals. On these nights we will recognize these groups at half time.
The Fry Guys are retiring. Karen and Brian Dudley said they would step in but we need at least one more person. The Fry guys will show us how to clean the fryers and give all their notes and other equipment to us. Concessions will purchase all the food. All we will need from the volunteers is to set up cook and clean up. These are only for Varsity football home games (4 games).
Sports Liaison:
Denise was not present but is currently working on getting letters out to coaches for their approval and will be working to get them a “team parent”. She is also working on a pancake breakfast which will be held on Sat August 28th from 8-11 (this will benefit the football program). The price is $5.00 pp in advance and $7.00 at the door. We need to make sure the cafeteria staff is aware of this so that we are able to use their kitchen.
The website will be linking to the school website shortly. If we have any announcements that need to be posted please send them to Michelle Vant.
Spirit Wear:
Nothing reported
Old Business:
Nothing discussed.
New Business:
Nothing discussed.
George Grillon adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting:
August 16th @ 7pm
Minutes submitted by: Andrea Vickery