16-469 Dr N. Kelly, October 2009

Assignment 1 – Energy Savings In University Buildings


In this group assignment you will look at the energy savings potential of one of the University’s buildings.

  • Chose one University building to be the subject of the assignment (e.g. hall of residence, Weir Building, etc.)
  • Visit your building to gather information: location, geometry, orientation, use (e.g. hall of residence), hours of occupancy, construction materials, energy systems, etc. Note that you may not be able to get all the information you would like! Be creative!
  • In your assignment introduction provide a brief description of your building and its main characteristics.
  • Using the information you have gathered on your building, identify energy saving measures which you think would reduce the energy consumption and carbon footprint of your building. It is important that you try to explain whythe measures you suggest would save energy.
  • Conclude your report by selecting the energy saving measure you think would best improve the energy performance of your building and explain why you have selected this measure. You may want to comment on the cost of implementing this measure.

Submission Details

Assignments should bea maximum of 4 pages of text – you can also add in diagrams and photographs if helpful.

The submission date is Tuesday 04 November 2008

One assignment per group should bereturned via e-mail to with the subject heading ‘16469 – Assignment1’ and should contain the names of all of the participants in the group.

Marks will be deducted for late submissions (-10% per day) and for exceeding (or being significantly under) the specified page limit.

FAQ: How do I get a good mark?

Structure your answer so it reads clearly.

Make sure you fully answer the questions being asked – and make it clear in your essay that you are addressing a particular question or issue

Show evidence of solid research (include all references and make sure you use some quality references – not just internet sites and class notes, a visit to the library is well worth while).

Don’t just regurgitate ideas and material from class- try and bring in ideas from the your background reading that, perhaps, haven’t been covered in the lectures.

Show some evidence of deeper thinking i.e. try and explain issues or phenomena, rather than just describing them.

The report should be the group’s own work, please don’t copy from colleagues or directly from references!

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