School Year: 2014-2015 Application # ______
King George County Public Schools Preschool Programs do not discriminate on basis of race, national origin, sex, or disability.
Please consider my child for the following program (s). I understand that there are limited spaces available in most programs.
A. All programs for which he/she is eligible B. Head Start (Age 3 Age 4)
C. Early Childhood Special Education D. Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI)
**If you checked A, B, or D, please provide parent’s annual gross income.
Program Requirements for all Preschool Enrollment: Must be a resident of King George County (need proof of address) and meet program eligibility requirements. The school division requires an up-to-date immunization record and a current physical. Head Start and VPI will also require a dental examination upon enrollment.
Preschool Programs Offer:Monday-Friday from September – June, transportation, breakfast and lunch, highly qualified teachers and support staff. Head Start also offers comprehensive services for children and families. Head Start is required to accept a minimum of 10 (ten) percent students with an identified disability. THERE IS NO APPLICATION OR TUITION FEE.
Child’s Full Name: ______Child’s Date of Birth: ____/____/_____ (MM/DD/YEAR)Street Address: (include City, State & Zip) ______Gender: M/F
PO Box (if applicable) ______
Home Phone #: ______/______/______Cell Phone: ______/______/______Work #:_____/______/______
Name: ______Emergency # ______/______/______
Child’s Race: (Circle all that apply) Asian, Black, White, Bi-Racial/Multi-Racial, American Indian/Alaska Native,
Black/Hispanic, White/Hispanic, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Other ______
Ethnicity: Hispanic □ Yes □ No Country of Origin/Nationality ______
Child’s Primary Language: ______Parent’s Primary Language: ______
In what language would you prefer we communicate to you? ______
Does your child have Medicaid: ______FAMIS: ______Other Insurance: _____ No Insurance: _____
Medicaid Number ______Private Insurance Number ______
Child’s Doctor’s Name ______Child’s Dentist’s Name ______
Name of Mother: ______Mother’s Date of Birth: _____/______/______
Parental Status: (Please circle one) Single Parent Two Parent Married Divorced Separated Widowed
Check all that apply: □ Lives with family □ Provides financial support □Current Teen Parent
Parent Education: (Circle One) Grade: 1- 6 7- 9 10 - 12 HSD/GED AA BA/BS MS
Employment: (Circle One) Full-time, Part-time, Seasonal, Other: ______Place of Employment: ______
Legal Custody: □Yes □ No Custodial Parent: ______Relationship to child: ______
Name of Father: ______Father’s Date of Birth: ______/______/______
Parental Status: (Please circle one) Single Parent Two Parent Married Divorced Separated Widowed
Check all that apply: □ Lives with family □ Provides financial support □Current Teen Parent
Parent Education: (Circle One) Grade: 1- 6 7- 9 10 - 12 HSD/GED AA BA/BS MS
Employment: (Circle One) Full-time, Part-time, Seasonal, Other: ______Place of Employment: ______
Legal Custody: □Yes □ No Custodial Parent: ______Relationship to child: ______
Number of people in family: Parents: ______Children: _____ Total: _____ Number in household: _____
Family means for the purposes of the regulations in this part all persons:
(i) Living in the same household who are:
(A) Supported by the income of the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the child enrolling or participating in the program; or
(B) Related to the child by blood, marriage, or adoption
Adult Name: ______DOB ______Adult Name: ______DOB ______
Adult Name: ______DOB ______Adult Name: ______DOB ______
Child’s Name: ______DOB ______Child’s Name: ______DOB ______
Child’s Name: ______DOB ______Child’s Name: ______DOB ______
Is there any additional information about your child that you would like us to know? ______
Do you have concerns about your child’s development? YesNo
If so, please explain: ______
Does your child have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan/IFSP
Individual Family Services Plan)? YesNo
All programs seek to serve children with disabilities or special needs.
Was your child referred to our program? YesNo
If so, by whom/referring agency: ______
Check all that apply
due to loss of housing or economic hardship
living w/family member/friend
living in motel/hotel
live in car
Foster/Kinship Care
Diagnosed Disability (Proof of documentation)
Early Head Start Participant
Age Eligible (4 years old)
Age Eligible (3 years old ______months)
Sibling of a current Head Start student? If so, who? ______
Single Parent
Unsafe/Unhealthy Living environment
Domestic Violence
Incarcerated Parent
Pregnant Parent
Current Teen Parent
Community Agency Referral (provide referral)
Department of Social Services/Food Stamps
Health Department/WIC
Military Family
Have you had children that attended Fredericksburg Head
Start/VPI/ECSE Programs in the past?
If so, who/when: ______
Health problems such as asthma, (specify who and what) ______
Does your child have allergies i.e., food, medications, or allergies in general defined by a physician? Yes No
If so, please explain: ______
Completing an application for the program does not guarantee
acceptance. Missing information may delay processing your
Before a Head Start/VPI application can be processed,
the following information is required:
1. Birth Verification
2. Income verification such as any of the following to document family income:
Most recent monthly pay stubs or a letterfrom your employer, copy of all w-2
forms, tax return, documentation of SSI, SSA income, or proof TANF income
verification from DSS.
3. Verification of Address
Income means gross cash income and includes earned income,
military income (including pay and allowances), veterans benefits,
Social Security benefits, unemployment compensation, and public
assistance benefits.
Please feel free to call if you have any questions regarding the application or need
assistance in completing. 540-372-1065.
Si necesitaayudaparallenarestaaplicaión favor de comunicarse con la oficina de
Head Start: 540-372-1065
Please mail or bring completed application to:
Original Walker-Grant Early Childhood Center/Head Start
Original-Walker Grant School
200 Gunnery Road
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
540-372-1065 Phone or 540-372-1156 Fax
Certification: I certify that this information is true. If any part is false,my
participation in this agency’s programs may be terminatedand Imay be
subject to legal action. I also understand that information inthis
application will be held in strict confidence withinthe agency and is
accessible to me during normal business hours.
***My signature gives permission for my local Department of Social Services to share information regarding my income. ***
______/______/_____ Parent/Guardian Signature Date______/______/______
Signature of person completing this form Date
(Other than parent)
City/County/Country of Birth / State / Birth Date / Birth Certificate Number / Date IssuedOther Form of Proof / Date Documentation Viewed / Person Viewing Documentation
Child’s Birth Name
Mother’s Name / Father’s Name
Child Find Referral
Fredericksburg King George / By Whom: / Date
Application Reviewed by: / Income Reviewed: / Date Reviewed