Assignment 1: Literature Review
The objective for this assignment is to fulfil the first stage of completing an accounting research proposal.
For a research proposal you should look at current unresolved issues in accounting research and practice. The Literature Review will help you to identify unresolved accounting issues and research opportunities.
Accounting is broadly defined in the unit to include financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, sustainability accounting and accounting education.
This assignment needs to be submitted individually (However, first you need to form a group of maximum of 3 students as the second assignment is linked to assignment 1 and it needs a group submission. Alternatively, both assignments can be completed individually too).
Tasks to Complete
- Select a topic for your project first (In Groups or individual)
- Choose an area of accounting in which you are interested
- Review (skim) current academic papers to identify current issues that accounting researchers are exploring
- Most academic papers have “suggestions for further research”. Use these suggestions to identify an area for your research project.)
- Then each individual should review three journal articles related to the issue (group members cannot review the same articles) and submit assignment 1 individually as a Literature Review document.
Submission Information
Weighting / This assignment accounts for 30% of the assessment in this unit.Date/Week / 13th April
Time / 11.59 pm
Place / Turnitin, Unit Blackboard site
Format / Word document, Font: Times new Roman 12 point, 1.5 spacing, File name: ACC6040 “Literature Review”
Assignment Instructions
- There is no maximum word limit for this assignment, although you should submit a document no less than 8 pages and not more than 10 pages excluding the reference pages and the cover page
- Journal articles reviewed should be the ones published within last 5 years: 2013-2018.
- Smith (2015). pp. 45-47
- Academic Writing Literature Review
- ECU. (2007) Literature review: Academic tip sheet. For ECU tip sheets see:
Oral Examination
All written unit assessments, excluding those completed under supervised conditions, may, at the unit coordinators discretion, be extended to require an oral examination to clarify and support the written submission. The oral examination will normally be held in person with the Unit Coordinator but may be conducted by telephone or other means at the Unit Coordinator’s discretion. The oral examination should be conducted as soon as possible after the assessment but may be deferred if the student is unable to attend and can provide supporting evidence. The oral examination will be able to override the original assessment of the written submission. Failure to attend for an oral examination, if requested, will result in a mark of 0 for the assessment
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this assignment students should be able to:
- Evaluate a research problem and specify the key variables of the underlying accounting relationship.
- Conduct a targeted search of the accounting literature.
Graduate Attributes
Completing this assignment will help you achieve the following ECU Graduate Attributes:
- ability to communicate
- presentation and writing skills
- critical appraisal skills
- ability to work in teams
CPA and ICAA Professional Accreditation Guidelines for Australian Accounting Degrees (2012)
Student presentations also address at least two required knowledge areas and learning outcomes associated with the Professional Accreditation Guidelines for Australian Accounting Degrees (June, 2012 CPA Australia and The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia):
• Communication and Teamwork: justify and communicate accounting advice and ideas in straightforward collaborative contexts involving accountants and non-accountants
• Self-management: reflect on performance feedback to identify and action learning opportunities and self-improvements
Australian Qualifications Framework
The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training. The unit addresses specifically the following learning outcome descriptors for Master’s Degree (coursework):
• Analyse critically, reflect on and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories
• Research and apply established theories to a body of knowledge or practice
• Interpret and transmit knowledge, skills and ideas to specialist and non-specialist audiences