Assignment #1: Close Reading and Analysis
Length:3.5 pages
The first section requires you to perform a “close reading” of a text to analyze how the essay functions. The second section requires you to extend the reading to examine larger cultural issues and apply your own analysis.
Close Reading
This assignment requires that you write a 250 + word close reading of a selected reading, which pays attention to the author’s overall use of text. Essential in this assignment is your ability to examine the text AS text—what words and phrases are utilized (and how do they affect the reader?), how is the narrative structured (and how does this aid the telling of the tale?), and how do these elements work together to establish a specific “tone” or reader response? Rather than a laundry list of plot points or a book report, your close reading should demonstrate how these concepts fit together and how the language functions. That is, your analysis should focus on how the text works rather than simply what it says. Notice and Focus and The Method will be essential starting points in your analysis. Your close reading should also pay close attention to the underlying structure of the text, as well as attend to the tone, context and effect of the piece.
Extending Analysis
After you perform a close reading, write a response that addresses the “gothic” quality of the piece. If we are to believe that the gothic only “works” on a sociological level if it taps into fears of its readership, analyze the greater societal fears that may be at work in the text. How, for instance is this piece not just about a strange ominous bird, the gruesome murder of one’s family, or premature burial? Are there concrete parallels that you can draw to present-day examples? You may draw evidence that supports your position from personal observation, but also return to the text to provide illustration for the generalizations you make about the claim. Don’t get stuck in the agree/disagree mode; rather, give your reader the sense that you’re able to investigate the reading to critically re-evaluate the pathology of the text and to pursue questions that aren’t neatly resolved. A focused response acknowledges the complexity of the issues it discusses.
Texts to Analyze (choose one):
Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown”
Lovecraft, ‘The Shadow over Innsmouth”
Hawthorne, “Rappacinni’s Daughter
Gilman, “The Yellow Wallpaper”
Criteria for Evaluation
Close Reading
- Accuracy and completeness
- Comprehensiveness and balance: reasonable choice of main ideas, major points, and examples
- Explains how the text functions and discusses its effect upon the reader
- Demonstrates application of The Method and Notice and Focus
- Coherence: proceeds logically and smoothly and uses attributive tags (Brown states “…”)
Extending Analysis
- Serious engagement with the text, including the larger cultural issues at work
- Moves beyond agree/disagree or right/wrong to acknowledge the complexity of the issue(s)
- Utilizes specific examples to give a concrete understanding of abstract ideas or generalizations
- Makes its own analytical claim by extending the text’s subject matter