

Request for Proposals


Asset Inventory Tracking including Fixed Assets

Software and Implementation Services

RFP #2010 - 32

Proposals Due: Tuesday, January 26, 2011 at 2:30 PM(Eastern Daylight Time)

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12/28/2010 10:30 am – 11:00 am

“Asset Inventory Tracking including Fixed Assets” RFP

Pre-Bid Conference call

A pre bid teleconference was held on Tuesday, December 28, 2010. The following questions and answers were received. The participants were:

Fred Lewis, JoAnn Hildebrant, CayugaCounty

Steve Lattanzio, Morse Zehnter Associates, TroyNY

Bridgette Hobart Janeczko, Paradigm Technologies, East Windsor, NJ

Steve – What does implementation entail?

Fred – Installing the software, making it function, migration of existing data from the

legacy system, training. Training in how to do bar coding and scanning.

Fred – If you offer an initial service of going out and bar coding all of our assets we

would be interested in knowing how much that would cost. But it is not a


Steve – What is your existing system?

Fred – Refer to RFP section 3.13. The software is called TOM (“The Office Manager”)

from Genesistems of Rochester, NY.

Fred – The existing fixed assets program is one module of our legacy accounting system.

We have migrated purchasing, accounts payable, etc. to a different accounting

software, but that program did not have a fixed assets module suitable for our


Fred – On the same page, RFP section 3.13, it mentioned 114 years’ worth of existing

data. We have under 10,000 assets on file, of which 6500 are active. We need to

retain information about our old assets – what happened to them – serial numbers.

However, of these assets, only 20 – 30 are from prior to 1970.

Fred – We can export the data from TOMinto Excel and then save it in “csv” or “dbf”

format, whatever you prefer to work with. TOM itself uses a 4D database which

is not all that common, but we won’t have a problem getting the data out.

Bridgette - Are the assets tagged now?

Fred - Yes

Bridgette - Can we utilize the existing ones?

Fred – But the fixed assets need to re-tagged with overall sequential numbers for the

county. When the first fixed asset inventory was done 30 – 40 years ago, every

department began their list with asset #1. So there is an asset #125 in the

Probation dept, an asset #125 in the Civil Service dept., etc.

Fred – We need to get to a system where all the asset numbers are unique, not based on a

dept but by county. We need to be able to move assets to a different location

without changing the asset number, just the location code. A desk or computer

may be moved over time but we need the ability to move the asset anywhere. As

it is now, in the old software, an item which is transferred has to be given a new

number in the new dept. and all information about the asset has to be entered all

over again.

Bridgette – Do you have any bar code equipment now?

Fred – One department has a bar code reader. I’m not sure if it would be available for

county-wide use.

[Fred went into further detail about the problematic merits of trying to use this bar code device.]

Bridgette – Based on the RFP, there would be one user per dept in the system?

Fred – There is an inventory manager for each dept. It is not our intention for them all to

use the software. They will submit forms to the Treasurer’s office. Only

Treasurer’s office personnel will update the database.

Fred – Refer to 3.13 of the RFP. There will be 2 users in the Auditor’s dept and 4 users

in the Treasurer’s Office. At most 6 users.

Fred - Many depts do not have assets coming in frequently. If they were trained, as with

the history of PC software, if they need to use the system often, they would forget

their training. It’s a case of “use it or lose it.”

Fred – In the future, once all items are bar coded, periodically “someone” whether a

designated county employee or a person from an independent firm could perform

an inventory using a bar code scanner.

[Bridgette said she had been worried about all depts. having a user in the software.

Fred explained our current policy for each dept’s inventory manager: they tag it, prepare

a form, central site enters the asset into the database.]

Fred – In the past, once a year people would go around and do their own inventory each

fall. We have found lots of things fall through the cracks…it’s hard for people to

remember what arrived back in February or March. Now we are going to have

people send in their information each month.

Bridgette – You have answered all my questions.

Steve – Me too.

Fred – If you have additional questions, you can submit them via email until January 12th,

which is the last day for questions. Please send the questions to Kim Taggery our

purchasing person. Her contact information is on the first page of the RFP. We

will research the question and provide the response to both of you.

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