- Name: Hala Mourad Demerdash
- Title: Associate Professor.
- Telephone: 115
- Email:
- Room: C-416
Biographical sketch:
(Academic Degrees- Fellowships and Associations) /
- Dr Hala Demerdash is currently an Associate professor in Pharmacology Department in the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharos University in Alexandria (PUA) - Major: Clinical Pathology. She graduated from faculty of Medicine Alexandria University 1990 " M.B. B.Ch., And she received her master degree from Chemical Pathology Department 1997, Medical Research Institute as she was a resident in the same department1992-1995. Then she received her M.D from Clinical Pathology Department, faculty of Medicine Tanta University 2007, and then was promoted as Associate Professor 2014.
Other Academic Qualification:
- Essential Molecular Biology Course "Practical=162 Class hours (6 Credit hours) "; 25 Jan-12 Feb 2016, Department of Experimental Biology Center of Medical Research
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto- Portugal. - Certificate of Professional Development in Pedagogy & Instructional Practice, Pharos University 2012.
- Diploma in Health Care Quality Management, Arab Academy for Science & technology 2009/2010.
- Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology at faculty of Pharmacy Pharos University September 2014.
- Teacher in faculty of pharmacy Pharos University, since 2009-2014.
- Member of quality assurance committee in Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharos University since 2009.
- And a member of EDC (Education Development Center)team in Pharos, since 2013-2016.
- Coordinator of Scientific Day of Scientific Departments of faculty of Pharmacy, Pharos University since 2013.
- Clinical pathology fellow in faculty of medicine, Alexandria University hospitals, since2007.
- Specialist of clinical pathology in Central Laboratories in Main University hospitals, since2002.
- Specialist of clinical pathology in hospitals of ministry of health, since 1998.
- Specialist of clinical pathology in Moasat Hospital, since 1997.
- An internship in chemical pathology department, Medical Research Institute1995-1997.
- Resident at Chemical Pathology department, Medical Research Institute 1992-1995.
- Physician in Ministry of Health, Alex., Egypt.1991-1992
- House Officer, University of Alexandria Hospitals.1990-1991
Publications /
- Serum procalcitonin as a good marker for diagnosis and prognosis of ventilator associated pneumonia; Alexandria Journal of Medicine (2010).
- Serum Erythropoietin in Different Grades of Diabetic Retinopathy; Journal of Egyptian Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism & Diabetes (2011).
- Does Tranexamic Acid Reduce Perioperative Blood Loss in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Craniosynostosis Surgery? Alexandria Journal of Anesthesia and Intensive Care (2011).
- Relationship between inter leukin-10 polymorphism and maternal serum leptin level in pre-eclampsia; Clinical and Experimental Hypertension (2012).
- Differential effects of gastric bypass and banding on the cardiovascular risk profile in morbidly obese subjects: the correlation with plasma apolipoprotein A-IV concentration.Alexandria Journal of Medicine (2012).
- Delta neutrophil index versus lactate clearance: early markers for outcome prediction in septic shock patients; Alexandria Journal of Medicine (2012).
- Maternal serum Endoglin as marker for early prediction of pre-eclampsia in high risk Patient; International Journal of Women's Health (2012).
- Hepatocyte growth factor and the risk of ischemic stroke developing among diabetic and non-diabetic patients; Journal of Egyptian Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism & Diabetes (2012).
- A Study of the effect of onion oil on diabetic neuropathic pain in streptozocin- induced diabetes in rats; Journal of Medical Research Institute (2013).
- Hepatocyte growth factor and the risk of pulmonary embolism; Egyptian journal of Chest disease and Tuberculosis (2014)
- Ferritin in sera and CSF: Its importance as both predictive and etio-diagnostic biomarker in ischemic stroke, single center prospective study. Alexandria Journal of Anesthesia and Intensive Care (2015)
- Can Hormones Regulating Appetite be a Major Factor Contributing to Obesity? Obesity Open Research Journal. Letter to Editor. (April 2015)
- Obesity and trace elements. Obesity Open Research Journal. Letter to Editor. (October 2015)
- Possible Mechanisms of Insulin Resistance in Obese Subject. Obesity Open Research Journal. Letter to Editor. (April 2016)
Conferences and workshops /
- All Clinical Pathology conferences held in faculty of medicine from 2004 to 2009.
- Conference of Laboratory medicine, held by Alexandria Medical syndicate 2008, 2010.
- Talk in ASIAC conference 2008, Bleeding Diathesis in I.C.U. (Intensive Care Unit).
- Workshop NAQAAE" Organizational Self Assessment of High Institution Education 13-17 Dec 2009
- Workshop NAQAAE " External Audit of High Institution Education 27-31 Dec 2009
- Talk in ASIAC conference 2011, Hemostatic modulators of atherosclerosis.
- Poster presentation, poster title"Ferritin in sera and CSF: Its importance as both predictive and etio-diagnostic biomarker in ischemic stroke, single center prospective study" & attending 2014 AACC conference, Chicago (IL.) USA.
- Attending "6th International Conference& 18th Annual conference, Multidisciplinary Approach in Cancer Management" Medical Research Institute- Alexandria University.2014.
- Gene Expression Analysis on large scale using Microarray and Real-Time PCR Techniques; at faculty of Agriculture-Cairo University: CURP. 2014
- Poster presentation, poster title"Ramdan Fasting Reduces Serum Fetuin A and High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein levels" & attending 2015 AACC conference, Atlanta (GA.) USA.
- Attending Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Conference 2014
- Attending Basic Introduction to Proteomic MALDI TOF/TOF workshop 2014.
- Attending Annual Conference 5th Alex Clinical Pathology Department. march 2015
- Attending 26th Annual Conference of the Egyptian Society of LaboratoryMedicine "Digging for more treasures" in Cairo,April 2015.
- Laboratory Governance Program Practical Guide: Medical Laboratory Accreditation by ISO 15189:2012 during the period from 18th of April to 11th of May 2015.
- Laboratory Quality Control Basic Principles ; one day workshop sponsored by Roche diagnostic Middle East FZCO, 9th September 2015
- Proficiency testing training; one day workshop sponsored by Roche diagnostic Middle East FZCO, 10 th September 2015
- Attending Annual Conference 6th Alex Clinical Pathology Department. March 2016.
Professional and scientific Activities
(optional) /
- Share in the supervision of the following thesis:
-Comparison Between Serum Procalcitonin & C-Reactive Protein in diagnosis of Septic shock in patients with trochanteric fractures.(2012/2013).
- Member of the Egyptian Society of Laboratory Medicine.
- Member at the Editorial Board of Obesity Open Research Journal.
- Co-supervisor on STDF Project "Science & Technology Development Fund" Nov 2015-Nov 2016 Project title