Home School Athletic Association

Spring 2015 Track & Field Application

Athlete Name:______

Fall 2014 Grade Classification (middle school):7th8th

Fall 2014 Grade Classification (high school):9th10th11th12th

Birth date (MM/DD/YY): ______Age Today:______Gender:______

Parents' Names:______

Home Address:______

City:______Zip:______Home Phone: ______

Parents’ Cell:______Athlete’s Cell:______

Coaches regularly communicate via email. Please list all email addresses for team communication:

Athlete’s E-mail:______

Parents’ E-mail:______

Please reference the HSAA eligibility grid online. You must meet eligibility criteria both fall and spring semesters of school to qualify for HSAA sports! Athletes must be 50% homeschooled.

Did athlete attend a public/private school full time during the Fall 2014 semester? ______If so, where?______

Co-op(s) Attending:______

(e.g., RHSA, THEO, MARCH, PATH, N-TECH, Worldviews, etc.)

Private/University Model School(s) Attending: ______

(e.g., Prestonwood, Prince of Peace, LCA, Coram Deo, Grace Prep, etc.)

# of Private/University Model School Classes (Fall 2014)______# of Classes (Spring 2015)______

Community College Attending:______

# of Hours (Fall 2014)______# of Hours (Spring 2015)______

Please certify the following HSAA guidelines. You must read these documents found on the HSAA website. These are located at HSAA website>Forms>Eligibility & Conduct.(Both Parent and Athlete initial that they have been read).

Parent Athlete

Initial Initial

______I have read the HSAA Eligibility Requirements and certify that I am a homeschooled student and eligible to play for HSAA.

______I have read the HSAA Expectations and agree that I will abide by these standards.

______I have read the HSAA Appearance Guidelines and agree that I will abide by these standards.

Questions for Athletes:

I understand that coaches will select athletes for meets based on their ability to compete in an event at that meet. Yes_____ No_____

I understand that coaches will factor in my practice participation/attitude and completion of at-home practices when selecting my events for each meet. Yes_____ No_____

I understand practices may be 3 days a week before season and 2 days a week during season. Yes_____ No_____

Questions for Parents:

During track meets, we have a “home base” (tent/tarps) where our team sits and places their equipment. All parents will be asked to serve 1-2 shifts during the season as a tent parent during meets. I understand that parents will be asked to help out with track meet supervision of athletes? Yes____ No____

This year, HSAA may sponsor a Regional Track & Field meet. We will need our families to contribute in various capacities in order to have a successful and efficient meet. A few of the duties include sorting awards, distributing awards, concessions, tickets, checking in athletes to events, posting results, etc. I am willing to help? Yes____ No_____


I understand the cost for HSAA track is approximately $300 (HS) and $200 (MS) and additional costs will include uniforms ($37), warm-ups ($50), running shoes, and spikes.

Because there are no try-outs, I understand that registering for the track team is a commitment by our family to participate in the upcoming track season. Based upon the selected payment plan, I understand that we must pay a minimum of $100 toward basic fees at registration, as well as the uniform and warm-up fees. I also understand that money paid at registration is non-refundable. I further understand that no payments are refundable once practice begins.

If an athlete quits the team after uniforms have been ordered, all uniform items will be donated to the team and the money to purchase them will not be refunded.

Only fundraising monies earned prior to the registration date can be applied to individual basic fees.

Signed: ______Date: ______


Signed: ______Date: ______


If you have questions about anything on this application, please email Commissioner Kara Schmidt at , or Coach Lisa McNeme (HS Girls, MS Boys/Girls) at or Coach Brian Schmidt (HS Boys) at .

Ideas or Comments: