AssessNET Accident/Incident/Near Miss
Reporting System
Schools User Guide
Username: ______
Initial Log In
- Log on to
If you experience any problems logging on please contact the Health and Safety team on 0300 300 4308 or email: corporatehealth&.
- Ensure that the PC you log into has internet access and a web browser. Your PC should also have Adobe and Adobe Flash player installed in order to print out PDF F2508 forms for RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrence Regulations) and to be able to generate graphs and charts.
Most PCs will have these as standard, if not you can download these applications through the intranet. If you are unsure about doing this, please speak to your IT support, they are also available free from the internet, and links are available once you are in the AssessNETweb pages.
- Your user name is your initial plus your surname in lower case with no spaces .cbc for example:jbloggs.cbc
- On your first entry into the system you will be given a temporary password. You will need to change this. To change your password go into the settingstab on the next page. You will also be asked an additional security question e.g. mother’s maiden name, first pet’s name?
If you ever forget your password you can choose to haveit e-mailed to you on the initial page.
- The next page will ask you if you wish to continue with the online manual or without, choose the option you require.
This page also allows you to re-set the time that the system will time you out after if you leave an accident report unfinished.
You can increase this up to 50 minutes, which would mean that provided you return to your PC to complete the report within 50 minutes you would not lose the information you had already input.
- Once into the Home Page, you can choose to print out additional Help Manuals by selecting the ‘Help’tab, or you may choose to use the online user manual that runs alongside the system.‘Open the Online Help/ User Guide’also takes you to the user manuals.
Help gives you access to advice from AssessNET by e-mail if you have any technical difficulties.
The Health and Safety team will also provide help and advice on the system, call 0300 300 4308 oremail:corporatehealth&.
- To enter the system click on theHealth & Safety tab,choose Accident/Incident reporting and analysis option then choose the Report an accident/incident option.
- You also need to check under the settings tab at the top of the page that your address details and information are correct.
- The system will tell you if you have not completed the correct information , however if you need further help use the AssessNET Starter’s Guide, contact the health & safety team or email AssessNET using the help tab.
- You can also search for existing records, look at all records in your files or produce graphs and charts in the analyse data option.
- For more detailed information on reporting accidents, graphs etc. Please refer to AssessNET Accident Moduleguide under help.
- If you make a mistake on the system and need a file deleting contact the Health & Safety team.
- On your first entry into the system you will need to go into the Settings tab and complete the ‘Users Home Address’section. You may use the address of the location that you work, go to the bottom of the page and save. You will need to log in and out to activate this, but it will enable the system to auto-complete your information to save re-typing it each time you use it.
NOTE: Pleaseensure thatall staff within your school are aware of your current accident reporting system and procedures. Staff must be made aware of who the AssessNET administrator/s is/are and where the Accident forms are kept.
If you as the administrator leave the school please ensure that your Headteacher has your log-in details and that the responsibility is passed to someone else. In this instance email the Health & Safety Team on corporatehealth&. to ensure that the administrator details can be updated.
The majority of your questions will be answered as you go through the system; however there are some questions that need further clarification.
Adults Other Than Teachers (AOTTS)
If an incident/accident involved an AOTTS, e.g. during a P.E. lesson taken by someone other than a teacher, please type AOTTS into the free text box. This will enable analysis to be done at a later date on these type of incidents.
Accident Forms
The CBC accidentform should be used to log all incidents/accidents. The form can be found on our Health and Safety intranet pages. The incident/accident form does not need to be sent to the Health and Safety team. All accident forms should be kept in a lockable location to comply with the Data Protection Act. The Health & Safety team have an overview of the online system for every establishment and therefore will be able to access any records you have input. They also receive instant email notification if you enter a RIDDOR reportable accident or incident.
Why do we still need to complete the paper form?
The person dealing with the accident or incident will not automatically be the person who is the administrator therefore the individual who deals with the accident will complete the form and pass it on to the administrator.
Accident Book Reference Number
AssessNET will ask you for an accident book reference number. At present CBC are currently using the paper form and not a book, so please leave this field blank.
Age of Person Having Accident
If the person who had the accident refuses to provide their age, particularly where the accident is RIDDOR reportable, please estimate their age and note in the free text box that they were asked the question, but would not provide the information.
Analyse Accident Data e.g. (Graphs/ Charts etc.)
AssessNET have entered accident forms sent in over the past three years onto the system for each school, this information can be used to produce analysis and graphs as soon as you start to use the system. To produce reports choose Analyse Accident Data option.
You would only need to record an asthma attack if there had been neglect on the part of the school e.g. you have exposed a child who is known to be asthmatic to chemicals or dust that has caused an attack.
The system allows you to attach files or photographs to an accident form e.g. photograph of where accident happened, risk assessment etc. To do this you simply choose browse and locate the files on your PC and upload them into the AssessNET system.
Behaviour Log
The accident/incident reporting system will not replace the behaviour log, where both are relevant. The behaviour log captures different information and is used to develop strategies for managing pupil’s behaviour.
If the accident/incident involved bullying, please type this into the free text box, this will enable you to do analysis at a later date on bullying related accidents/incidents. This does not replace the existing system schools use for detailing bullying in general and is only applicable where and injury or incident has occurred as a result of bulling.
Educational Visits & Journeys
If the accident/incident occurred on an educational visit or journey, please note this in the free text box.
You would only need to record an epileptic attack if there has been neglect on the part of the school e.g. you have exposed a child who is known to be epileptic to flashing lights, or if the child had injured themselves during the attack e.g. banged their head.
Find an existing record
To find a record that you have already completed go onto:
Search for Accident/ Incident Records or Manage Accident/Incident Records.
Input Timescale
Forms should be input onto the system within 3 days of the accident happening. If it is a major injury or death you should call the HSE incident line and report it immediately (0845 300 99 23).
Managing Accident/Incident Records
Choose Manage My Accident/ Incident Records to view all your data together.
If you need to find a record you have already input choose Search for Accident/Incident Records or use the search box at the top of the page, in Manage My Accident/Incident Records and this will allow you to track down the report you need by entering key words, dates or type of injury to locate the accident/incident record.
Multiple Injuries/Incidents
If an accident/incident involves more than one category e.g. injury and property damage, you can add additional categories to the same report.
If there are multiple injuries, this is an option in the drop down box and you will then be asked to clarify what they are.
Near Misses
Near misses should be captured as they can be used to identify a problem before something more serious happens as a result of it. An example of a near miss would be if a pupil had been aggressive or violent towards a member of staff, although the incident had not resulted in an injury, there was the potential for the incident to occur again.
Near misses will not ask for the name of the person who had the near miss, however this information should be put into the free text box (describe what happened).
Person Completing the Form
The forms do not require us to ask for the address of the person recording the accident, however the AssessNET system asks for their address, simply put c/o and the name of the establishment they work at.
Physical Intervention
Any accident/incident or near miss that has included the use of physical intervention should be recorded.
In the free text section where you are asked to describe what happened please state whether “Team Teach” was used or “Physical Intervention”
This will enable you to do future analysis on any incidents using physical intervention by using the keywords “Team Teach” or Physical Intervention” in a search.
Predictive Text
The system can recognise text that has already been typed once to save you time i.e. only need to type in first couple of letters of the word instead of whole word.
Your PC may do this automatically, if not:
- In home page of AssessNET go to top toolbar.
- Choose Tools
- Internet Options
- Content
- Auto complete
- Choose “forms”
- OK
You can print any page in AssessNET by right clicking your mouse, which will provide you with a print option.
Property Damage
We would suggest that only property damage which has also included an injury or near miss to a person is recorded on this system. If you have reported property loss or damage you may also need to complete a separate insurance claim form.
Racist Incidents
If any type of accident/ ncident involves racism please enter this information into the free text box. If you later need to establish how many racist related accidents/incidents you have had you can search your records by entering “racist” as a key word in the “Manage Your Records” section.
Record Modification
If you need to go back into a form to edit it, the system will show you the dates that the record was modified and by whom, this provides an audit trail of any changes made.
To do this choose Manage accident/incident records option, enter criteria of file you are looking for e.g. AssessNET reference number, keyword, injury or RIDDOR and hit search, a list will then appear below and once you locate the file you require, click into Report, and edit option on summary page.
Reference Numbers
You will be provided with a reference number for the accident at the end of your form, we would advise that this reference be written onto the corresponding paper accident form.
Reportable Accidents (RIDDOR)
The online system will tell you if the accident/incident is also reportable to the HSE (Health & Safety Executive) under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrence Regulations), and automatically generate an F2508 form for you to complete.
You will be asked some additional questions SAVE INFORMATION when asked, the system will auto-complete 75% of the F2508. Once you have finished you will be taken to the summary page and there will be a red heading “RIDDOR”, to print out the F2508 you can either click into the PDF file in this section or View.
You need to send a signed copy of the completed form by post to the HSE Incident Contact Centre, CaerphillyBusinessPark, Caerphilly, CF83 3GG. Also attach a copy to your paper accident form.
If you require further information from the HSE incident contact centre call 0845 300 99 23.
Retention Period for Paper Accident Forms
You will still need to keep your paper accident form as a back up; you should keep forms related to adults for 4 years after the date of the accident.
Children have up to the age of 21 years to make claims, therefore paperwork should be kept accordingly, depending on the age they were when they had the accident occurred.
Security of System
The CBC AssessNET system is encrypted therefore AssessNET staff cannot view the details of our database, only staff with a password may access the information.
Each administrator will only be able to view the reports for their own establishment.
Self-Inflicted apparent cause option
The self-inflicted apparent cause option should be used only where self-harm has occurred, not for instance where someone has accidentally knocked their hand on a door.
Any theft should be processed through the schools insurance procedures. Incidents of theft should only be logged on to AssessNET if the incident resulted in injury to a person.
Timed Out Of System
On the first page you can set how long the system stays open before it times you out if there is no activity, maximum 50 minutes. If you have entered an accident/incident you will need to complete the form in one session, otherwise if timed out you will lose the information you have already input.
Vehicle Damage
Only vehicle damage which has resulted in an injury or near miss to a person should be logged.
Verbal Abuse
Currently this is not a separate category, it should be captured under the “Near Miss” category and further information can be entered into the free text box if necessary.
If the accident or incident involved violence this should be detailed.
If Team Teach was used please type this into the free text and what happened during the incident.
If physical restraint other than Team Teach was used please detail in the free text.
The entry of these terms will enable schools to complete analysis on the number of violent incidents in schools and the methods used to deal this them. This information may be able to help develop individual behaviour plans for children or identify training needs for staff.
Who Should Complete the Paper Accident Form?
A First Aider or the person dealing with the accident/incident should complete the form, not the person who has had the accident. The form must be counter-signed by the Headteacher (or his nominee) or Manager.
AssessNET also allows you to capture witness statements and details which may be needed for more serious accidents or incidents.
Note: You DO NOT need to send copy of accident report form to the Health & Safety team, they will be able to view the information you have input centrally.