CSE 1540.03

Week 11.1 March 24, 2014

Lab 9

Implementation of checkValue along with isDigits and s2n_.

Assumption: a number consists of a string of digits with possibly

imbedded and trailing spaces (blanks).

program Lab9

implicit none

character*10 day, month, year

integer d, m, y

logical ok

day = "10"

month = "2"

year = "19 3"

ok = .true.

call checkValue (day, month, year, d, m, y, ok)

print*, "d = ", d

print*, "m = ", m

print*, "y = ", y

print*, "ok = ", ok


subroutine checkValue (day, month, year, d, m, y, ok)

character*(*) day, month, year

integer d, m, y

logical ok, isDigits

integer i, j, s2n_

ok = isDigits(day)

if (.not. ok) return

d = s2n_(day)

ok = isDigits(month)

if (.not. ok) return

m = s2n_(month)

ok = isDigits(year)

if (.not. ok) return

y = s2n_(year)



logical function isDigits (str)

character*(*) str

character*11 digits /" 0123456789"/

integer i

do i = 1, len(str)

if (index(digits,str(i:i)) .eq. 0) then

isDigits = .false.


end if

end do

isDigits = .true.



integer function s2n_ (str)

character*(*) str

character*10 digits /"0123456789"/

integer i, nextDigit

s2n_ = 0

do i = 1, len(str)

nextDigit = index(digits,str(i:i))

if (nextDigit .gt. 0) then

s2n_ = 10*s2n_ + nextDigit - 1

end if

end do



Implement: checkFormat


- specs say to verify the date string has two slashes

- interpretation: has at least two slashes, with first two encountered

acting as the separators between day, month, year

Revised main program for Lab 9:

program LongDate

implicit none

character*10 date, day, month, year, readDate

integer d, m, y

logical ok, existDMY


ok = .true.

date = readDate()

call checkFormat(date, day, month, year, ok)

if (.not. ok) then

print*, "Invalid format!"


call checkValue(day, month, year, d, m, y, ok)

if (.not. ok) then

print*, "Non-numeric values!"


if (existDMY(d, m, y)) then

call printDate(d, m, y)


print*, "Non-existent date!"

ok = .false.

end if

end if

end if

if (ok) exit

end do



Some issues:

Does ok need to be initialized each time through the loop?

checkFormat, checkValue are subroutines and existDMY is a function that returns a logical. Why not make them all subroutines or functions?

CSE 1540 Week 11.1 – March 24, 2014 page 1 of 2