
Year 12 Religious Education

Term 1, 2017

Assessment Task for Term One

The Task will take the form of a folio of reflective pieces on each aspect of the course that will accumulate into a reflection of the term’s work in R.E.

First Piece:

Creating Christian Community:

The Anglesea Experience

On the Bus

On the Beach

Small Groups: Share Your Thoughts

Big Group: Communication Games

The Original Warm Fuzzy Tale

Waiting on the World to Change / Imagine

Clay Models / Reconciliation Ritual (First Night)

Amazing Grace

Small Groups: Bible Stories

Big Group: One of Us / Jesus and the Beatitudes

The Starfish Story (Sure made a difference to that one)

I Hope You Dance

Big Group: COLOURS (Stories)

Big Group: FACES (Painting the Beatitudes)

Stress Bucket

Camp Wilkin Dance Party

Blind walk and a Beatitude

Year 12 Together on the Sand

Receiving Warm Fuzzies

The Task

  1. Detail the highlights of the retreat experience for you
  2. Describe how these highlights contributed to creating Christian community.
  3. Analyse how the messages / images / themesof the retreat that inform your understanding of the human person
  4. Reflect on how the insights you have gained can guide your goal-setting and the approach you intend to take to Year 12

RUBRICS For Anglesea Retreat Reflection / Below Expected Level / Expected Level / Above the Expected Level
Detail the highlights of the retreat experience for you / Barely details some events of the retreat experience / Details some events of the retreat with some reference to how they are highlights / Details 3-4 events of the retreat explaining how they are personal highlights
Describe how these highlights contributed to creating Christian community. / Shows a minimal understanding of Christian Community / Relates how highlights contributed to creating Christian community. / Relates in more detail how highlights contributed to creating Christian community.
Analyse how the messages / images / themes of the retreat that inform your understanding of the human person / Some analysis of messages / images / themes / Some analysis of the messages / images / themes of the retreat linked to an understanding of the human person / Clear and detailed analysis of the messages / images / themes of the retreat linked to an understanding of the human person
Reflect on how the insights you have gained can guide your goal-setting and the approach you intend to take to Year 12 / Limited reflection on how the insights can guide goal-setting / Reflection on how the insights can guide goal-setting / Extended and personal reflection on how the insights can guide goal-setting

In your reflection, recall a biblical quote that remains significant for you from the retreat.