Year 12 Religious Education
Term 1, 2017
Assessment Task for Term One
The Task will take the form of a folio of reflective pieces on each aspect of the course that will accumulate into a reflection of the term’s work in R.E.
First Piece:
Creating Christian Community:
The Anglesea Experience
On the Bus
On the Beach
Small Groups: Share Your Thoughts
Big Group: Communication Games
The Original Warm Fuzzy Tale
Waiting on the World to Change / Imagine
Clay Models / Reconciliation Ritual (First Night)
Amazing Grace
Small Groups: Bible Stories
Big Group: One of Us / Jesus and the Beatitudes
The Starfish Story (Sure made a difference to that one)
I Hope You Dance
Big Group: COLOURS (Stories)
Big Group: FACES (Painting the Beatitudes)
Stress Bucket
Camp Wilkin Dance Party
Blind walk and a Beatitude
Year 12 Together on the Sand
Receiving Warm Fuzzies
The Task
- Detail the highlights of the retreat experience for you
- Describe how these highlights contributed to creating Christian community.
- Analyse how the messages / images / themesof the retreat that inform your understanding of the human person
- Reflect on how the insights you have gained can guide your goal-setting and the approach you intend to take to Year 12
RUBRICS For Anglesea Retreat Reflection / Below Expected Level / Expected Level / Above the Expected Level
Detail the highlights of the retreat experience for you / Barely details some events of the retreat experience / Details some events of the retreat with some reference to how they are highlights / Details 3-4 events of the retreat explaining how they are personal highlights
Describe how these highlights contributed to creating Christian community. / Shows a minimal understanding of Christian Community / Relates how highlights contributed to creating Christian community. / Relates in more detail how highlights contributed to creating Christian community.
Analyse how the messages / images / themes of the retreat that inform your understanding of the human person / Some analysis of messages / images / themes / Some analysis of the messages / images / themes of the retreat linked to an understanding of the human person / Clear and detailed analysis of the messages / images / themes of the retreat linked to an understanding of the human person
Reflect on how the insights you have gained can guide your goal-setting and the approach you intend to take to Year 12 / Limited reflection on how the insights can guide goal-setting / Reflection on how the insights can guide goal-setting / Extended and personal reflection on how the insights can guide goal-setting
In your reflection, recall a biblical quote that remains significant for you from the retreat.