School of Health Professions, Science & Wellness
Department of Computer Science
Associate of Applied Science | Computer Science
Associate of Applied Science | Information Systems
Bachelor of Science | Computer Science
Bachelor of Science | Information Systems
Computer Science
Information Systems
Applied Bioinformatics
Web Design and Development
Information about the programs
Computer Science: Michael Lee, PhD
Information Systems: Joseph Tobing, MS
Science Building, Room 17
Department of Computer Science, Math & Physics
Washington Adventist University
7600 Flower Avenue
Takoma Park, MD 20912-7796
301-891-4102 |
Issa Kagabo, PhD | Chair | Department of Computer Science, Math & Physics
Michael Lee, PhD
Joseph Tobing, MS
Mission Statement
To provide excellent programs that prepare technically skilled critical thinkers who create effective technological solutions with integrity and professionalism as they pursue advanced studies and serve in industry.
Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes
– Edsger W. Dijkstra
Technical skill is mastery of complexity, while creativity is mastery of simplicity.
– Erik Christopher Zeeman
The courses of study provided by the Computer Science and Information Systems programs offer students a selection that prepares them for success in system administration, scientific research, data processing management, and systems analysis.
The programs provide students with the essential theoretical foundation and practical implementation of the science of computing. This foundation includes algorithms and data structures, architecture, artificial intelligence, information retrieval, human-computer interaction, numerical and symbolic computation, operating systems, programming languages, and software engineering.
Our students enjoy several important advantages: a direct, personal connection to qualified, experienced faculty who are eager to help them master the subject matter, ready access to technological resources from both on and off campus, and excellent job opportunities in the immediate vicinity that apply classroom learning.
Students have access to Sun workstations, Pentiums, and PowerMacs where they can work on projects at their own rate in and outside of class. Many students have computer-related jobs with local employers that allow them to earn money and learn about computing at the same time. Upon acquiring sufficient background knowledge, every WAU student has the opportunity to work the equivalent of two full-time semesters at a challenging computer-related job through WAU’s Cooperative Education Program.
Efforts are made to accommodate students’ diverse learning styles. Women, people from underrepresented groups, and non-traditional students are especially urged to enroll in the computing programs.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of WAU who have completed a major or minor in Computer Science or Information Systems have been in great demand by employers and by graduate programs in computer-related fields. Many are working in the Washington, D.C., area at government installations and business institutions, pursuing careers in programming, systems analysis, systems design, information systems, image processing, software development, and artificial intelligence.
Recent employment studies have shown that students in the field of computer science are among the most employable upon graduation. Since many of these careers require further study, the programs offered by the department provide a broad and strong background for advanced study.
Objectives/Core Competencies
Across the curriculum and in extracurricular activities, the Department of Computer Science seeks to instill fundamental knowledge, skills, and abilities known as core competencies. Mastery of these core competencies will allow graduates of the program to perform their duties in an outstanding manner in a variety of professional settings.
General knowledge of fundamental concepts and skills in computing
Thorough knowledge of major area in computing
Full understanding of computer programming and its applications
in various areas
Practice in the use of a wide variety of technologies
Strong mathematical calculation and analysis skills
Broad background in at least one other discipline
Creative problem solving skills
Understanding of theoretical foundations of computing
and mathematics
Ability to make informed decisions using data at hand
Presentation of facts and ideas in written, oral and multimedia form
Effective collection of information through reading, active listening
and nonverbal cues
Initiative and independence
Self-confidence based on knowledge, skills and abilities
Ethical, professional behavior
Ability to participate and lead in teams
Empathy and respect for diversity
Adaptability to new situations and people
Admission Requirements
First-year and transfer (either from another school or another major at WAU) Computer Science and Information Systems majors are admitted to WAU according to general university policy and are admitted into the Computer Science/ Information Systems program after successful completion of the requirements listed below. Declared Computer Science/Information Systems majors, who have not yet been admitted to the Computer Science/Information Systems program will be advised by the Department of Computer Science or by The Center for Learning Resources if their academic qualifications so warrant.
Admission to the Computer Science or Information System Program requires:
1. A Computer Science/Information Systems Program application submitted to the department chair by March 15 each year. Those who apply after March 15, and are eligible, will be accepted if space is available.
2. Recommendation by a Computer Science/Information Systems Department faculty member.
3. A cumulative college GPA of 2.25 or above on all courses attempted as well as a composite GPA of 2.5 or above on all prerequisites (see requirement 5, below). Preference will be given to those with GPAs above 2.5 and to those who have completed course work at WAU.
4. Completion of the Computer Literacy requirement.
5. Successful completion of the following courses with a grade of “C” or higher. Only two of these courses may be repeated once and no one course can be repeated more than once to be eligible for admission:
Credit hours
ENGL 101Composition...... 3
MATH 120* College Algebra and Trigonometry...... 4
MATH 126 Pre-calculus ...... 4
COMM 105 Introduction to Oral Communication...... 3
CPTR 115* Introduction to Computer Science...... 3
CPTR 150 Computer Science I ...... 44
* Can be waived if math placement into Math 126
Graduation Requirements
Bachelor of science majors should have equivalent of two full-time semesters of working experience in an area related to Computer Science or Information Systems to be eligible for graduation. This experience is obtained through participation in the university’s Cooperative Education Program (COOP 351 and/or COOP 360). Please consult the Cooperative Education Program, Page 59, for more details.
Students are strongly encouraged to fulfill the first half of the working experience requirement before the beginning of their senior year.
During the semester prior to graduation, Computer Science and Information Systems students must submit a graduation contract before the deadline published in the university calendar. These forms are available from the Records Office and must be signed by the adviser.
Students must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.50 in all major courses with no grade below a “C,” a grade of “C” or above in all required cognates, and fulfill the requirements for the appropriate degree as outlined below.
Associate of Applied Science in Computer Science
This program is designed for students seeking basic professional skills in computer programming. It may be used either as a terminal degree or as a degree complementing a four-year degree such as business or a natural science. Students are allowed some latitude within the major.
Required Core Courses25 hours
CPTR 150 Computer Science I...... 4
CPTR 200 Computer Science II ...... 4
CPTR 230 Computer Languages ...... 2
CPTR 325 Computer Organization ...... 3
CPTR 350 Data Structures and Algorithms ...... 3
CPTR Computer Science Elective ...... 3
CPTR Upper Division Computer Science Electives ...... 6
Required Cognates 14 hours
ENWR 235 Technical Writing ...... 3
MATH 151 Contemporary Calculus I ...... 4
MATH 252 Contemporary Calculus II ...... 4
MATH 280 Discrete Structures ...... 3
General Education Courses 21 hours
See details of General Education Program, Page 33.
INTD 105 First-Year Experience ...... 1
ENGL 101 Composition ...... 3
ENGL 102 Research and Literature ...... 3
RELB/RELT ...... Religion Electives 6
Science Elective ...... 4
PSYC 105 Introduction to Psychology (3)
– or –
SOCI 105 General Sociology (3)...... 3
PEAC Physical Education Activity Elective ...... 1
Electives 4 hours
Total 64 hours
Associate of Applied Science in Information Systems
This program is designed for students seeking basic professional skills in Information Systems. It may be used either as a terminal degree or as a degree complementing a four-year degree such as business or a natural science. Students are allowed some latitude within the major, but those oriented toward business programming are advised to take a minor in Business Administration.
Required Core Courses 23 hours
CPTR 150 Computer Science I ...... 4
CPTR 200 Computer Science II ...... 4
CPTR 250 Database Design ...... 3
CSYS 210 Fundamentals of Information Systems ...... 3
CSYS 310 Information Systems Theory and Practice ...... 3
CSYS 330 Analysis and Logical Design ...... 3
CPTR/CSYS ...... Upper Division Elective 3
Required Cognates 13-14 hours
BUAD 315 Quantitative Methods ...... 3
ENWR 235 Technical Writing ...... 3
MATH 151 Contemporary Calculus I ...... 4
MATH 110 Probability and Statistics (4)
- or –
MATH 370 Mathematical Statistics (3)...... 3 - 4
General Education Courses 21 hours
See details of General Education Program, Page 33.
INTD 105 First-Year Experience ...... 1
ENGL 101 Composition ...... 3
ENGL 102 Research and Literature ...... 3
RELB/RELT ...... Religion Electives 6
Science Elective ...... 4
PSYC 105 Introduction to Psychology (3)
– or –
SOCI 105General Sociology (3)...... 3
PEAC Physical Education Activity Elective ...... 1
Electives 6-7 hours
Total 64 hours
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Required Core Courses 42 hours
CPTR 150 Computer Science I ...... 4
CPTR 200 Computer Science II ...... 4
CPTR 230 Computer Languages ...... 4
CPTR 250 Database Design ...... 3
CPTR 325 Computer Organization ...... 3
CPTR 350 Data Structures and Algorithms ...... 3
CPTR 380 Principles of Networking ...... 3
CPTR 410 Software Engineering ...... 3
CPTR Computer Science Elective ...... 3
CPTR Upper Division Computer Science Electives ...... 3
Required Courses ...... 9 hours
Choose one course from three of the following areas:...... 9
Gaming and Simulation:
CPTR 440 Artificial Intelligence (3)
CPTR 450 Computer Graphics (3)
CPTR 4XX Senior-Level Elective (3)
Graphics and Modeling:
CPTR 450 Computer Graphics (3)
CPTR 490 Advanced Computer Projects (3)
CPTR 4XX Senior-Level Elective (3)
Robotics and Computer Learning:
CPTR 420 Programming Languages (3)
CPTR 440 Artificial Intelligence (3)
CPTR 490 Advanced Computer Projects (3)
Systems Software:
CPTR 470 Operating Systems (3)
CPTR 480 Compiler Writing (3)
CPTR 4XX Senior-Level Elective (3)
Web Development:
CPTR 415 Web Programming (3)
CPTR 450 Computer Graphics (3)
CPTR 490 Advanced Computer Projects (3)
Required Cognates 22 hours
COOP 210 Introduction to Career Planning ...... 1
COOP 351 Parallel Work Experience (0)
– and / or –
COOP 360 Alternating Work Experience (0)...... 0
See details of Cooperative Education Program, Page 59.
ENWR235 Technical Writing ...... 3
MATH 151 Contemporary Calculus I ...... 4
MATH 252 Contemporary Calculus II ...... 4
MATH 280 Discrete Structures ...... 3
MATH 288 Elementary Linear Algebra ...... 4
MATH 370 Mathematical Statistics ...... 3
Breadth 10-18 hours
In order to broaden their understanding of scientific and technical issues,
Computer Science majors must complete one of the following:
A second major
A minor in Biology, Chemistry, Bioinformatics,
or Web Design and Development
MATH 260 Multivariable Calculus, MATH 311 Axiomatics: Logic,
and two additional upper-division math courses
General Education Courses 44 hours
See details of General Education Program, Page 33.
INTD 105 First-Year Experience ...... 1
ENGL 101 Composition ...... 3
ENGL 102 Research and Literature ...... 3
COMM105 Introduction to Human Communication ...... 3
RELB/RELT ...... Religion Electives 12
Science Elective ...... 4
PSYC 105 Introduction to Psychology (3)
– or –
SOCI 105 General Sociology (3)...... 3
HIST History Elective ...... 3
Social Science Elective ...... 3
LITR Literature Elective ...... 3
Humanities Elective ...... 3
PEAC Physical Education Activity Elective ...... 1
HLSC Health Elective ...... 2
Electives 2-10 hours
Upper division courses must total at least 36 hours.
Total 128 hours
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems
Required Core Courses 43 hours
CPTR 150 Computer Science I ...... 4
CPTR 200 Computer Science II ...... 4
CPTR 230 Computer Languages ...... 2
CPTR 250 Database Design ...... 3
CPTR 325 Computer Organization ...... 3
CPTR 350 Data Structures and Algorithms ...... 3
CSYS 210 Fundamentals of Information Systems ...... 3
CSYS 310 Information Systems Theory and Practice ...... 3
CSYS 330 Analysis and Logical Design ...... 3
CSYS 425 Physical Design and Implementation ...... 3
CSYS 430 Project Management and Practice ...... 3
CPTR/CSYS ...... Upper Division Computer Science
or Information Systems Electives...... 9
Required Cognates 17-18 hours
BUAD 315 Quantitative Methods ...... 3
COOP 210 Introduction to Career Planning ...... 1
COOP 351 Parallel Work Experience (0)
– and / or –
COOP 360 Alternating Work Experience (0)...... 0
See details of Cooperative Education Program, Page 59.
ENWR235 Technical Writing ...... 3
MATH 151 Contemporary Calculus I ...... 4
MATH 280 Discrete Structures ...... 3
MATH 110 Probability and Statistics (4)
– or –
MATH 370 Mathematical Statistics (3)...... 3-4
Breadth 18+ hours
In order to broaden their understanding of the issues in a specific application domain, Information Systems majors must complete one of the following:
A second major
A minor in Business or Communication/Journalism
A list of at least 18 credits of courses as approved
by the Computer Science faculty
General Education Courses 44 hours
See details of General Education Program, Page 33.
INTD 105 First-Year Experience ...... 1
ENGL 101 Composition ...... 3
ENGL 102 Research and Literature ...... 3
COMM 105 Introduction to Human Communication ...... 3
RELB/RELT ...... Religion Electives 12
Science Elective ...... 4
PSYC 105 Introduction to Psychology (3)
– or –
SOCI 105 General Sociology (3)...... 3
HIST History Elective ...... 3
Social Science Elective ...... 3
LITRLiterature Elective ...... 3
Humanities Elective ...... 3
PEAC Physical Education Activity Elective ...... 1
HLSC Health Elective ...... 2
Electives 5-6 hours
Upper division courses must total at least 36 hours.
Total 128 hours
Computer Science Minor
The Computer Science minor is designed to provide students with a foundation in the programming and design of computers that can be used to support an academic major in another subject. Students are allowed significant flexibility in choosing courses within the minor but are urged to supplement these requirements with courses in their areas of interest.
Computer Science Minor 20 hours
CPTR 150 Computer Science I ...... 4
CPTR 200 Computer Science II ...... 4
CPTR 325 Computer Organization ...... 3
CPTR 350 Data Structures and Algorithms ...... 3
CPTR Computer Science Elective ...... 3
CPTR Upper Division Computer Science Elective ...... 3
Required Cognates 6 hours
ENWR 235 Technical Writing ...... 3
MATH 280 Discrete Structures ...... 3
Total 26 hours
Information Systems Minor
The Information Systems minor is designed to provide students with a foundation in information systems that can be used to support an academic major in another subject. Students are urged to supplement these requirements with courses in their areas of interest.
Information Systems Minor
CPTR 150 Computer Science I ...... 4
CPTR 200 Computer Science II ...... 4
CPTR 250 Database Design ...... 3
CSYS 210 Fundamentals of Information Systems ...... 3
CSYS 310 Information Systems Theory and Practice ...... 3
CSYS 330 Analysis and Logical Design ...... 3
Total 20 hours
Applied Bioinformatics Minor
This modified version of the applied bioinformatics minor is designed specifically for Computer Science and Information Systems majors seeking to add value to their four-year degrees.
A slightly modified version of the minor is offered for biology, biochemistry and chemistry majors. Please see Page 208 for a description of that program.
Applied Bioinformatics Minor 20 hours
FOR computer science and information systems MAJORS
BIOL 161 College Biology ...... 4
BIOL 162College Biology ...... 4
BINF 205 Introduction to Bioinformatics ...... 4
BINF 420 Advanced Bioinformatics ...... 4
BINF 495a Independent Study in Bioinformatics – Part 1 ...... 2
BINF 495b Independent Study in Bioinformatics – Part 2...... 2
Total 20 hours
Web Design and Development Minor
The Web Design and Development minor, in conjunction with the Department of Communication and Journalism, is designed to provide students with a foundation in web design and development that can be used to add important web skills to a Computer Science or Information Systems major, or to support an academic major in another area.
Web Design and Development Minor 21 hours
CPTR 150 Computer Science I ...... 4
CPTR 250Database Design...... 3
CPTR 415Web Programming ...... 3
BRMD 265 Non-linear Editing ...... 3
Pre-requisite BRMD 101 Audio and Video Basics (3)
or resumé and portfolio evidence approved by instructor.
GART 220 Designing for Media ...... 3
GART 330 Multimedia Web Production ...... 3
Choose one of the following courses...... 2
GART 120Introduction to Digital Photography (2)
CPTR 230Computer Languages (2)
Total 21 hours