Assessment of Living Learning (ALL Survey)
Dec 2006
Morris Hall
Response Rate
Used QuestionPro but had problems sending out because of MU spam protection. Sent out using OXF### listservs which made tracking participants more difficult.
It was distributed to an estimated 6800 residents. 2574 viewed it. 2184 started it. 1813 (26%) completed it. Almost the same demographics responded as last year with the exception of class rank. This year 63% of the respondents were first-year students.
All Campus / 6800 / 1813 / 26.6%Morris Hall / 341 / 108 / 31.7%
Academic Adviser
In previous years we only asked the first-year students about academic advising. This year we asked all participants and made the questions applicable to all advisers on campus.
Percentage who answered “strongly agree” or “agree” / all / FY / UC / MORMy academic adviser was available to schedule to meet with me about academic matters. / 71.9% / 86% / 45.6% / 81.7%
My academic adviser asked me questions about my academic goals and major. / 67.2% / 83.9% / 37.2% / 84.6%
My academic adviser helped me understand resources for academic decision making (DARS, Bulletin, Miami Plan, other administrative offices or advisers on campus, etc.) / 65.2% / 80.7% / 37.4% / 73.3%
My academic adviser effectively answered my questions about academic matters. / 62.6% / 73.5% / 42.7% / 62.9%
My academic adviser took a personal interest in my academic success. / 58.6% / 70.5% / 37.0% / 69.5%
Implication: Use this data when developing public relations piece for faculty and staff at MU. “When surveyed, most students indicate that their academic advisers in the residence halls are available, were knowledgeable about academic matters at Miami…
My Current RA/CLA:
Agree or Strongly Agree / all / FY / UC / MOR...available to me and has a presence on my corridor. / 78.2% / 80.8% / 73.7% / 89.5%
...a good resource and can respond to my questions about Miami. / 74.7% / 80.2% / 65.0% / 86.7%
...a good listener and helps when I have a problem. / 66.2% / 70.6% / 58.1% / 77.1%
...a strong community builder on my corridor and in my residence hall. / 65.2% / 68.7% / 59.1% / 76.2%
...a positive role model. / 76.8% / 79.7% / 71.7% / 83.8%
...a good programmer and creates educational opportunities in the residence hall. / 68.1% / 70.3% / 64.3% / 76.2%
All of the values in the all column were significantly higher than the previous year (between 11% and 15% higher). Whereas I’d like to conclude that our staff are doing that much better work, it is not known how much of the difference can be attributed to the change in timeline of the survey implementation.
Implication: During training, ask RAs to predict numbers – then post. Challenge how they think they are perceived. Ask them to reflect on what each of the descriptors means and how residents might be measuring each item.
My First Year Adviser/Assistant First Year Adviser (first year halls) or Resident Director (upper class halls) is:
Strongly agree or agree / all / FY / UC / MOR...available to me and has a presence in my residence hall. / 70.3% / 74.1% / 63.5% / 69.7%
...a good resource and can respond to my questions about Miami. / 70.1% / 75.1% / 61.1% / 70.4%
...a good listener and helps when I have a problem. / 60.0% / 64.3% / 52.2% / 64.6%
...a strong community builder in my residence hall. / 59.4% / 61.6% / 55.4% / 62.6%
...a positive role model. / 67.6% / 71.6% / 60.2% / 71.7%
...a good programmer and creates educational opportunities in the residence hall. / 65.1% / 67.3% / 61.3% / 71.7%
All of the values in the all column were significantly higher than the previous year (between 11% and 16% higher). Whereas I’d like to conclude that our staff are doing that much better work, it is not known how much of the difference can be attributed to the change in timeline of the survey implementation.
Frequency of meaningful discussions with other students about…
Meaningful discussions about race / all respondents 05-06 / all respondents Dec 06 / MORnot at all / 33% / 34.2% / 17.6%
very little / 24% / 25.1% / 24.1%
Some / 30% / 27.8% / 44.4%
quite a lot / 10% / 8.6% / 6.5%
a great deal / 4% / 3.9% / 7.4%
The decrease could be attributed to the change in timeline for the implementation of the ALL Survey. (Do some of these conversations occur in the spring?)
Men were no more or less likely to talk about race than women.
Those who reported their RA to have a greater presence and were good programmers reported more frequent conversations about race.
Meaningful discussions about gender / all respondents 05-06 / all respondents Dec 06 / MORnot at all / 33% / 31.0% / 17.6%
very little / 23% / 24.6% / 31.5%
Some / 29% / 27.9% / 36.1%
quite a lot / 11% / 11.3% / 10.2%
a great deal / 5% / 5.3% / 4.6%
Women were only slightly more likely to have meaningful conversations about gender then men.
Again, those who reported their RA to have a greater presence and were good programmers reported more frequent conversations about gender.
Meaningful discussions about sexual orientation / all respondents 05-06 / all respondents Dec 06 / MORnot at all / 33% / 32.5% / 20.4%
very little / 23% / 25.1% / 30.5%
Some / 29% / 27.3% / 33.3%
quite a lot / 11% / 9.5% / 8.3%
a great deal / 5% / 5.6% / 7.4%
Meaningful discussions about politics / All respondents / all respondents Dec 06 / MOR
not at all / 25% / 23.4% / 10.2%
very little / 20% / 21.3% / 21.3%
Some / 30% / 31.9% / 41.7%
quite a lot / 16% / 15.1% / 13.9%
a great deal / 8% / 8.3% / 13%
Meaningful discussions about class material / all respondents / all respondents Dec 06 / MOR
not at all / 14% / 9.1% / 0%
very little / 8% / 6.4% / 4.6%
Some / 21% / 25.0% / 28.7%
quite a lot / 32% / 34.5% / 34.3%
a great deal / 24% / 25.0% / 32.4%
Meaningful discussions about career issues / all respondents / all respondents Dec 06 / MOR
not at all / 19% / 15.1% / 5.6%
very little / 12% / 13.1% / 11.1%
Some / 27% / 31.5% / 38%
quite a lot / 28% / 27.5% / 26.9%
a great deal / 13% / 12.7% / 18.5%
Meaningful discussions about religion or spirituality / all respondents / all respondents Dec 06 / MOR
not at all / 25% / 20.0% / 7.4%
very little / 20% / 23.0% / 18.5%
Some / 29% / 31.9% / 35.2%
quite a lot / 17% / 16.6% / 25%
a great deal / 9% / 8.7% / 13.9%
Survey note: Continue to ask these questions next time so that we can look for longer term trends.
Implication: Let the staff know that this is one way we are evaluating the living learning communities.
Implication: Conversations about meaningful topics occur in the residence halls at a lower frequency than we wish. Train staff on how to engage students in conversations, both formal through programming and informal or reactive, about these issues.
I am satisfied with the quantity and quality of the following types of programs and events in my residence hall:
Strongly agree or agree / All / FY / UC / MORRecreational / 49.4% / 52.3% / 44.4% / 55.1%
Social / 62.7% / 65.1% / 58.6% / 67.4%
Educational / 47.4% / 49.4% / 43.9% / 56.1%
Diversity related / 33.1% / 33.7 / 32.1 / 35.4%
In which residence hall do you currently live? / Sex: 1=female 2=male / One way I would improve academic advising at Miami would be… / The most significant learning experience I had in the residence halls this year was (discussion, program, situation, class, event, etc.): / What suggestions do you have for improving the residence halls at Miami?
Morris / 1 / Bigger meeting area... it felt kinda crammed in the closet / Learning to deal with people and resolve conflict
Morris / 1 / to know more about adding and dropping classes, was very unhelpful / the internet service is awful
the school should fix that
the fridge in our room and neighbors are unfuctional
Morris / 1 / Get people who actually know how to advise. my advisor was a complete moron and didn't even know what the requirements were for med school. isn't that your job? and when i asked her if i could take just the chem class without the lab, it took her over 6 p / How sharing a room with someone you enjoy makes school alot better and more fun / Get PERSONABLE people who actually care about what they are doing
Morris / 2 / Connect students with divisional advisors earlier who can better explain the major. / Discussions at 2:30 in the morning with other kids from the floor / Find a way to prevent people from being scalded in the shower when a toilet flushes. Morris needs a better wireless router because the signal dies often in much of the hall.
Morris / 1 / there is too much drinking going on in rooms and in the hallway
its very upsetting how trashed some of the girls in my corridor have been.
Morris / 1
Morris / 1 / I think that all students should have an adviser who is frequently in the hall. My adviser does not even have her own office here.
Morris / 1 / add more washers and dryers to Morris Hall
Morris / 2
Morris / 1
Morris / 1 / have a chance for our major advisor to be in our hall / learning how to become leaders for the class of 2010 / have more corridor meetings
Morris / 1 / I learned a lot about myself simply by just having to share a room with another person.
Morris / 1
Morris / 1 / talking with girls
Morris / 2
Morris / 1
Morris / 2
Morris / 2
Morris / 2
Morris / 2
Morris / 2 / More information on study abroad programs. / Learning how to adjust to my roomates differences / Enforce a strict quite lounge with signs and random walk throughs.
Morris / 2
Morris / 1 / make sure advisors follow up with meetings
Morris / 2
Morris / 1 / I would improve academic advising at Miami by allowing a student to have the same academic advisor for all four years. It is frustrating to have to go to many different advisors to plan out a schedule because they all specialize in one area, but are not
Morris / 2
Morris / 2
Morris / 1 / just learning how to live with 30 girls.
Morris / 1
Morris / 1 / Have the advisor know more than the student. Make it more personal. Advsising hasn't been helpful. I do everything by myself. / learning tha tsome ppl are awful to live with...i switched rmts. / the hall council money is blown on pizza and stpid decorations/food that gets thrown out...student pay for that!!!!!!!
Morris / 1 / to provide more advisors so we can talk with them more personally and more often if needed. i don't want to wait a week to talk to my advisor, and have to schedule appointments with him through his secretary. / Enlish 111 and EDL 306 / Enforcing quite study halls, managing quite hours especially during the school week. Offering recreation activities open at all times in the tv room (pool sticks availability, ping pong, etc.) having more cooking utensils available in kitchen.
Morris / 2
Morris / 1
Morris / 1 / more meetings / ENG 111 class in my dorm
Morris / 1 / have the advisor more easily accesible. / meeting new people
Morris / 1 / My advisor didn't seem to know what he was doing. I didn't get anything out of my meeting with him other than phone numbers of people I should call that would help me.
Morris / 1 / meeting other on my floor. There is a really diverse group on my floor and I have learned so much from them! / Morris hall needs more washers and dryers, for over 400 people we have 5 washers, and it causes a huge line up. Esuds has helped but only a little. A study room on each floor would be really nice! This is because people from the corridor in the Pit are al
Morris / 1
Morris / 1
Morris / 1
Morris / 2
Morris / 1 / discussion about religion with some of my close friends
Morris / 2
Morris / 2 / Make the process last a little longer. A follow up meeting later in the semester with an advisor would be nice.
Morris / 2
Morris / 1 / provide students with more individualized help during scheduling at summer orientation
Morris / 2
Morris / 1
Morris / 1 / Watching the movie about the death penalty
Morris / 2 / the advisors need to know more about each major. they are kind of clueless about everything and tell you to go ask someone else. / living with a random roommate / use of elevator.
Morris / 2
Morris / 1
Morris / 1
Morris / 1 / To know more information. A lot of my questions could not be answered. I kept being re-directed to other offices and such. / When a girl who was completely drunk pulled the fire alarm at 1 AM and didn't get in trouble with the University. / QUIET HOURS!!!!! ENFORCE THEM, PLEASE!!!!! Hire RA's who crack down on underage drinking. Avoid RA's who know it is a problem, but chose to go to bed before they drunk people come back to the dorm.
Morris / 2
Morris / 1 / class
Morris / 2
Morris / 1 / Make the advisors more available during registration week with any last minute questions.
Morris / 1
Morris / 1 / Have the academic advisers be more knowledgable
Morris / 1
Morris / 1 / have two individual meetings, one at the beginning and one at the end, before registering for 2nd semester classes. / EDL 306 / Ice Machines, I have to ice my knees and its hard when there is no ice.
Morris / 1
Morris / 2
Morris / 2 / none / peer-to-peer discussions
Morris / 1 / During the week of class scheduling I wish that my academic advisor would have been more available that week. I had some questions that I didn't have answered because she was only in her office for one day.
Morris / 1
Morris / 2
Morris / 1 / Actually enfore quiet hours so people can sleep, as opposed to posting fliers saying it will be enforced but nevery actually doing anything.
Morris / 1
Morris / 1