Exam #3 –

BIO 103, Spring 2007

85 points multiple choice, short answer, fill in the blank, T/F(3 pts each)

15 points lab

1. T or F T helper cells are directly responsible for the production of antibodies.

2. What is the significance of this figure? (3pts)

3. T or F Bacteria have membrane bound organelles and circular DNA

4. Which of the following are characteristics of antibody mediated reactions?

a. Complement activation and antigen precipitation

b. Growth factor production which stimulates immune cell proliferation

c. Direct induction of local inflammation

d. Dilation of blood vessels

e. None of the above

5. T or F During tissue injury, swelling and local increases in temperature are part of the healing process.

6. T or F Sperm develop from a stem cell population which has a finite lifespan. Oocytes

develop from primary oocytes which mature with the resumption of Meiosis II.

7. Identify the following stages and indicate two events which occur at each stage (9pts).





8. T or F During metaphase in mitosis, homologous pairs of chromosomes line up on the equator of the cell so that during anaphase, it is not sister chromatids that separate but homologous pairs that end up in daughter cells.

9. Name three differences between meiosis and mitosis

10. T or F The polar bodies in female meiosis are always haploid.

11. Identify the following stage:

12. What is the expected ratio of the F2 generation in a dihybrid cross, if the trait is inherited in simple Mendelian fashion?

15. Name two exceptions to simple Mendelian inheritance. Give one example of each.(4pts)

16. A newly married couple discovers that they are both are carriers for the recessive cystic fibrosis gene. What is the chance that they will have a child who is affected by this condition? What is the chance that they will have a child with a normal phenotype? (4pts)

17. Which of the following is true?

a. Abnormal chromosome numbers can only result from nondisjunctionoccurring during meiosis I.

b. Nondisjunction only involves the sex chromosomes and chromosome 21.

c. Genetic disorders may arise due to deletions and translocations in chromosome structures

d. None of the above

18. Which of the following is true?

  1. Mitosis produces daughter cells which have half the chromosome number of the parent cell
  2. Meiosis occurs in every somatic cell of the body
  3. At the end of Meiosis I, cells are haploid
  4. Crossing over occurs in prophase of mitosis
  5. None of the above

19. The complementary sequence of RNA bases to AATTTCCCGGACGGT is:


20. What is the cellular site of protein synthesis?

21. T or F The structure of DNA is a double helix consisting of parallel strands of

DNA that replicate in a conservative manner.

22. T or F During DNA replication, mRNA is made.

23. Fill in the following processes by which each is made:(4pts)

24. Which of the following is true of translation?

a. During translation, the mRNA molecule’s triplet codon determines the primary amino acid structure of the protein.

b. During translation, the tRNA molecule is read by the ribosome and the mRNA molecule brings in appropriate amino acids.

c. The mRNA travels from the cytoplasm to the nucleus for protein translation.

d. None of the above

25 Match the following terms with the appropriate definition (6pts):

a. Phenotype1. The set of alleles for a single gene

b. Homozygote2. The physical expression of a trait

c. Genotype3. A diploid individual carrying two

of the same alleles of a gene

26. What is the mode of inheritance for this condition? How do you know? What are the likely genotypes of the parents?

27. Name two useful products of genetic engineering.

28. Which is true of restriction enzymes?

a. They are capable of cleaving RNA anywhere

b. They are capable of cleaving DNA only at specific recognition sites

c. They are useful for protein processing

d. None of the above

29. T or F William Shakespeare used pea plants to determine determine the principles of


Lab Practical (15 points)

1. What is the object at the tip of the pointer? What is its chromosome number (assume human cell)?

  1. During oogenesis, extrusion of the first polar body produces a secondary oocyte with the ______number of chromosomes. During spermatogenesis, the stem cell population in the testis which gives rise to sperm has the ______number of chromosomes.
  1. Based on the flylab information on the Smartboard, what is the method of inheritance for this trait (4pts)?

4. Identify the stage of the cell cycle at the tip of the pointer.

5. Identify the stage of the cell cycle at the tip of the pointer.

  1. What is the process by which we separated DNA fragments called?

7-8. Answer the following questions, based on the information provided below.

Below is an RFLP digest of samples from a crime scene. The DNA in lane E was obtained from samples of blood present at the victim’s apartment and two suspect’s digested DNA are in lanes S1 and S2. Four different enzyme digests have been performed on DNA from all three individuals (panels 1, 2, 3 and 4).

  1. Put an arrow next to the largest DNA fragment in this figure.
  1. Who is the perpetrator of this crime? How do you know?