Assessment Attachment 2A
Skills Checklist
The Skills checklist is a self-rating of basic skills with productivity software (such as the Microsoft Office suite) that will help you to recognize how efficiently you are able to perform basic skills. The checklist will be used to help you to set basic skills goals for yourself and to see progress, and to help an instructor to know relative skills of class members.
You will include the checklist in the Program Portfolio and will link items on the checklist to artifacts that demonstrate evidence of the level of the your skill. As you learn more skills, you may add them to the list.
Skills Checklist — Scoring Guides/Criteria
Skills Checklist Rubric
Assess yourself: Put a date in the column which best represents your skill level.
Beginner = Can do this slowly or with help;
Intermediate = Can do this somewhat efficiently, may need to refresh my memory if I haven’t done it recently;
Advanced = Can work comfortably and quickly, choosing best option to accomplish task almost automatically.
As your skills increase, put the date that you move into the next higher level. Use this to plan what you need to practice.
For your portfolio, link skills to artifacts that represent the skills levels you have accomplished. (You may also want to show your growth by linking to artifacts that you created earlier for comparisons.)
If graded by your professor, he/she will provide a rubric indicating grades based on progress and/or achievement. However, for endorsement purposes, no grade is assigned, but data is kept. You will be expected to demonstrate Intermediate level skill in at least 80% of these basic skills and to add skills in a variety of programs, with demonstration of strong knowledge in at least two additional tool programs.
Word Processing Skills / Beginner / Intermediate / AdvancedSet margins.
Align (center, right, left, or proportional) text using ruler.
Change fonts and styles of text.
Use page break option to force material to new page.
Create a header and footer.
Use current date & time in header or footer.
Use title page option (not print header or footer on first page).
Use automatic page numbering in header or footer.
Turn automatic formatting options off and on.
Use indent markers to create hanging indent format, and indented quote format.
Apply spacing and alignment with ruler options.
Set tabs for columns of data.
Use tab markers and type tabs appropriately in a table.
Use Leader Tabs
Use Outline options on ruler and menu.
Create columns.
Use column break to force text to a new column.
Use section break to allow part of a page to have several columns and another part to have only one.
Create Tables
Use Tables Toolbar and menu to change the size of a table or merge or split cells
Save document files and backups.
Use Spell Checking, Thesaurus, and Word Count
Use Borders and Shading around text
Insert a graphic from clip art or a file
Use Text Wrapping options on the graphic
Use highlighting
Use Comments
Zoom in and out
Edit a Master Page
Mail Merge with a word-processed document (a table in MS Word), a spreadsheet (in MS Word), or a database.
Use Trace Changes
Advanced: Create and Use Styles
Total # = 20
Spreadsheets / Beginner / Inter-mediate / Advanced
Enter data in a cell
Align cell data (center, justify, etc.)
Format cell data (as Number, date, etc.)
Use Fill Down (Fill Right, etc.)
Use Fill Series
Enter a formula in a cell
Use relative references to cells in a formula
Use absolute references to cells in a formula
Use functions (Sum, Average, If, etc.)
Create charts from data in cells
Edit chart components
Copy a chart and paste it into a word processing document.
Insert a chart into a word processing document.
Total # = 13
Create a drawing using draw tools
Hide and show Drawing toolbar
Add pages to document (AppleWorks only)
Use a variety of the Drawing Tools
Create layers of objects and move objects to different layers
Group and ungroup objects
Change Fill Pattern, Color, and Gradient
Change Line/Pen Pattern, Color, and Gradient
Change Line/Pen width
Wrap text around graphic/make graphic in-line with text
Create Text boxes (Advanced: Link text boxes)
Total # = 11
Create slides of different types
Apply a background design
Use transitions between slides
Use “build effects” or custom animation within a slide
Add a graphic you created to a slide
Change bullets on the Slide Master
Change colors of background
Add a text object to a slide
Total # = 8
Search for a specific record
Sort records by two fields
Edit records
Add and delete records
Change the layout of the record
Add and delete fields
Change the format of a field (as increase decimal places in a number field)
Merge the file with a word processing document
Total # = 8
Send and receive messages
Create mailboxes/organizational divisions
Store addresses and use them to send mail
Send an attachment
Receive an attachment
Open an attachment that doesn’t open automatically (if the application is on your computer
Edit and spell check your mail
Total # = 7