Highland Lakes Women’s Club
Minutes / October 4, 2016
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM / 320 Highland View Drive
Birmingham, AL
Fran Stainback - President
Marilyn Chiaramonte 1stVice President
Terry Crutchfield 2ndVice President / Sharon Hauser Treasurer
Teresa Pfefferkorn Secretary
CALL TO ORDER / Ms. Stainback called the meeting to order at 0710.
REVIEW OF MINUTES / A motion was made to approve the April meeting minutes as posted and seconded. Motion carried unanimously. / Approved
  • None
/ There was no unfinished business to discuss. / None
  • Door Prizes
  • Officer Introduction
  • Web Master Position
  • New members
  • Fall Festival
  • T-Shirts for sell
  • Holiday Home Tour
/ Door prizes wereannounced as follows:
Mums: Donated by Mt Laurel Grocery
4-Boo at the Zoo tickets: Donated by Birmingham Zoo
4-General Zoo tickets: Donated by Birmingham Zoo
3-Gift bags: Donated by Bohemian Bliss
The 2016-17 HLWC officers were introduced as noted above.
Ms. Stainback reported that Sheila Dowd who is the web master has taken a new position and will be retiring. A request for a volunteer to take over the web master duties was made. No volunteers came forward as of yet.
New members were introduced and welcomed to the club.
Ms Joy Doering
Ms. Betty Carroll
Ms. Meg Martin
Ms. GeorgineBrancato
Ms. Monica Moore
Ms. Terry Thornhill
Ms.Ella Woods
Ms. Stainback reported that HL is having a Fall Festival at Grove Park on October 8 from 11-2. Volunteers are needed to help with set up and games. There will be rides, petting zoo, pony rides and cotton candy. HLWC is trying to become more noticeable to help promote our neighborhood.
Ms. Stainback reported that the HLWC is in the process of ordering t-shirts and hats with Highland Lakes logo on them. The profits of these t-shirts will help our dedicated charities.
Sherry Mauter reported that 5 residents have volunteered to offer their homes for the Holiday Home Tour. 3 of the 5 homes are on Highland View Drive. Tickets are going to be $20 each, and the HLWC is requesting each member to sell at least 2 tickets. This is a way to help raise money for our charities. / None
Next Meeting
  • Committees
  • In Betweens
/ All guests have to be registered through Dwelling Live. The Tour will be on Dec 10 from 10 am to 2 pm.
We need volunteers for each house. We are in the process of figuring out how the volunteers will be able to tour the homes as well. Suggestions were to tour the day before. Ms. Mauter or Ms. Gustin will notify when more information is obtained
Ms. Stainback reported that we need volunteers to be on committees. There were multiple sign up sheets for people to choose from. The committees are as follows:
1.)Holiday Gate Decorating. Saturday before Thanksgiving.
2.)Helping Hands needs a chairperson. This committee sends out cards, that the HLWC supplies, for people who have having a difficult time, are sick, grieving etc.
3.)Hospitality Committee needs a chair person and volunteers. This committee helps to organize refreshments for each meeting.
4.)Moms Express needs volunteers to help deliver Tazikis meals to new mothers.
5.)Community Outreach: nominations for charities will be open until 11/11/16. They will be voted on at the December meeting. Volunteers are needed for this committee as well.
6.)Friendship tea meets the first Thursday at 1:00 every other month. Members and hostesses are needed.
7.)Mystery Monday Book Club meets the 4th Monday of each month. They currently have room for 3 more members.
8.)Lunch Bunch met last month at the Marvel City Grill. Next meeting will be at The Cellar 91 at Greystone Country Club on October 14. Look at the HLWC website for details.
9.)Cultural Arts: Nov 13th Sunday Matinee is Shakespeare at Virginia Samford Theatre. Please RSVP by Oct 15.
The next In Betweens will be November 1st at 7:00 pm. Location TBD. Please RSVP by Oct 25. Laurie Parker is an author and artist who will be speaking about following one’s passion. She has written 16 books, 4 novels, and 12 children’s books.
  • Treasurer’s Report
/ Ms. Hauser reported that currently the HLWC balance of the treasury is $11,087.65. This does not include the dues that were paid 10/4/16, and or the ones which have recently been mailed.
  • Bohemian Bliss Fashion Show
/ Bohemian Bliss had a wonderful fashion show with the help of member models Ms. Gronek, Ms. Crutchfield, Ms. Pfefferkorn
ADJOURNMENT / Next Meeting December 6, 2016 7:00 PM
Attested To:
Fran Stainback President /

Recorded By:

Teresa Pfefferkorn Secretary