Asphalt PavingME- Building Group




  1. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


  1. This Section includes hot-mix asphalt paving.
  2. Related Sections include the following:
  3. Division31 Section "Earth Moving" for aggregate sub-base and base courses and aggregate pavement shoulders.


  1. Contractors HMA Quality Control Plan shall be submitted a minimum of seven (7) working days prior to the start of production.
  2. Materials Source List: Certified by Supplier to meet the project specifications or approved by the Engineer in writing prior to material use in the Work.The Materials Source List will include the following information as applicable:
  3. Material name (general).
  4. Specific product name (for specialty and/or QPL materials).
  5. Specification reference (from Materials Source Guide).
  6. Approximate quantity.
  7. Material type, size, class, etc.
  8. Source of material including:
  9. Name of manufacturer and/or supplier.
  10. Contact information.
  11. Pit number (if applicable).
  12. Location.
  13. If the source of material changes, the contractor must provide a revised MaterialsSource List to the Construction/Project Engineer prior to the material being incorporated into the project.
  14. Job-Mix Designs: For each job mix proposed for the Work.
  15. Job-Mix Formula: For each Job mix produced for the Work.
  16. Aggregate Base Grade Check: Provide confirmation in the form of a survey indicating as-built top of base elevations a minimum of three (3) working days prior to the start of paving.
  17. LEED Submittals:
  18. Product Data for CreditMR4: For products having recycled content, manufacturer documentation indicating percentages by weight of postconsumer and preconsumer recycled content.
  19. Include statement indicating costs for each product having recycled content.
  20. Product Data for Credit MR 5: For products and materials to comply with requirements for regional materials, provide documentation indicating location of product or material manufacturing location and the point of extraction, harvest, or recovery for each raw material.
  21. Include documentation on distance to project, contractor cost for each regional material, and percent by weight that is considered regional.
  22. Record drawings at project closeout according to Division1 Section "Project Closeout."


  1. Provide hot-mix asphalt paving according to materials, workmanship, and other applicable requirements of standard specifications of local highway authorities or State Department of Transportation.
  2. Measurement and payment provisions and safety program submittals included in standard specifications do not apply to this Section.
  3. Manufacturer Qualifications: Manufacturer shall be a paving-mix manufacturer registered with and approved by local highway authorities or State Department of Transportation.
  4. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall be registered with and approved by local highway authorities or State Department of Transportation.
  5. HMA Quality Control Plan: The contractor shall provide a written quality control plan indicating their means and methods for ensuring proper quality control for HMA production and placement.
  6. Quality Control Testing Agency Qualifications: Contractor shall employ an independent testing agency,acceptable to the Owner or Owner’s Representative, qualified to conduct the testing indicated in this sectionaccording to ASTMD 3666, ASTME329, and be an accredited AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory (AMRL). Demonstrate to Owner or Owner’s Representative’s satisfaction, that the independent testing agency has the experience and capability to satisfactorily conduct the testing indicated without delaying the Work.



  1. General: Use materials and gradations that have performed satisfactorily in previous installations, and acceptable by state DOT specifications for use.
  2. Course and Fine Aggregate shall meet the requirements ofMDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction, Section 902, or equivalent state DOT Superpave requirements.


  1. Asphalt Cement: MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction, Section 904, or ASTMD6373 or AASHTO M 320for performance graded asphalt binder suitable for the climatic and traffic conditions for the intended use.
  2. Tack Coat: ASTMD977, emulsified asphalt or ASTMD2397, cationic emulsified asphalt, slow setting, diluted in water, of suitable grade and consistency for application.


  1. Recycled Materials for Hot-Mix Asphalt Mixes: Reclaimed asphalt pavement; reclaimed, unbound-aggregate base material; and recycled [tires] [asphalt shingles] [or] [glass] from sources and gradations of satisfactoryperformance in previous installations, equal to performance of required hot-mix asphalt paving produced from all new materials. May be acceptedif Engineer finds Mix equal and appropriate.
  2. Sand: MDOT Section 902 Table 902-4, Series 2NS Natural bank run sand.
  3. Paving Geotextile: AASHTO M288, nonwoven polypropylene or fiberglass; resistant to chemical attack, rot, and mildew; and specifically designed for paving applications.
  4. Mineral Filler: MDOT Section 902.11, 3MF; ASTMD242, rock or slag dust, hydraulic cement, or other inert material.
  5. Bituminious Crack Fill Material: Use a hot applied single component material meeting ASTM D 6690, Type I or AASHTO M324 Type I from the MDOT Qualified Products List (QPL) or equivalent state DOT requirements.
  6. Water: Potable.


  1. Recycled Content of Hot-Mix Asphalt: Postconsumer recycled content plus one-half of pre-consumer recycled content not less than 20 percent or more than 25 percent by weight of binder. MDOT Special Provision, 12SP501(E) and reference specifications apply. Tier 3 RAP mixes are not permitted.
  2. Hot-Mix Asphalt: Hot Mix Asphalt shall be designed according to MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction Superpave Design Criteria, Section 501, Table 501-1 for Mix Design and Section 904, Table 904-2 for Asphalt Binder, or similar DOT specification:
  3. Estimated Traffic (Million ESAL’s): TBD
  4. Base Course: Mix Number 2, PG 58-22.
  5. Leveling Course:Mix Number 4 or LVSP, PG64-28.
  6. Wearing Course: Mix Number 5, PG64-28.



  1. Verify that base is dry and in suitable condition to support paving and imposed loads. Base should contain no ice, standing water or areas of excessive moisture.
  2. Proof-roll sub-base using heavy, pneumatic-tired rollers to locate areas that are unstable or that require further compaction, replacement, or stabilization.
  3. Notify the Engineer in writing of any unsatisfactory conditions. Do not begin paving installation until these conditions have been corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
  4. When abutting existing paved surfaces, all loose or damaged material should be removed prior to paving operations to ensure new pavement is placed adjacent to sound material.


  1. General: Immediately before placing asphalt materials, remove loose and deleterious material from substrate surfaces. Ensure that prepared subgrade is ready to receive paving.
  2. Install aggregate subbase and base courses in accordance with Division 31 Section “Earth Moving”.
  3. Sweep loose granular particles from surface of unbound-aggregate base course. Do not dislodge or disturb aggregate embedded in compacted surface of base course.
  4. Verify base elevations are correct with a field survey prior to placing pavement.


  1. Install at location in accordance with and as indicated on the contract documents and manufacturers plans and details.
  2. Apply bond coat, consisting of asphalt cement, uniformly to existing surfaces at a rate of 0.20 to 0.30 gal./sq. yd, or alternatively as recommended by manufacturer.
  3. Place paving geotextile promptly according to manufacturer's written instructions. Broom or roll geotextile smooth and free of wrinkles and folds. Overlap longitudinal joints 4 inches and transverse joints 6 inches.
  4. Protect paving geotextile from traffic and other damage and place overlay paving the same day.


  1. Place hot-mix asphalt mix in compliance with this specification, the application rates listed in the MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction, Section 501, Table 501.4, and in accordance with Plans and Details.
  2. Machine place hot-mix asphalt mix on prepared surface, spread uniformly, and strike off. Place asphalt mix by hand to areas inaccessible to equipment in a manner that prevents segregation of mix. Place each course to required grade, cross section, and thickness, when compacted.
  3. Place hot-mix asphalt in number of lifts and thicknesses indicated.
  4. Spread mix at minimum temperature of 250degF.
  5. Begin applying mix along centerline of crown for crowned sections and on high side of one-way slopes, unless otherwise indicated.
  6. Paving joints which fall in valley drainage lines shall be constructed with a hot joint, meaning the first and second passes with paver will create the valley line. The valley joint must be created by the main screed and not screed extensions.
  7. Regulate paver machine speed to obtain smooth, continuous surface free of pulls, segregation, and tears in asphalt-paving mat. Paving speed should not exceed 40 feet per minute.
  8. End of the day joints must be cut off to a vertical clean face.
  9. Paver screed extensions shall be properly adjusted to prevent any visible lines or surface irregularities.
  10. Place paving in consecutive strips not less than 10 feet wide, except where infill edge strips of a lesser width are required.
  11. After first strip has been placed and rolled, place succeeding strips and extend rolling to overlap previous strips. Complete asphalt base course for a section before placing asphalt surface course.
  12. Promptly correct surface irregularities in paving course behind paver. Use suitable hand tools to remove excess material forming high spots. Fill depressions with hot-mix asphalt to prevent segregation of mix; use suitable hand tools to smooth surface.


  1. Construct joints to ensure continuous bond between adjoining paving sections. Construct joints free of depressions with same texture and smoothness as other sections of hot-mix asphalt course.
  2. Clean contact surfaces and apply tack coat to all vertical faces which abut the paving.
  3. Offset longitudinal joints in successive courses a minimum of 6 inches.
  4. Offset transverse joints in successive courses a minimum of 24 inches.
  5. Compact joints as soon as hot-mix asphalt will bear roller weight without excessive displacement.
  6. Compact asphalt at joints to a density within 2 percent of specified course density, but not less than 92% Theoretical Maximum Density.
  7. Joints must be constructed with a notch wedge or overlap joint to prepare a tight undistinguishable joint.
  8. Longitudinal and transverse joints shall be cut back 8 inches from the free edge to create a clean vertical face to begin the next day’s paving. The vertical face shall be tacked prior to paving operations.
  9. The new pavement surface shall match elevation when abutting existing pavement. The joint between new pavement and existing pavement shall be sawed and sealed.


  1. General: Begin compaction as soon as placed hot-mix paving will bear roller weight without excessive displacement. Compact hot-mix paving with hot, hand tampers or vibratory-plate compactors in areas inaccessible to rollers.
  2. Complete compaction before mix temperature cools to 185degF.
  3. Breakdown Rolling: Accomplish breakdown or initial rolling immediately after rolling joints and outside edge. Examine surface immediately after breakdown rolling for indicated crown, grade, and smoothness. Repair surfaces by loosening displaced material, filling with hot-mix asphalt, and rerolling to required elevations.
  4. Intermediate Rolling: Begin intermediate rolling immediately after breakdown rolling, while hot-mix asphalt is still hot enough to achieve specified density. Continue rolling until hot-mix asphalt course has been uniformly compacted to the following density:
  5. Average Density: 96 percent of reference laboratory density according to ASTMD6925, but not less than 94 percent nor greater than 100 percent.
  6. Finish Rolling: Finish roll paved surfaces to remove roller marks while hot-mix asphalt is still warm.
  7. Edge Shaping: While surface is being compacted and finished, trim edges of pavement to proper alignment. Bevel edges while still hot, with back of rake or smooth iron. Compact thoroughly using tamper or other satisfactory method.
  8. Repairs: Remove paved areas that are defective or contaminated with foreign materials. Remove paving course over area affected and replace with fresh, hot-mix asphalt. Compact by rolling to specified density and surface smoothness. Repairs must be perimeter sealed.
  9. Protection: After final rolling, do not permit vehicular traffic on pavement until it has cooled and hardened.
  10. Erect barricades to protect paving from traffic until mixture has cooled enough not to become marked.


  1. Thickness: Compact each course to produce the thickness indicated within the following tolerances:
  2. Base Course: Plus or minus 1/2 inch.
  3. Leveling Course: Plus or minus 1/4 inch, but not less than 1.5”
  4. Wearing Course: Plus or minus 1/4 inch., but not less than 1.5”
  5. Total Thickness: Plus 1/4 inch, no minus.
  6. Surface Smoothness: Compact each course to produce a surface smoothness within the following tolerances as determined by using a 10-foot straightedge applied transversely and longitudinally to paved areas:
  7. Base Course: 1/4 inch.
  8. Leveling Course: 1/4 inch.
  9. Wearing Course: 1/8 inch.
  10. Crowned Surfaces: Test with crowned template centered and at right angle to crown. Maximum allowable variance from template is 1/4 inch.
  11. Joints at existing pavement: +1/8 inch minimum /-0 inch when new pavement drains onto existing pavement. -1/8 inch minimum /+0 inch when existing pavement drains onto new pavement
  12. Surface Texture/Gradation Segregation: Place asphalt courses with the means and methods to minimize potential surface segregation. Areas with visible surface segregation are subject to corrective action as follows:
  13. Start of paving mat: Segregation or irregular surface texture extending beyond 10 feet of the initial screed placement for each mat pull shall be repaired to the beginning of the pull to the satisfaction of the owner or their representative.
  14. Areas greater than 30 square feet exhibiting surface segregation will be repaired to the satisfaction of the owner.


  1. Testing Agency: Engage a qualified independent testing agency to perform field inspections and tests and to prepare test reports.
  2. Testing agency will conduct and interpret tests and state in each report whether tested Work complies with or deviates from specified requirements.
  3. Thickness: In-place compacted thickness of hot-mix asphalt courses will be determined according to ASTMD3549.
  4. Surface Smoothness: Finished surface of each hot-mix asphalt course will be tested for compliance with smoothness tolerances indicated above. Testing is required at least once every 500 feet across the longitudinal joints and transverse to paving direction, twice across each transverse joints
  5. Surface Texture/Gradation Segregation: Finished surface of each hot-mix asphalt course will be tested for compliance with smoothness texture as indicated above.
  6. In-Place Density: Samples of non-compacted paving mixtures and compacted pavement will be secured by testing agency according to ASTMD979.
  7. Reference laboratory density will be determined by averaging results from 4 samples of hot-mix asphalt-paving mixture delivered daily to site, prepared according to ASTMD2041, and compacted according to job-mix specifications.
  8. In-place density of compacted pavement will be determined by testing core samples according to ASTMD1188 or ASTMD2726.
  9. One core sample will be taken for every 1000 sq. yd. or less of installed pavement, but in no case will fewer than 3 cores be taken.
  10. Field density of in-place compacted pavement may also be determined by nuclear method according to ASTMD2950 and correlated with ASTMD1188 or ASTMD2726.
  11. Joint density shall be tested every 250 lf of joints by taking 4 readings, 2 on each side of the joint for a period of 1 minute. Test density shall be the average of the 4 readings.
  12. Remove and replace or install additional hot-mix asphalt where test results or measurements indicate that it does not comply with specified requirements.


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Revision Date: 08/04/14 Project & Bid Package

File name: 321216 ASPHALT PAVING.doc