Santa Fe Community College – Staff Senate Minutes

Date: 3/28/2007

Location: Room 224

Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 noon

Agenda Items: TIAA –CREF

Guest: Karla Quintana

Co-Chairs: Janelle Johnson B & T

Susan Dugan Adjunct Faculty Office

Recorder: Janet Berry Service-Learning

Attendees: Emily Smith HR

Beth Flannery Tutoring

Shawn Haynes Business Affairs

Maria Dilda Nursing

Barbara Arguedas ABE

Anna Tupler ESS

Linda Wieseman DS

Lynn Atkison TRIO

Deborah Carr CE

§  Staff Senate would like to congratulate Carole Brito and Bruce Besser in their re-election

for the Santa Fe Community College Board until 2013. Thank you for all of your hard work.

§  The VPASA committee reports that the AACC Search Organization will report candidate information on April 9 to the search committee. Staff will possibly have the chance to meet with the candidates on May 7. The announcement of the new Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs is planned for the end of May.

§  Karla Quintana joined us to discuss our retirement benefit.

§  She explained the difference between the mandatory ERB state retirement plan and an Alternative Retirement Plan (ARP). She informed staff that TIAA-CREF also offers supplemental retirement plans for staff (along with the ERB retirement plan). She stated that TIAA CREF and both VALIC are ARPs. She explained who was eligible for an ARP vs. the ERB retirement plan (faculty and key management positions). Karla answered other questions regarding percentages paid by employees and the employer and retirement eligibility.

§  Employer match for ERB is 10.15% and for ARP, the match is 7.15% and 3% to ERB.

§  If an employee moves on to a job with the state (PERA), they are able to combine years of service and ERB with PERA. An employee is not eligible for the employer contribution unless that person retires from an affiliated retirement plan.

§  If an employee has more questions regarding their retirement benefits, please contact HR.

§  As we asked Karla about other benefits for employees, she suggested that we regroup the Benefits Sub-committee comprised of staff and faculty to research any other benefit options such as educational tuition reimbursement for non SFCC education and other benefit packages. One possibility is to include the benefit package in the AQIP process.

Linda Wieseman and Shawn Haynes volunteered.

Next meeting: April 11, 2007 11:00- noon room 224