ASNMSU 61st Senate – Rules Committee
Rules Committee Meeting #9
February 13, 2018
Convened at: 5:32 PM
- Roll Call
- Senator Downing, absent and excused
- Business on the Chair’s desk
- Excusal letter from Senator Downing due to neurologist’s appointment in El Paso
- New Business
-Motion by Senator Forbes to have Bills #130 and #167 taken from the table and read first
- SUB-BILL #167
- Making an appropriation to the account of Beta Alpha Psi for five students to present at the 2018 Beta Alpha Psi Southwest Regional Meeting in Oklahoma City, OK
- Represented by Senator Beatty
- Amendment to remove extra comma on by-line
- Amendment to line 5 to replace “and” with comma
- Amendment to line 6 to abbreviate “Oklahoma” as “OK”
- Amendment to align line totals
- Amendment to line 16 to read “Mileage” rather than “Gas”
- Amendment to line 6 to read “23-24” rather than “22-24”
- Amendment to line 5 to read “fourteen students (3 males, 11 females)” rather than “five students (2 males, 3 females)”
- Discussion on classification of bill travel as competition versus attendance and presentation
- Amendment to line 5 to read “compete at” rather than “present at”
- Discussion on separating bill into subsections in order to fund for 4 competitors and 8 attendees
- Bill tabled as per author’s request
- BILL #130
- Making an appropriation to the account of Jazz Club New Mexico State University for 26 students to perform community service in Valencia, Spain
- Represented by Pro Tempore Forbes
- Speech by Pro Tempore Forbes on classification of teaching jazz music abroad as community service
- Discussion on possibility of separating purposes of trip to fully qualify as community service per the definition of the ASNMSU Law Book
- Advisor letter already adopted
- Motion by Senator Nadella to give Bill #130 a Do Pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without dissent
- BILL #141
- Making an appropriation to the account of Alpha Tau Omega for two students to attend the Alpha Tau Omega National President’s Retreat in Indianapolis, IN
- Represented by Senator Weatherby
- Amendment to line add “141” to after “BILL #”
- Amendment to introduced-by line to remove first names of bill authors
- Amendment to fix introduced-by date lines to February 6th
- Amendment to line 5 to remove extra space
- Amendment to line 23 to remove “the” before “Alpha”
- Amendment to line 11 to read “/night” rather than “/room x 1 room x 1 night”
- Amendment to line 12 to read “Mileage” rather than “Transportation fee”
- Amendment to new line 13 to read “(Las Cruces, NM to Indianapolis, IN) (Round-Trip)”
- Amendment to line 24 to insert hyphen between “eighty eight”
- Advisor letter not found
- Motion by Senator Cisneros give Bill #141 a Conditional Do Pass through Rules Committee pending the submission of an advisor letter by next Wednesday at noon
- SUB-BILL #142
- Making an appropriation to the account of Agricultural Economic Club for six females to compete at the 2018 SAEA Annual Meeting in Jacksonville, FL
- Represented by Senator Martinez
- Amendment to line 6 to read “2-6” rather than “3-6”
- Amendment to line 12 to remove extra space
- Amendment to line 14 to decapitalize “L” in “EL Paso”
- Advisor letter read and adopted
- Proof of competition read and adopted
- Motion by Senator Cisneros to give Sub-Bill #142 a Do Pass through Community Affairs Committee, motion passes without dissent
- SUB-BILL #143
- Making an appropriation to the account of National Agri-Marketing Association for eleven students to compete at the 2018 Agri-Marketing Conference in Kansas City, MO
- Represented by Senator Martinez
- Amendment to line 6 to read “11-13” rather than “9-13”
- Advisor letter read and adopted
- Proof of competition read and adopted
- Motion by Pro Tempore Forbes to give Sub-Bill #143 a Do Pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without dissent
- Motion to reconsider Sub-Bill #143
- Amendment to insert “SENATE RULES COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR” before “BILL #143”
- Motion by Pro Tempore Forbes to give Sub-Bill #143 a Do Pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without dissent
- BILL #148
- Making an appropriation to the account of Sportsman Fishing Club at New Mexico State University for 6 students to compete at the YETI College Fishing – 2018 – Lake Havasu in Lake Havasu City, AZ
- Represented by Senator Martinez
- Amendment to line 13 to read “Mileage” rather than “Gas”
- Advisor letter read and rejected due to no written signature
- Proof of competition read and adopted
- Amendment to line 29 to read “Sandoval” rather than “Sandavol”
- Proof of competition reconsidered
- Proof of competition adopted
- Motion by Senator Warner-Garrett to give Bill #148 a Conditional Do Pass through Rules Committee pending the submission of a new advisor letter by next Wednesday at noon, motion passes without dissent
- BILL #149
- Making an appropriation to the account of Sportsman Fishing Club at New Mexico State University to provide funding for operation expenses
- Represented by Senator Martinez
- Amendment to line 28 to read “Sandoval” rather than “Sandavol”
- Advisor letter read and rejected due to no written signature
- Motion by Senator Warner-Garrettto give Bill #149 a Conditional Do Pass through Rules Committee pending the submission of a new advisor letter by next Wednesday at noon, motion passes without dissent
- BILL #147
- Making an appropriation to the account of Horsemen’s Association for five students to attend the ACHA 2018 National Convention in College Station, TX
- Represented by Senator Martinez
- Amendment to line 5 to read “and” rather than comma
- Amendment to line 13 to read “$.295” rather than “$.285”
- Advisor letter not found
- Motion by Senator Warner-Garrett to give Bill #147 a Conditional Do Pass through Rules Committee pending the submission of an advisor letter by next Wednesday at noon, motion passes without dissent
- SUB-BILL #153
- Making an appropriation to the account of Range Club for eight students to compete at 2018 Conference of The Society for Range Management’s 71st Annual Meeting, Technical Training and Trade Show in Sparks, NV
- Represented by Senator Ortiz
- Amendment to line 6 to read “from” rather than “on”
- Amendment to line 38 to read “$2624.00” rather than “$2819.00”
- Amendment to line 26 to read ”$115.00/night” rather than ”$115.00/room”
- Amendment to line 5 to add “2018 Conference of” before “The Society” and remove “’s 71st Annual Meeting, Technical Training and Trade Show in Sparks, NV”
- Amendment to new line 14 to read “Registration fee (1 fee @ $220.00/fee)” and for line total to read “$220.00”
- Amendment to line 5 to insert “the” before “2018”
- Advisor letter read and adopted
- Proof of competition read and adopted
- Motion by Senator Warner-Garrett to give Sub-Bill #153 a Do Pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without dissent
- BILL #155
- Making an appropriation to the account of Dance Society for sixteen students to compete at the Spotlight on Dance ACDA West Conference in Tempe, AZ
- Amendment to introduced-by date to 6th and 8th
- Amendment to line 27 to decapitalize “Four”
- Amendment to line 27 to read “$3459.00”
- Amendment to align line totals
- Amendment to line 18 to remove comma
- Amendment to line 21 to remove comma
- Amendment to line 22 to remove comma
- Amendment to line 22 to remove comma
- Amendment to line 27 to remove comma
- Amendment to line 14 to read “1 rental vehicle” rather than “2 rental vehicle” and add “x 2 vehicles”
- Amendment to line 5 to replace “and” with comma
- Amendment to line 5 to remove “Spotlight on Dance”
- Amendment to line 5 to add “Spotlight on Dance”
- Amendment to line 14 to read “Gas” rather than “Mileage”
- Amendment to lines 31 through 26 to indent rationale
- Amendment to strike blank line 39
- Advisor letter read and adopted
- Proof of competition read and adopted
- Motion by Senator Hartshorne to give Bill #155 a Do Pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without dissent
- SUB-BILL #166
- Making an appropriation to the account of Wildlife Society for ten students to compete at the 2018 Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of TWS & AFS in Flagstaff, AZ
- Represented by Senator Hartshorne
- Amendment to add Senator Hartshorne onto by-line as per author’s request
- Amendment to line 14 to read “$.295” rather than “$.285”
- Advisor letter read and adopted
- Proof of competition read and adopted
- Amendment to line 30 to add “r” to “Curtis”
- Amendment to line 31 to remove extra space
- Motion by Senator Cisneros to give Sub-Bill #166 a Do Pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without dissent
-Motion by author to table Bill #154
-Motion by author to table Bills #140, 159, 156
-Motion by author to table Bills #159, 160, 161, 162
-Motion by author to table Bills #144 and #146
- BILL #150
- Making an appropriation to the account of Critical/Multicultural Educators’ Graduate Student Organization for two students to present at 2nd Annual Conference on Academic Research in Education (CARE) in Las Vegas, NV
- Represented by Sergeant-at-Arms Shareef
- Amendment to line 6 to add “s” to “female”
- Amendment to line 27 to read “$400.00” as line total
- Amendment to fix introduced-by line and date lines
- Amendment to line 19 to strike “x 1 vehicle”
- Amendment to line 22 and 24 to strike “x 1 fee”
- Amendment to strike extra blank line
- Advisor letter read and adopted
- Proof of presentation read and adopted
- Motion by Senator Warner-Garrett to give Bill #150 a Do Pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without dissent
- BILL #151
- Making an appropriation to the account of Critical/Multicultural Educators’ Graduate Student Organization for one student to present at the 2018 ATE Annual Meeting
- Represented by Sergeant-at-Arms Shareef
- Amendment to add new line 20 to read “Parking fee (1 fee @ $5.00/fee x 5 fees)” and for line total to read “$25.00”
- Amendment to line 23 to read “$400.00” rather than “$0.00”
- Amendment to fix introduced-by line
- Amendment to lines 15 and 19 to strike “x 1 fee”
- Amendment to line 16 to strike “x 1 vehicle”
- Amendment to line 6 to read “2018 ATE Annual Meeting” rather than “Association of Teacher Educators (ATE)”
- Amendment to strike extra blank line
- Advisor letter read and adopted
- Proof of presentation read and adopted
- Motion by Senator Warner-Garrett to give Bill #151 a Do Pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without dissent
-Motion by author to take Bill #145 from the table
- BILL #145
- Making an appropriation to the account of Professional Golf Management Student Association for six students to compete at the Kelbel Cup in Las Vegas, NV
- Represented by Pro Tempore Forbes
- Amendment to line 18 to read “$.295” rather than “$.285”
- Advisor letter read and adopted
- Proof of competition read and adopted
- Amendment to line 38 to correct spelling of “Representatives”
- Amendment to introduced-by line to change font size to 10pt
- Motion by Sergeant-at-Arms Shareef a Conditional Do Pass through Rules Committee pending the submission of a proof of competition by next Wednesday at noon, motion passes without dissent
- BILL #152
- Making an appropriation to the account of Water Science and Management Graduate Student Organization for two students to present at the 2018 SAEA Annual Meeting in Jacksonville, FL
- Represented by Sergeant-at-Arms Shareef
- Amendment to line 7 to remove space
- Amendment to remove line after “Bill #152
- Amendment to change font size of introduced-by lines and add “02/08/2018” as referred-to date
- Amendment to remove Senate action
- Amendment to line 6 to add “s” to “males”
- Amendment to line 16 to remove “x 1 vehicle”
- Amendment to line 19 to remove “x 1 fee”
- Amendment to line 34 to read “Apar GC” rather than “Ram Acharya”
- Amendment to line 34 and 35 to italicize name of research
- Amendment to line 35 to add “and Feasibility of sing Cover Crops to Enhance Soil Organic Matter and Crop Yield in New Mexico and Optimal Management of a Climate Stressed Himalayan River Basin in Nepal”
- Amendment to line 38 to remove extra space
- Amendment to line 6 to read “2018 SAEA Annual Meeting” rather than “Southern Agricultural Economics Association Meeting (SAEA)”
- Advisor letters read and adopted
- Proof of presentation read and adopted
- Amendment to line 36 to de-italicize “and”
- Motion by Senator Warner-Garrett to give Bill #152 a Do Pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without dissent
- SUB-BILL #158
- Making an appropriation to the account of Animal and Range Science Graduate Student Organization for five students to present at the 2018 Society of Range Management Annual Meeting in Sparks, NV
- Represented by Sergeant-at-Arms Shareef
- Amendment to line 22 to remove “x 2 vehicles”
- Advisor letter read and adopted
- Proof of presentation read and adopted
- Motion by Senator Warner-Garrett to give Sub-Bill #158 a Do Passthrough Rules Committee, motion passes without dissent
- BILL #164
- Making an appropriation to the account of Communications Studies Graduate Student Association for one student to present at the 2018 ICEASS (International Conference on Education and Social Sciences)” in Bangkok, Thailand
- Amendment to line 13 to add parentheses and remove “x 1 tickets”
- Amendment to line 14 to read “El Paso, TX to Bangkok, Thailand” rather than “City/State/Country to City/State/Country”
- Amendment to line 18 to strike “Bangkok, Thailand” twice
- Amendment to line 24 to read “$579.00” rather than “$578.70”
- Amendment to line 21 to add “(Graduate Student Council)”
- Amendment to line 29 to add hyphen
- Advisor letter read and adopted
- Proof of presentation read and adopted
- Motion by Senator Salcido to give Bill #164 a Do Pass through Rules Committee, motion passes without dissent
- BILL #165
- Making an appropriation to the account of Sociology Graduate Student Organization for five students to present at the 39th Annual Southwest Popular/American Culture Association Conference in Albuquerque, NM
- Amendment to add new line 15 to read “Gas (1 rental vehicle @ $.295/mile x 144 miles)” and for line total to read “$43.00”
- Amendment to add new line 16 to read “(Hotel to Conference) (Round-trip)”
- Amendment to line 5 to read “five (5) students (2 males, 3 females)” rather than “5 students (2 males, 2 females)”
- Amendment to line 6 to read “7-10” rather than “7-9”
- Motion by author to table bill
- Old Business
-Bills #123 and #124 die
- SUB-BILL #139
- Making an appropriation to the account of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Graduate Student Organization for one student to present at the AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2018 in Kissimmee, FL
- Represented by Senator Carrillo
- Amendment to line 1 to read “Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Graduate Student Organization” rather than “MAES-Latinos in Science and Engineering”
- Amendment to lines 31 and 32 to reflect line 1 change
- Advisor letter needs to be resubmitted
- Motion by Senator Cisneros to give Sub-Bill #139 a Conditional Do Pass through Rules Committee pending the submission of a new Advisor letter by next Wednesday at noon, motion passes without dissent
- Announcements
- Retreat is this weekend – vans leaving at 5pm, pack accordingly
- Voice Against Cancer fundraiser in Corbett
- Sigma Chi holding concert fundraiser Friday
Adjournedat: 9:26 PM