Date: March 7, 2013Number on council: 12

Date of Senate Meeting: March 7th, 2013Number present: 12

Prepared by Shelby Burton

Senate Chairman Ryan Lee called the Senate meeting of the 2012-2013 Senate to order at 4:00 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.

Roll Call

The following Senators were not present at the meeting:

-All Present

Approval of Minutes

Motion: Senator Boruchmove to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate meeting

Second: Senator Fox

Discussion: None

Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.

Call to the Audience

President Haeger: He has come to discuss tuition recommendations because he must present an updated plan to ABOR and would like to hear opinions about the pledge program. There is generally a 4% to 6% increase in tuition and, multiplied over the course of your college career, that adds up. There is pressure among ABOR; half would like to lower tuition. Although he favors the sentiment, other than the pledge program, he sees no way in lowering the price in a way that is financially good for the institution. The non-Flagstaff Mountain campuses have requested lower tuition since the have less access to facilities and degree programs. Students choose to attend Flagstaff, knowing that they will have higher tuition costs. Another piece he will be bringing forward is that a $2 increase per credit hour for the IT fee, which will maintain the ability to have the latest technology on campus. He would like student groups to be involved in determining how the money will be spent. The enrollment right now is high and bringing in additional dollars to finance instruction. State appropriations is looking to spend 6 to 7 million dollars for NAU. They will no longer be giving money based on enrollment but based on the number of students who graduate. The governor wanted to give NAU 10 million dollars, but legislation did not agree. The governor also agreed to the Medicare expansion suggested through Obama Cara/Affordable Care Act, which freed up federal dollars to go towards higher education and child protective services. Because there are many new regents, he would like ASNAU support for the pledge program if it is in need.

Questions: Senator Fox thanks him for attending and expresses his concern that the amount of dollars per student may not be well-spent. There are several students in SBS declaring their major, but there has been no expansion of resources of classrooms or faculty. Is there any additional money accounted for toward issues like this? President Haeger explains that the money will be going toward raises in salaries, technology changes, and maintenance in older buildings. Senator Reddig asks what their research plan is. President Haeger says that the research mission is important to the institution’s reputation and for the actual act of research. The targeted certain areas and have invested in areas with federal dollars available, but now the government is pulling back money. Chairman Lee inquires about the plans to rebuild the Wall Aquatics Center. They brought in engineers to look at the structural integrity of the building in response to the public’s safety concerns. They provided them with a choice: pay 15 million dollars to fix the building or build a new facility entirely. With ABOR’s approval they will be building a new facility. Senator Woodhouse asks if ABOR has to approve or disapprove the pledge program every year or if it is locked in for a certain amount of time. It is not locked in; the new regents want to know the university sustains the program. They have had to defend the program for the past 3 to 4 years and last year’s arguments served as very persuasive. The university keeps money in reserves to sustain the program. He has the presentation on his computer from last time and will have it with him in case it is necessary to bring it back up. There will be a TV hearing throughout the state on March 27th which can be viewed by all. Senator Cross asks why SBS West is not on the ten year track because it has been formally condemned. President Haeger confirms that that is only a rumor and that the university must continue to build new buildings that are in demand in order to keep up with the students’ major choices. Their first project is a new science and health building because they need more classroom space for those majors.

Other concerns: Senator Fox expresses his issue with the move toward online education. President Haeger says that there has been mixed research and that it depends on the faculty members. It has more to do with the effort that professors put in than with online versus face-to-face class structures. The extended campus enrollment has declined because of the movement toward online, as it is more convenient for those who have careers and families. He sees the future as a combination of both. One member in the audience says that the college of liberal arts have professors who are constantly leaving and would like to know if the ten year track has been implemented for them. He recommends talking with the provost. Senator McDiarmid thanks him for his time.

Department of International Affairs: The department encourages all in attendance to study abroad. The study abroad program offers study abroad programs—where there are 200 universities that they can attend—in addition to short-term faculty led programs and GRIP (or global research and internship program). For those who are worried about a language barrier, most of the universities provide English courses. For those worried about finances, they have awarded $100,000 in scholarships. Please take this information back to your organizations!

Budget: The budget that the exec team worked on will combine lines 125 and 126, or the senate bills and OA lines. This will add up to $11,403 and will just be line 125, named Organization Allocations. They have looked at the other budget lines and created a solution to continue funding clubs. In combining all the remaining money from lines 68, 73, 105, 101, and 103, the money totals to $69,946. They will be looking at the leftover money from the concert line as well and transferring it into line 125. They ask for a rough estimate of how much will be left; they are unsure right now. Senator Smart asks if this include the amount that they allocated last week; it does take that amount into account. Continue doing OAs in addition to senate bills.

Chairman Lee entertains a motion to approve the budget as item r on the agenda.

Dr.Brandel: On March 27th, there will be a statewide conference to get student input for the regents concerning tuition from 5 to 7. Three universities are involved in this statewide teleconference, view for different proposals about the following year’s tuition. He would like to emphasize President Haeger’s need for support. It has been questioned before and he believes that the pledge program is an important commitment for the institution to continue having predictable tuition. That way, it is more fair and easier to plan your financial aid packages around. The percentage of what covers your tuition decreases. Consider signing up to be a speaker. Many of the representatives believe in cutting back in the spending toward statewide higher education. The meeting will take place in the extended program building in the True Blue Room on the second floor.

Makenzie notes that in looking at the concert budget, she is fairly confident that there will be about$20,000 leftover to be used for organizations.

Tony, the Homecoming Queen for 2012, urges NAU to follow up on their diverse background in considering that Homecoming King and Queen be switched to Homecoming Royalty. He ran the campaign to represent the eclectic group of students who fight for equality. He believes that those who have the power of language hold true power; use your language to create a different symbol for the rest of the state by changing the restrictive language that is in current use. This will open up equality for all expressions.

Unfinished Business

Motion: Senator Tenneymove to discuss item a, Bylaw Revisions

Second: Senator Chan

Discussion:There is still no answer and so the decision will be made in fall. They cannot support any activity where alcohol is present and are working with exec to interpret the bylaws.

Vote: Item a (Bylaw Revisions) remains tabled

New Action Business

Motion: Senator Tenneymove to vote on item a, Club Recognition: Air Force ROTC Graduates 2013

Second: Senator Creer

Discussion: The purpose of this club is to recognize those who have dedicated the past three years as cadets in Air Force ROTC. They will be holding events where alumni general officers can speak on how to succeed when entering active duty. Senator Fox asks if their club title (with the 2013) will be restrictive to just this year or if it will continue after this year. He asks why the come to ASNAU to be recognized as a club for just the remainder of the semester. One senator suggests simply considering a name change to reflect that the club is long-lasting. Senator Cross asks if this is different from similar clubs; there is only an army seniors club, which is different from the air force graduates. Senator Lake says to change their club name through Student Life. Senator Smart comments that going through ASNAU is simply a formality and that they have every other element to be a successful club. Senator Cross says that when they re-up their club at the end of the semester (a requirement for all clubs), they can just change the name then.

Vote: Unanimous, item a (Club Recognition: Air Force ROTC Graduates 2013) has been approved

Motion: Senator McDiarmidmove to vote on item b, IA: Charles Shaw, $400

Second: Senator Boruch

Discussion: Senator Woodhouse represents Charles Shaw, who is requesting funding for the American Medical Student Association in Washington. He will be able to interact and network with officials. He is currently a member of the Pre-Med Club and plans on bringing back everything that he learns to this club. He is the only one attending from NAU and this is not an annual thing that has been asked for in the past. Senator Lopez notes that he was specifically chosen out of a group to go.

Vote: Unanimous, item b (IA: Charles Shaw, $400) has been approved

Motion: Senator Lopez move to vote on item c, SB 25-74: Charles Shaw $331.60

Second: Senator Woodhouse

Discussion: Senator Lake asks how others feel that they are covering 70% of the trip. Senator Woodhouse notes that he is paying for his registration fee of $215 in addition to food and any other added expenses including transportation.

Vote: Unanimous, item c (SB 25-74: Charles Shaw, $331.60) has been approved

Motion: Senator McDiarmidmove to vote on item d, IA ChynaGade, $400

Second: Senator Creer

Discussion: This will fund a meeting sponsored by Warren Buffet and will include 19 people from NAU from the Franke College of Business. They will have a chance to meet with Warren Buffet and to tour the facilities. She is hoping to represent NAU, to gain marketing and finance knowledge, and to share what she learns with the community. She plans on implementing what she learns through a Pay It Forward club. Senator Chan asks if the FCB helped fund her; they did not. Senator Lake asks if she plans on requesting funding from them after receiving funding from ASNAU. She explains that they already funded the first part of this experience last semester and can no longer sponsor this event. The funding will cover the airfare and hotel. Senator Lake asks how Warren Buffet is; he is a well-renowned financial guru. The first part of this experience took place two weeks ago.

Vote: Unanimous, item d (IA: ChynaGade, $400) has been approved

Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item e, SB 25-75: ChynaGade, $368

Second: Senator Chan

Discussion: Senator Lake says that they are paying for 87% of the trip. Senator McDiarmid says that he had the same mentality until he realized that this trip was a two-part one and that she already took care of the first part, which was more expensive. She sought funding and was responsible. Senator Creer notes that she already went to the college of business and that they made it clear that this expense is her responsibility. Senator Cross says that she is flying out of Phoenix and says to consider her shuttle expense from Flagstaff to Phoenix. She is also paying for food which is about $120.

Vote: Unanimous, item e (SB 25-75: ChynaGade, $368) has been approved

Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item f, OA: LDSSA, $500

Second: Senator Lake

Discussion: This event is an opportunity for NAU students to reach out to others through a dinner that is highly attended and paid for through the LDSSA. The money will go toward the buses to get them to the location. They will be discussing NAU and higher education and reaching out to community members. Senator McDiarmid asks what the number on the OA packet under fundraising efforts is; it was a note that Mary Lou made on the packet in reference to a phone call. Senator Woodhouse summarize that this is a dinner with singing where advisors and students will be talking.

Vote: 11 in favor 1 abstains, item f (OA: LDSSA, $500) has been approved

Motion: Senator Chan move to vote on item g, SB 25-76: LDSSA, $700

Second: Senator Lopez

Discussion:Senator Woodhouse states that the bill does not state whatthe $700 is going towards, which is the travel costs for the choir concert.

Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to amend the bill to add another whereas which states “This bill will cover the transportation cost to Paige, Arizona.”

Second: SenatorCreer

Discussion: None

Vote: Unanimous, the bill is now amended to add another whereas which states “This bill will cover the transportation cost to Paige, Arizona.”

Discussion: None

Vote: 11 in favor, 1 abstains, item g (SB 25-75: LDSSA, $700) has been approved

Motion: Senator Fox move to vote on item h, OA: Quidditch, $500

Second: Senator Chan

Discussion: The funding will go toward the World Cup accomodations, to take place on april 12th through the 14th in Florida. They placed 5th out of 17 teams. 60 teams will be in attendance at this event. There are 16 players attending; the money will cover 12 out of the 16 player’s flights. Quidditch is special to the players because no other organized sport offers the equality that they do; it also gives a student a place to find friends, become a family, and enjoy the art of hugging. This will help solidify NAU’s program. Senator Woodhouse asks how much the club dues are; they are $40 per person and are committed to maintaining the NAU tournaments. It accommodates those who stay at NAU, pays for hoops, and helps fund other travel costs. For example, they traveled last month and used that funding. Senator McDiarmid asks why the bill does not cover all 16 players’ flights. They were adamant about funding it independently. Senator Lake asks why the funding request is different on the OA in comparison to the bill. They added on more flight.

Vote: Unanimous, item h (OA: Quidditch, $500) has been approved

Motion: Senator Fox move to vote on item i, SB 25-77: Quidditch, $2819.20

Second: Senator Lake

Discussion: None

Vote: Unanimous, item i (SB 25-77: Quidditch, $2819.20) has been approved

Motion: Senator Lopez move to vote on item j, OA: Delta Chi, $500

Second: Senator Chan

Discussion:This money will go toward a regional trip that they went on in San Luis Obispo, where they learned about leadership, philanthropy, scholarship, risk management, new member education, and ritual. They have brought all of their lessons back to their chapter.

Vote: Unanimous, item j (OA: Delta Chi, $500) has been approved

Motion: Senator Boruchmove to vote on item k, SB 25-78: Delta Chi, $258.81

Second: SenatorMcDiarmid

Discussion: None

Vote: Unanimous, item k (SB 25-78: Delta Chi, $258.81) has been approved

Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item l, OA: ASME, $500

Second: SenatorBoruch

Discussion:AMSE—or the American Society of Mechanical Engineering—is a very large club that has 50 active members and even more inactive members. They would like to represent NAU at the human powered vehicle competition in Mountain View, California on April 12th through the 15th. The funding will help ensure that all 15 who have been working on it will be able to attend. It will pay for a passenger van, second car, and trailer to carry the bikes. A human powered vehicle is a three wheeled vehicle to improve a bike design and increase its speed from 20 MPH to 50 MPH. The members have paid for their hotels and their building materials (roughtly $5000). There is a $400 registration fee.