Daily Maintenance (Z013A):
1.Check water reservoir to make sure it is greater than half full
2. Check that UV bulbs are on (turn off room lights and look for blue glow)
3. Check that filters are not blocked (rinse if needed)
Daily Maintenance (Z019):
- Check that conductivity is ~1200 S (if conductivity doser is running continuously and conductivity is not increasing, there is not enough salt in the dosing reservoir-proceed immediately to step 7)
- Check that pH is approx. 7.0 +/- 0.2 (if pH doser is running continuously and pH is not increasing, there is not enough bicarbonate in the pH dosing reservoir-proceed to step 11)
- Check that temperature is 28.5 +/- 1
- Place four tubes of Crystal Sea Salt in Conductivity dosing reservoir
- Take the nets from the net-soak container and rinse with system water and allow to dry and replace on hooks
- Inspect floor and every tank that there are no leaks, floods, or dead fish
- Turn off flow to baby tanks in morning and turn on flow to baby tanks in evening
Weekly Maintenance (Z019):
- Add very small amount of bicarb to the pH dosing reservoir. Be careful not to add too much as we have no way of acidifying the system.
- Use test kits to measure Ammonia, Nitrates, and Nitrite levels in facility
- Rinse prefilter pads, replace if necessary
Daily Feeding-with babies of all ages (Z019):
- Feed adults (>28 days of age) a small pinch of crumble food. All food should be consumed in 5-10 minutes. If there is excess, then you have fed too much. It is always better to underfeed than to overfeed.
- Prepare freshly hatched brine shrimp. Bring filter apparatus to main holding room at end of hall. Turn off air to hatcher. Allow bs to settle for 5 minutes. Some unhatched cysts are at bottom, and the shells are at the top. The freshly hatched bs are at bottom (orange in color and appear to be bouncing). Open valve and allow the first second to go down the drain, while catching the remainder. Stop collecting when 2/3 of water has been drained to avoid catching bs cysts. Rinse bs with copious quantities of system water and feed to adult fish and babies 21-28 days. Save some bs for crushing using the homegenizer. Remember the 5 minute rule.
- Prepare freshly hatched baby brine shrimp using above protocol but with small hatcher in Z019. The hatching rate of these brine shrimp is much lower, so be careful to minimize isolation of unhatched bs. Feed these to babies which are 10-21 days of age.
- Feed small pinch of larval diet to babies of 5-28 days of age. It is better to overfeed babies so as to make sure they have sufficient nutrition.
- Crush remaining bs using homogenizer (20 strokes) and feed to babies 5-14 days of age.
Baby Feeding Summary:
- For babies of 5-7 days, feed larval diet 2-3 times per day, and crushed bs once per day
- For babies of 7-14 days, feed larval diet 2-3 times, baby bs, and crushed bs
- For babies 14-21 days, feed larval diet 2-3 times and baby bs.
- For babies 21-28 days, feed larval diet 2-3 times and normal bs.
- For babies after 28 days, move to main facility, change baffle to larger size, and feed as adult (crumble and bs)
Preparing cultures of brine shrimp (large container):
- Fill container with 4 liters of water
- Place two 50 ml conicals of salt in water
- Bubble air to dissolve salt.
- Add one pipet full of Easy Selco additive (approx 2 ml).
- Place 5 tablespoons of bs cysts in water and replace lid and bubble for 16 hours.
Prepping small culture of bs (baby brine shrimp):
- Fill container with one liter of water
- Place 25 ml of salt in water
- Bubble to dissolve
- Place one tablespoon of baby bs cysts in water and bubble for 16 hours.