Asking the Courts to Modify (or Change) Child Support(Colorado)

1. Along with your court forms, take these items to court when you are filing your case:

Proof of service process

The original Order (the original court document that defined what child support responsibilities were and who had them), and the child support worksheet used at that time

Sworn financial statements for each parent (for current financial affairs)

Child Support Worksheets - (for current financial affairs)

2. “Serve” to the Other Party (prior to filing your case)

A copy of your Sworn Financial Statement (for current financial affairs)

Bank statements for the past 12 months for every account on which your name appears or into which you have deposited any money

All pay stubs for the past three months of employment. (This information also has to be sent to the other parent, and not filed in court.)

Copies of tax returns (state & federal0 for the last 3 years, including attachments such as W-2’s, 1099s and Schedule Cs if self-employed. (This information also has to be sent to the other parent, and not filed in court.)

Documentation (paperwork/proof) as to the existence, coverage, and cost of health insurance for the child(ren), if it exists, or if it’s available through a party’s employment or under the Affordable Care Act

Documentation as to the cost of work or education-related child care for child(ren) for the past 12 months

Documentation (paperwork/proof) as to the cost of extraordinary expenses including medical, extra-curricular or otherwise of any type for the child(ren) within the last 12 months

3. Take the following to your “Hearing””

  • All paystubs for the past 3 months of employment
  • Copies of tax returns (state & federal) for the last 3 years, including attachments such as W-2’s
  • Documentation as to the cost of health insurance for the child
  • Documentation as to the cost of work or education-related child care
  • Documentation as to the cost of any extraordinary expenses within the last twelve months, such as: medical, extra-curricular or other

The information above is provided by Colorado Legal Services. It is intended as general information only, and is not meant as legal advice for any specific situation. If you need legal advice, consult an attorney of your own choosing. If you cannot afford an attorney, talk to Colorado Legal Services: 303-837-1321.