2014 China (Jilin)-Europe Business Meeting

Sept. 15th – 17th, 2014

Changchun, Jilin

Brief Introduction of 2014 China (Jilin)-Europe Business Meeting

2014 China (Jilin)-Europe Business Meeting, co-hosted by Jilin Provincial People's Government and the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), will be held from September 15th to 17th,2014. The meeting aims at building a new platform for exchanges in economy and trade, and creating afavourable environment for business talks so as to enhance cooperation and realize win-win between the enterprises of Jilin Province and European regions.

Time: Sept. 15th (Monday) – 17th (Wednesday), 2014

Place:Changchun Shangri-la Hotel

Hosts: Jilin Provincial People's Government

Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

Organizers: Foreign Affairs Office of Jilin Provincial People's Government, Jilin Provincial People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Development and Reform Commission of Jilin Province, Department of Industry and Information Technology of Jilin Province, Department of Commerce of Jilin Province, Economic and Technology Cooperation Bureau of Jilin Province, Jilin Provincial Committee of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Jilin Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, Jilin Provincial Association of Women Entrepreneurs, Information Office of Jilin Provincial People’s Government

Contacts:Ms. Tingting Xu




Agenda of 2014 China (Jilin)-Europe Business Meeting

Sept. 15-17, 2014

Sept. 15, 2014 Check in

Sept. 16, 2014

09:00-09:30 Leaders of Jilin Province meeting with VIP guests

09:30-10:00 Opening Ceremony

1. Speeches by thechief leaders from JilinProvince and CPAFFC

2. Speeches by the representatives from chambers of commerce and enterprises from Europe

10:00-10:20 Tea Break

10:20-11:30 Presentations

1. Presentationby a leader from JilinProvince

2.Presentations by mayors of the cities from JilinProvince

3. Presentations by the representatives of chambers of commerce and enterprises from Europe and Jilin

11:30-12:30 Buffet Lunch

12:30-17:00 One-on-one Business talks among Enterprises

(automobile, high-speed rail, ecological agriculture, technology, environmental protection, IT and electronics, machinery manufacturing, commodity trade, biomedicine, finance and logistics service, etc. )

18:20-18:30 SigningCeremony

18:30-20:00 Buffet reception hosted by the People’s Government of Jilin Province

Sept. 17, 2014


Or visit to enterprises, development zones, cities of JilinProvince

2014 China (Jilin)-Europe Business Meeting
Registration Form
(please select) / □ecological agriculture
□machinery manufacturing
□import and export
□government / □technology & environmental protection
□high-speed rail
□IT & electronics
□finance & logistics service
□chamber of commerce trade associations
□others(Pleaseexplain )
Name of company or association / Address
City / Founded Time
Annual turnover / Number ofemployees
Annualimportvolume / Annual exportvolume
Tel / Fax
Email / Website
Contact person / Contact number
Major business and products
Cooperation intention (or companies you have interest to approach, within the key projects of economic cooperation of JilinProvince) / If necessary,extrapagecan be attached.
Name / Occupation / Cell phone
Name / Occupation / Cell phone
Requirements / 1. Would you like to give a speech on the promotion meeting?
(Pleases select)□Yes □No
Title of your speech
2. Would you like to displaypromotionmaterials outside the fair? (Pleases select)□Yes □No
Remarks / 1. Please send this form to:, or fax to 0086-431-82711906.
2. Please provide a brief summary of your company or association, so that we can know more about it.
3. Moreinformationaboutthe meetingcanbefoundat thewebsite
4. Contacts: Mr. Zhao Qi
Contact phone: 0086-431-88906041

Introduction of JilinProvince

JilinProvince, abbreviated as Ji, is located in the central part of Northeast China. It borders HeilongjiangProvince to the north, LiaoningProvince to the south, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to the west, and Russian Federation to the east. Its southeast faces the Democratic People's Republic of Korea across rivers.

JilinProvince covers a vast land of 187,400 square kilometers, and has a population of 27.504 million. It governs 8 municipal cities, YanbianKoreanAutonomousPrefecture and Changbai Mountain Governance Committee, which include 60 county-level cities and districts.

In 2013, Jilin’s GDP reached 1298.15 billion yuan, an increase of 8.3% over the previous year. Its total grain output reached an all-time high of 35.51 million tons, an increase of 6.22% over the previous year.

JilinProvince is abundant with natural resources. The whole province has 5,537,800 hectares of cultivated land. Its forest coverage rate is 43.5%. It has 36 natural reserves of various kinds, of which 13 are at the state-level. Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve is recognized within the world network of “Man and the Biosphere Programme” by the UNESCO. JilinProvince is one of the eight pastoral areas in China. It has 5,842,000 hectares of grassland. There are 115 types of minerals with proven reserves, of which 11 kinds rank top of the country, such as oil shale, diatomite, and wollastonite, etc.

Manufacturing industry in JilinProvince is well developed. Automobile, petrochemical, and agricultural products processing are pillar industries. Medicine and optoelectronic industry are advantage industries. Changchun-based China First Automobile Works, the cradle of new China’s auto industry, has edged into the ranks of the World’s Fortune 500 and its auto output has surmounted 1 million units. China National Petroleum Corporation Jilin Branch possesses a production capability of ethylene of 850,000 tons, and the capability of supplying about 6 million tons of petrochemical products each year. CNR Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd. isAsia’s largest production base of railway vehicles, with a production of railway coaches and metro cars accounting for more than 50% and 85% of the country’s total respectively.

JilinProvince has outstanding advantage in agriculture. It is an important base of commodity grain and an emerging base of livestock, and abundant with quality corn, rice, soybean and coarse cereals, etc. Its per capita, grain commodity rate, volume of outside grain occupancy supply of grain, volume of corn export and meat consumption per capita all rank first in the country for years.

JilinProvince has solid foundation in science, technology and education. The number of scientists, engineers, and college students in every 10,000 people rank sixth in the country. It has a series of China’s key scientific and research institutions such as Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and physics, Changchun Institute of Applies Chemistry, and Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology. It also has strong advantages in motor and railway vehicles R&D, photoelectronic technology, agricultural and biological technology, traditional Chinese medicine and biopharmaceutical industry, etc.

Brief Introduction of the Chinese People’s Association for

Friendship with Foreign Countries

The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) is a national people’s organization engaged in people-to-people diplomacy of the People’s Republic of China. It aims to enhance people’s friendship, further international cooperation, safeguard world peace and promote common development. On behalf of the Chinese people, it makes friends and deepens friendship in the international community and various countries around the world, lays and expands the social basis of friendly relations between China and other countries, and works for the cause of human progress and solidarity. It implements China’s independent foreign policy of peace, observing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, while carrying out all-directional, multi-level and broad-area people-to-people friendship work to serve the great cause of China’s peaceful development and reunification and contribute to the building of a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity. In launching its activities, it has support from the government and assistance from all sectors of the society. It has set up 46 China-regional or China-national friendship organizations and established relationship of friendly cooperation with nearly 500 non-government organizations and institutions in 157 countries.

The CPAFFC was founded on May 3, 1954 on the initiative of ten national public organizations. It was first called the Chinese People’s Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. It was renamed the Chinese People’s Friendship Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries in 1966. Since 1969, it has been known by its present name. It is located in Beijing. Local associations for friendship with foreign countries have been set up in all the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central government, and in a number of cities, districts and counties.

Mme. Li Xiaolin is the president of the CPAFFC.

Brief Introduction of Jilin Provincial People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

Established in 1959, Jilin Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries is a non-governmental organization and a corporate member of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC). It is committed to carrying outall-directional,multi-level and broad-area international exchanges and cooperation so as to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the people of JilinProvince and foreigncountries. It has established friendly relationship with more than 50 non-government organizations from over 30 foreign countries.

The main tasks of Jilin Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries include: to serve as a bridge for establishing and developing cooperative relations between Jilin Provinceand foreign friendly organizations, communities and personalities;to promoteexchanges and cooperation in economy, trade, culture, education, sports, talents and other relevant areas with foreign countries by carrying out international activities, dispatching or hosting friendly visits of groups or personalities, holding shows and exhibitions; to co-ordinate,administrateandguide the establishment and development of friendship-city relations between Jilin Province(cities and autonomousregions) and foreign provinces/states (cities); to provide all the non-government organizationsin Jilin Province with assistance and guidance on carry out externalcommunication; to participate in the governmental cooperation and exchanges between Jilin Province and foreign countries.

Mr. Zhang Baoxiang is the president of Jilin Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. There are Secretary-general, General Office, Asian & African Affairs Department and European & American Affairs Department in it.