Handbook 2016-2017

“There is never a right time to do the wrong thing, but there is never a wrong time to do the right thing.” – Lou Holtz

Instructor: MR. SMITH E-mail:

Web page: Text: Holt-McDougal Larson Algebra 1

Course Description

This course is the first level of Algebra and includes probability and data analysis. Real-life applications will show the value of Algebra. Problem solving will be a continuing process. A connection to other math topics such as geography, history, economics, and the physical and biological sciences. Technology is used through the graphing calculator, smart board and computers to investigate and verify findings. The focus of the course is on the application of Algebra – its use in meaningful activities. The concepts taught in this course will provide the students the tools necessary to successfully prepare them for the subsequent classes of Geometry and Algebra 2.

Course Objectives

1.  Solve all types of algebraic equations

2.  Solve all types of algebraic inequalities

3.  Graph on the number line

4.  Graph on the coordinate plane

5.  Solve real-life problems using equations and inequalities

6.  Master the algebraic skills needed to solve equations and inequalities

7.  Master the algebraic skills need to graph

8.  Apply critical thinking techniques to problem solving situations

Materials and Supplies

·  3 ring binder

·  Loose leaf paper (for note taking)

·  #2 Pencils (mechanical or regular)

·  Folder(s) (for handouts)

·  Graphing Calculator (strongly recommended in order to learn how to use it for future classes)

·  Book Cover

There will be a small set of graphing calculators to be used for during class for those who do not have their own. The loose leaf paper might need to be replaced throughout the year. The students will be completing various handouts during the year which they will be able to 3-hole punch and place in binder. Any questions please email me and let me know.

1. Classroom Rules

·  Be on time -

o  Please enter the room quietly, be seated, and be ready with homework on your desk when the bell rings.

·  Come to class prepared and ready everyday –

o  Bring your notebook, pencil, and a calculator if you have one.

§  NO pens!!!!

o  Bring your HOMEWORK (if it is not in class, it is late!! YOU CANNOT GO GET IT DURING CLASS TIME AND RECEIVE FULL CREDIT!!).

o  Bring (and share) any questions you may have about the topic.

o  Sharpen pencils at the beginning of class.

o  Get paper from the paper bins at the beginning of class if needed.

·  Respect all People –

o  Class behavior will be appropriate and nothing else is acceptable!!!

o  Raise your hand when asking or answering a question.

o  DO NOT TALK when anyone else is speaking.

o  Show courtesy and respect to others, their belongings, and their ideas.

o  Use appropriate language at all times.

o  Do not throw objects at any time.

·  Participate in all classroom activities and discussions –

o  Listen to and contribute to classroom and group discussions.

·  Housekeeping –

o  DO NOT write on the desks!

o  Your desk and the area around it are your responsibility – keep it clean.

o  If the room is not clean the class will be held until it is clean, regardless of whether the bell has rung or not.

·  No Cell Phones, IPods, IPads etc. –

o  They cannot be visible, heard, or in use!!!!!

o  If I catch you with your cell phone out during class:

§  1st time: I keep it for the rest of the class

§  2nd time: I bring it to the office to be picked up at the end of the day

§  If brought to office a second time, your parents MUST come pick it up from the office themselves.

** Calculators will not be provided for work outside of class (in class only).

2.  Guidelines for Written Work

·  Write your name clearly at the top left of at least the first page, along with the page number(s) and assignment.

·  Use standard-sized paper (8.5” X 11”).

·  Clearly indicate the number of the exercise you are doing.

·  Write out the problem (except in the case of word problems).

·  Do your work in pencil, with mistakes cleanly erased, not crossed or scratched out.

·  Write legibly; if the grader can’t read your answer, it’s wrong.

·  Organize your problems neatly on the page (for example in columns)

·  Do not squeeze the problems together, with one problem running into the next.

·  SHOW YOUR WORK. This means showing your steps, not just copying the question from the assignment, and then the answer from the back of the book. Show everything in between the question and the answer.

·  For tables and graphs, use a ruler to draw the straight lines, and clearly label the axes, the scale, and the points of interest. Use a consistent scale on the axes, and do a T-chart, unless instructed otherwise. Also, make your table or graph large enough to be clear.

·  Remember to put your final answer at the end of your work, and mark it clearly by, for example, circle it. Label your answer appropriately.

·  You should use your teacher as a study aid, in addition to the text, study guides, and tutoring services. Your work is much easier to grade when you have made your work and reasoning clear, and any difficulties you have in completing the assignment can be better explained by the teacher. More importantly, however, corrected homework exercises make excellent study guides for quizzes, tests, the midterm and the final. Also, if you develop good habits while working on the homework, you will generally perform better on the tests.

3. Grading Policy


HOMEWORK -- Homework will be given almost daily and will be checked for completion at the beginning of each class. Students are expected to attempt all problems and show all possible work, the work should be neat and well organized. Homework is meant to strengthen skills through practice and promotes discussion regarding possible alternate solutions. Homework will be graded on a 2 point scale: 2-points for completed work (present at the beginning of class the day it is due), 1.5-0.5 point(s) if partially done or no work is shown/only answers given, and 0 points for not being done. Assignments handed in 1 class period/day later will receive no higher than a 1. Assignments not handed in 1 class period/day after due will become missing and those missing assignments will stay 0’s.

QUIZZES -- Quizzes will be given approximately once a week on current material. Point values for each problem will be stated and credit will be awarded for showing correct work and giving the correct answer. Missed quizzes must be made up. It is the responsibility of the student to come see the teacher about making up a missed quiz.

TESTS -- Tests will be given at the end of a chapter or the completion of several sections of work (announced in advance). Tests will be designed to check for understanding on the material covered in class and on homework. The total possible points for the tests will vary with the content. Point values for each problem will be stated and credit will be awarded for showing correct work and giving the correct answer. Missed tests must be made up. It is the responsibility of the student to come see the teacher about making up a missed test.

Students who earn a 75% or lower will have the ability retake any test they please within the same marking period on one condition. They must have completed all the homework assignments for that specific unit. This means they must have some form of credit, 2-0.5 points, on the homework assignments for that whole unit. Time to retake the test will be decided later.

NOTEBOOKS (3-ring Binder 3 in.) -- REQUIRED!!

·  There is a possibility that there will be notebook quizzes anywhere from one to four times during the year (given at the end of a marking period).

·  You will be made aware of it at the beginning of the marking period whether there will be one or not.

o  How to organize your notebook (notebook or 3-ring binder). Label the chapter and section each time as well as date it. Also include any handouts, all bell ringers, all notes, all quizzes, and all examples done in class.

§  The notebook used for this quiz must be your own!

§  If your notebook is not at school you may take the quiz the very next day you are in school for half credit.

§  If you forget your notebook in your locker you may go to your locker to get it but your quiz grade will be dropped by 25%.



Note: No extra credit work will be given – you are expected to put your effort into your work on a daily basis, not do last minute work instead. You will receive the grade you earn. No extra points will be given!!!

4. Absence Policy

Excused Absences

If you are absent it is your responsibility to ask the teacher, check the assignment board, or the website (the day you return to school) to find out what you missed and to make arrangements to make up any quizzes or tests. TESTS AND QUIZZES CAN BE MADE UP. We will find time within the schedule to either make it up during a Mod or before/after school. Missed notes may be obtained from a classmate or from me.

·  Missed homework must be completed within a timely fashion of your absence (if you are absent more than one day see me for time line). Homework can be found on my cart or on the website.

·  Missed tests and quizzes should be made up as soon as possible. It is better to do it sooner than later.

·  In-school and out-of-school suspension work must be attempted to earn full credit when you return to class and then completed within a day of returning if you have questions.

If you will be missing class for a school related function (for example sports or fieldtrip) it is your responsibility to see me before you leave.

You need to:

1.  Show me the assignment due that day

2.  Get and complete the assignment due the next day.

5. Extra Help

I will be available for extra help. Please see me sooner rather than later if you are becoming confused. If you wait too long there is a possibility it will become too late. Email me or see me after a class to discuss extra help.

Working together we can have a great and successful school year!!!

Please realize that any of these policies can be changed at the transgression of the teacher. Students will be informed of any changes when they are made.

Algebra I Contract – 2016 – 2017

Student Name (please print) ______Period ______

I have read the contents of the Algebra I Handbook and accept responsibility for knowing and understanding the information provided.

Feel free to call or e-mail me at any time during the year if you have questions or concerns.


phone: 973-228-6981

Student’s Signature ______Date ______

Parent(s)’ or Guardian(s)’ Signature and daytime phone number(s) where you can be reached

1. ______Date ______

( ) ______- ______(Please circle) Home Cell Work

( ) ______- ______(Please circle) Home Cell Work

2. ______Date ______

( ) ______- ______(Please circle) Home Cell Work

( ) ______- ______(Please circle) Home Cell Work