Pre AP Algebra II

Patricia Speck

Infinity Early College High School, Room J103

Conference Time: 9:50 – 11:20 Tuesday/Thursday

281 577 – 2890 Ext. 5151

  1. Description of the course–An in-depth study and applications of polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, and absolute value functions, and systems of equations and inequalities using various methods of solution. Additional topics such as sequences, series, probability, trigonometry, and conics may be included. A student will earn 1 high school credit upon successful completion of this course. Prerequisites: Algebra 1
  1. Introduction and rationale for the course: This course is an extension of Algebra Iand provides further development of the concept learned in that course.
    Be reminded, Algebra 2 is NOT an introductory course and topics learned in Algebra 1 will not be rehashed but rather built upon.Because all this Algebra 2 course is Pre – AP, it is taught at the college preparatory level and taught for proficiency on university admission tests. Students will work to their potential, and ultimately benefit from taking this class as borne out from recent SAT scores. Those who score well in Algebra 2 do well on college admissions tests.
  1. Instructional materials: TEXT: CK – 12 Algebra 2 with Trigonometry (online Textbook)

Calculators: You will need a minimum of a scientific calculator in this course. A graphing calculator is preferred. However, you must be able to show work on all problems in order to get full credit. Answers found solely on your calculator will not receive any credit.

  1. Student learning outcomes and TEKS

Upon successful completion of this course, students will…

  1. Describe functional relationships in a number of ways
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the properties and attributes of functions
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of linear functions
  4. Formulate and use linear equations and inequalities
  5. Demonstrate and understanding of quadratic functions and other non-linear functions
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of the mathematical processes and tools used in problem solving
  1. Method of instruction: This will be a face to face lecture class
  1. Method of evaluation: The average of your homework assignments and quizzes will be 40% of your grade. Online homework will be given the grade received on the assignment. Other homework will receive a grade of 100 of completed on time. Late homework will receive a grade according to the District Grading policy.
  1. Grading criteria: Grading will be based on the following scale:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79C

69 and belowF

  1. Attendance: Attendance is critical for the success of a student and mastery of material. Please do not miss class unless absolutely necessary.
  1. Classroom Policies:

Disruptive Classroom behavior: Infinity ECHS seek to promote a teaching and learning environment free from material and substantial classroom disruptions. Faculty members have the authority and responsibility to effectively manage their classroom environments. Instructors may determine the time and manner for student questions and expression of points of view in the instructional setting. This instructor will only allow positive and supportive comments between students. Anything else will result in disciplinary action.

This policy is not intended to discourage appropriate classroom expression, discussion or disagreement, but to promote respectful interactions

Academic Dishonesty: ANY form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any academic dishonesty will result in a 0 on the assignment with no opportunity to make of that grade and may carry other implications as listed in the Infinity Code of Academic Integrity.

  1. Non-discrimination notice:

New Caney Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs. For more information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact District Title IX Coordinator Dr. Jon Kramer or Title IX Coordinator for Students Scott Castleberry, and/or the Section 504 Coordinator, Dr. Delinda Neal, at 21580 Loop 494, New Caney, Texas 77357 281-577-8600.
La directiva del Distrito Escolar Independiente de New Caney prohíbe la discriminaciónen base a raza, color, origennacional, género, edad, o incapacidadensusprogramasgenerales y vocacionales, servicios y actividades, o susprácticas de empleo. La falta de habilidaden el idioma Ingles no seráunabarrera para matriculación y participaciónentodoslosprogramaseducacionales y vocacionales. Para másinformaciónsobresus derechos o procesos de quejas, llame al Coordinador del Título IX, Dr. Jon Kramer o al Coordiandor del título IX para Servicios al Estudiante, Scott Castleberry, y/o a la Coordinadora de la Sección 504 Dr. Delinda Neal, 21580 Loop 494, New Caney, Texas 77357, 281-577-8600

  1. Tentative course outline:Every effort has been made to prepare this syllabus and class schedule in final form. It will be the instructor’s prerogative to make changes deemed necessary in order to meet the learning outcomes of the course.

1st Nine Weeks

August 22, 2016 - October 14, 2016

Unit 1: Equations,Inequalities and Regressions (5 A-Days)
TEKS: Algebra 1 Review and A2.7I, A2.8A, A2.8B, A2.8C

Test: Sept 1 and 2

Unit 2: Parent Functions & Absolute Value (7 A-Days)
TEKS: A2.2A, A2.6C, A2.6D, A2.6E, A2.6F, A2.7I

Test: Sept 22 and 23

Unit 3: Systems of Equations (8 A-Days)
TEKS: A2.3A, A2.3B, A2.3C, A2.3D

Test: Oct 12 and 13

3rd Nine Weeks

January 3, 2017 - March 10, 2016

Unit 7: Quadratic Equations (6 Days)
TEKS: A2.4F, A2.7A

Test: Jan 11 and 12

Unit 8: More Solving Quadratic Equations & Inequalities

(5 Days)

TEKS: A2.4D, A2.4F, A2.4H

Test: Jan 26 and 27

Unit 9: Square Root Functions

(7 Days)

TEKS: A2.2A, A2.4C, A2.4E, A2.4F, A2.4G

Test: Feb 15 and 16

Unit 10: Inverse Functions (7 Days)

TEKS: A2.2B, A2.2C, A2.2D

Test: Mar 8 and 9

2nd Nine Weeks

October 18, 2016 - December 16, 2016

Unit 4: Systems of Inequalities (5 A-Days)
TEKS:A2.3E, A2.3F, A2.3G

Test: Oct 27 and 28

Unit 5: Quadratic Functions (8 Days)
TEKS: A2.4A, A2.4B, A2.4E
Test: Nov 15 and 16

Unit 6: Polynomials (8 Days)
TEKS: A2.7B, A2.7C, A2.7D, A2.7E

Test: Dec 13-16

4th Nine Weeks

March 20, 2017 - May 26, 2017

Unit 11: Rational Equations (8 Days)
TEKS: A2.6G, A2.6H, A2.6I, A2.6J, A2.6K, A2.6L

Test: April 6 and 7

Unit 12: Cubic and Cube Root Functions (6 A-Days)

TEKS: A2.6A, A2.6B

Test: Apr 25 and 26

Unit 13: Rational Exponents

(5 Days)

TEKS: A2.7F, A2.7G, A2.7H

Test: May 15 and 16

Unit 14: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

(3 Days)

TEKS: A2.5A, A2.5B, A2.5C, A2.5D, A2.5E

Test: May 23-26