Professional Services for Qatar National Library Digitization Services / Revision :
Proposed Digitization Specialist Qualification Requirements
Eligibility Checklist
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Proposed Digitization Specialist No. XXXX
Name of Proposed PersonnelInstructions : Bidder to confirm the credentials and eligibility of proposed Digitization Specialist by
completing the required information below .
Sr. No / QF Eligibility Criteria / Confirmation / RemarksSummarize your experience in Digitizing Books, manuscripts, magazines or print material.
1 / Educational Qualifications -Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or other related field / Yes No
2 / Professional Experience - Minimum two (2) years’ experience working in professional digitization projects. / Yes No
3 / Knowledge in digitization and digitization workflow management solutions. / Yes No
4 / Experienced in handling rare and fragile manuscripts, books, etc. / Yes No
5 / Experience in working on digitization scanners such as Zeutschel, Phase One Imaging, I2S, and Qidenus. / Yes No
6 / Experience in software such as Adobe Photoshop, PDF creation tools, Abby Fine Reader, XML, Automatic Reader Sakhr, NovoVerus, ACDSee, ScanFix and others. / Yes No
7 / Collection Care: Classify the document according to its binding, paper status, paper size, opening angle and many other factors. / Yes No
8 / Ability to take the correct decision regarding the Tools (Photoshop, ACDsee, and Scan Fix ) and Techniques (Image format, DPI, Compression technique, Bit depth or required color mode) / Yes No
9 / Material Diversity (Books, Slides, Newspapers, Manuscripts, Maps, Audio-Visual , Photographs in Glass Plates, Photographs in albums, Microfilms and Others) / Yes No
10 / Proposed Personnel Curriculum Vitae copy provided. / Yes No
Proposed Digitization Specialist No. XXX
Name of Proposed PersonnelProduction Rates Compliance Checklist
Instructions : The Digitization Specialist provided by the professional company should deliver scanning the below rates as minimum rate. Bidder to indicate the capability of the proposed personnel to meet the duly stated production rates; clear justification has to be documented if below standards are not met.
Digitization Phase / Physical Condition / Production Rate (Per User Per Day) / Bidder Compliance Statement( Yes / No +Justification )
Manuscripts / 1000-1200 pages/day
Heritage material / 1500-2000 pages/day
Modern Books / 2500-3000 pages/day
Quality Control 0 (After Scanning)
Manuscripts / 1500 - 1700 pages/day
Heritage material/Modern books / 2500-3500 pages/day
Image Processing
Manuscripts/Heritage / 1500 - 1700 pages/day
Modern Books / 2000 - 2200 pages/day
Quality Control 1 (After Processing)
Manuscripts/Heritage / 2500 - 2700 pages/day
Modern Books / 4000 - 4500 pages/day
Arabic OCR
Low Quality Font / 2-3 books/day
Other fonts / 5-7 books
Latin OCR
Manual Frames / 1-3 books/day
Automatic / 6-10 books/day
Quality Control Final (After OCR)
All materials / 10,000 – 12,000 pages/day
Book Keeper
Variant types of physicals / All daily tasks
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