Ashburton United Soccer Club Social Media Policy

Ashburton United Soccer Club Policy for playing in an age level older than their FFA mandated age group

This club policy relates to requests received by the Ashburton United Soccer Club (AUSC) Coaching staff for players to participate in an age level older than their FFA mandated age requirement.

As a rule, a player at AUSC will not be authorised to permanently play in a Gold, Green or A graded team that is older than their mandated FFA age level requirement. The following reasons are provided for this policy decision:

  1. The FFA provides age level rules to ensure that all aspects of a child's development and enjoyment of football are taken into consideration. This includes ability, physical capability and emotional development;
  2. AUSC's philosophy is that children should develop in their mandated age levels and enjoy the progress they make through our football program;
  3. AUSC's philosophy is that all our players irrespective of their ability can participate in the same football coaching program should they chose to;
  4. By enabling a player to play in a Gold, Green or A graded older age level team, a position in this age level is filled which therefore prevents a player of the right age from participating in this team.

The following consideration will be given to parental requests for their child to play at an older age level.

  • The child's football ability;
  • The child's physical capability;
  • The child's emotional development;
  • The available players with the desired ability required to play in a Gold or A graded team in the age level (I.e. will this request prevent another player from playing in the team?).

Please note: the practise of a player being requested or required to play up an age level due to lack of numbers in that team on a given weekend is acceptable provided the relevant Head Coach of the age level is aware of and approves the request.

Playing in friendship groups

If a player (supported by their parent) has a desire to play in a team with includes a pre existing friendship group, the Club advises that participation in the Club grading process is still required to:

  • ensure each child's football ability is assessed correctly; and
  • Understand what team the Club has chosen each child to play in at the end of this process.

It should be noted that such teams/friendship teams will play at the ability level determined by the Club's coaching group and that this may occasionally result in some children playing in a team which may be a less challenging level that a particular child's football ability.

Policy created:December 2015

Policy approved:January 2016

Policy to be reviewed:January 2018

H:\Data\soccer club\Policies\AUSC policies\Approved\AUSC Policy for playing up.docx Last printed 3/07/2015 12:41:00 PM

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