ASG Regular Meeting MinutesApril 13, 2016
- Meeting called to order at 1:06pm
- Roll Call
- Present:
Chair:President Spence
Vice Chair:Vice President Prefontaine (Tardy
Delegates:Nagtalon (Tardy 1:16)
Noriega (Tardy 1:57)
- Absent:
- President Spence welcomed all in attendance
- Pledge of Allegianceled by Advisor Titus
- Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday March 16th, 2016
Motion: Move to approve Minutes from Wednesday March 16th with corrections.
- Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday March 30th, 2016
Motion: Move to approve Minutes from Wednesday March 30th with corrections.
- Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday April 6th, 2016
Postponed without objection by President Spence for next meeting.
- Water filling stations:
Senator Hinch shares some information on water filling stations at CalState San Marcos, referring to the number of reused bottles.
It would be convenient to have four more water filling stations at Palomar College.
ASG could even consider using SPPF money to help pay for such stations.
Advisor Titus, requests Senator Contreras to find out about new buildings and water filling stations considered in these at the FRC Committee.
ASG is asked whether or not they are in favor of taking to the FRC information on more water station on Campus. All people consider positive to do so.
Senator Contreras has to request an agenda item at the FRC, in order to consider water filling stations plans.
Motion: Move to change order of the day from item 5a before items 4b to k.
a. Student Union request – May 13th from 3pm to 10pm. Raza graduation. Request from M.E.Ch.A Non-Exclusive use.
Fabiola from M.E.Ch.A requests Student union for their Raza graduation event, to take place on May 13th from 3pm to 10 pm.
On this day students are given a Zarape stole. Ceremony has between 20 to 25 students.
Motion: Move to approve Student Union request from M.E.Ch.A for May 13th from 3pm to 10pm. Raza graduation. Non-Exclusive use.
b. Monetary Request - $750 for zarape stoles. Request from M.E.Ch.A
Fabiola from M.E.Ch.A requests $750 to buy Zarape stoles to be given during this day to ceremony attendants to take place on May 13th from 3pm to 10 pm.
Advisor Titus asks if attendants are encouraged to attend the Commencement Ceremony, for they might consider Raza graduation as the only event. And how are people selected for such recognition?
Fabiola from M.E.Ch.A confirms that the event is open to all Palomar students graduating. An invitation is sent to those graduating, and they decide whether assisting to it or not. Those that attend are encouraged to go to Commencement Ceremony. It has always been an inclusive event.
M.E.Ch.A answers advisors Kretchman questions regarding the cost per stole, which is approximately $25.
Temporary point of privilege granted to Vice-President at 1:41 p.m.
Information about current ICC M.E.Ch.A. status is requested. Advisor Kretchamn explains that the Club is an active ICC member, currently suspended for they have not attended a single meeting.
Vice-President joins the meeting at 1:50
ICC Chairperson explains that the Club has been very active in the past. This Semester they have had difficulty with having a member attend ICC meetings.
Permanent point of privilege granted to Senator Velasquez at 1:51
An overview on Bylaws regarding amount of money available per academic year, as well as implications if not being currently active is considered.
Motion: Move to approve monetary request from M.E.Ch.A. for $550 for zarape stoles from ASG reserve Fund.
(Hopp/Contreras/Favor 4, opposed 2, abstain 1) Minimum number of votes for a motion to pass is of 5.
Motion: Move to approve monetary request from M.E.Ch.A. for $700 for zarape stoles from ASG reserve Fund.
- Student Union request – Thursday, October 13th, 2016. Unity in Diversity Event. Request from the EEO Advisory Committee:
Advisor Kretchman questions about the date of the event, and if it should be determined by the coming ASG Board for the Fall.
Information will be double checked with them.
Not action is taken at the time.
- Updating of ASG Electronic Media – Will be continuously worked on to ensure that information presented is accurate and current.
- ICC Reflection Room
Senator Caldwell explains that he has seen a first presentation from MSU, they are currently working on a couple of aspects which need to be clarified in order to bring information to ASG. He will get in touch with MSU and request an agenda item to be included in the next meeting.
- Smoking Policy
Postponed without objection until next meeting by President Spence.
- ASG Election Forum
Senator Gutierrez explains that the Forum took place on April 12 from 11:00 to 12:00 at the SU Quad.
Candidates were answering questions actively.
g. Spring Fest
President Spence thanks those who helped him during the event in the morning, he had a last minute inconvenient and could not be present at the time.
Tomorrow at 11:00 there will be an event.
h. ASG Elections
It is important to be at the times specified during Senator Hour.
- Donuts with Deans Event
Event has been moved to coming semester.
j. ASG Nametags
Has sent all information to Marilyn. Each nametag costs $3. The following people will be receiving one:
President Spence, Senators Caldwell, Senator Contreras, Senator Gutierrez, Senator Velazquez, Senator Wildschut, Senator Hopp, Delegate Nagtalon, Delegate Aguilar and Delegate Noriega.
k. ASG Polos
Since Senator Mayorga has presented his resignation to the ASG, Senator Wildschut has been assigned to help with ASG Polos
- Interview For Senate Position
- Interview for Delegate Position
- ASG Committees
- CWA: Had requested an agenda item. Will bring it further on.
- Shared Governance Councils and Committees –
- Shared Governance Rundown
Will be considered next week when all ASG members are present.
- Senate: We currently have six(6) Senate seats available.
- Delegates: We currently have four (4) positions for delegates.
- Executive Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each
- President Spence
- Attended the Governing Board meeting. Main issue is on trustees and faculties, and how they ought to be diverse.
- Finalists are expected on May 11. For Superintendent there should be 3 to 5.
- On May 16 there is a Campus Forum.
- Attended the Moda Express yourself Fashion Show.
- U People – Shared Palomar ASG workgroup. They will talking about resolutions.
- Vice President Prefontaine
- Did not get to see the forum, but had a good reference about it.
- Consider dates for annual celebration. Meals worth $25. Possible dates May 18 or 24.
- Consider even May 11 during regular ASG meeting time.
- Senator Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each
- Lazzaric Caldwell-
- Talking about Gender Neutral bathrooms. Had the chance to talk to someone who went through that process (Woman becoming a man), and learned about some of the difficulties faced when doing the transition.
- Tuesday there was a Bible Study at the Club Hub, for two hours people shared different understanding of their religions.
- Armando Contreras-
- STEM Center is opening in the NS Building.
- Last meeting is on May 5th.
- Have spoken about single use bathroom, Gender neutral.
Temporary point of privilege granted to Vice-President at 2:48 p.m.
- Thomas Hinch-
- Attended the campus Police committee. They aim to reach out students about how police is available for them.
- NSPC was cancelled.
Vice-president joins meeting at 2:50
- Zach Gutierrez-
- Impact Magazine is trying to place an ASG ad.
Permanent point of privilege 2:53 to Senator Caldwell.
- Chris Hopp
Nothing to report
- Nedy Velasquez –
Not present at the time of the report.
- Cesar Mayorga –
Not present at the time of the report.
- Laura Wildschut –
- Attended the Forum, it was good. More participation during such events would be important.
- Attended Spring Fest, not too many people participating. Looking forward to see more people involved.
Motion: To extend meeting to 3:10.
- Delegate Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each
- Michael Nagtalon-
Not present at the time of the report.
- David Aguilar –
Not present at the time of the report.
- Eric Noriega –
Not present at the time of the report.
- Advisor Reports- Seven (7) Minutes Each
- Lindsay Kretchman-
- Thanks Senators Gutierrez and Caldwell for their work during the ASG Election Forum.
- Advertisement is required in order to get people into voting.
- Tomorrow is the deadline for the Student Leadership service award.
- GradFest is taking place, those attending the Commencement Ceremony may get what they need for a good price.
- Earth day is next week. Will there be an ASG Booth?
- Sherry Titus-
- Apologizes for not attending all the ASG Election Forum. It was well done and looked very professional.
- If interested plan in participating in the Commencement Event.
- A work group is required in order to review the policies. It is necessary to be requested as an agenda item.
Permanent point of privilege granted at 3:00 p.m. to Senator Contreras.
Quorum is lost meeting is adjourned.
Meeting adjourned at3:00 P.M.
- Committee Reports- Four (4) Minutes
- ICC-
- CWA-
- Elections –