ASEWU Council Work Session – December 6, 2014
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ASEWU Work Session Minutes
Friday, December 6, 2013
PUB 307, 4:00 p.m.
1. Chair calls meeting to order at 4:10pm.
2. Roll Call
D.J. Jigre, President
Frank Navarro, Executive Vice President
Samson Hatton, Finance Vice President
Cassie Bratton, Council Representative, Academic Affairs
Kyle Dodson, Council Representative, Athletic Affairs and University Advancement
Mariana Garcia, Council Representative, Diversity Outreach
Samantha Frank, Council Representative, Graduate Affairs
Kelsy Kelley, Council Representative, Legislative Affairs
Kendall Davis, Council Representative, Student Activities
Brendan Hargrave, Council Representative, Student Health and Safety Services
Ryan McCulloch, Council Representative, Student Services
James Reisenauer, Council Representative, Technology Advancement
Nick Fell, Superior Court Chief Justice
Kyle Dodson
3. Approval of the Agenda
a. Samson – add an announcement – reminder of dodge ball after winter break
b. Ryan – discussion item – Library Kiosk
c. D.J. – guest speaker – Michael O’Donnell
i. Discussion will be only a few minutes
d. Kelsy – item G to announcements – dream act rally
e. Chair – item H – ASEWU over view of accomplishments
f. Samson - item F – budget request ASME
i. Stacey- two budgets
1. History club budget request
4. The chair reminds the Council members that they will be limited to three turns of two minutes on each subject, with the exception of the first speaker on each subject, reports, and guest speakers, all of whom will be allowed five minutes to open. The Speaker reserves the right for further debate. If members of the Gallery have questions, comments or concerns, please speak up during “Gallery Participation.”
5. Gallery Participation
6. Guest Speakers
a. Michael O’Donnell
i. BOT student member, process of looking at library hours, little research and did a proposal looking into WSU and other schools, 24 hours. Money isn’t going to be passes, Susana Milton, access increase on weekends, more staff not just students,
ii. Met with Region and Trustees from colleges around the state, WSU over RVPT, complaint EWU doesn’t do anything at WSU, will take a trip over there and will look into it. Last year was the same issue, person wasn’t a traditional WSU student, no longer doing semesters, doing quarters, CWU is going through the process of looking into and they will have do a town hall as well
iii. Mandatory living on campus, should have not gone with that, should have done a student survey to get students views
1. DJ- too many surveys, as a council discussed the benefits and decided that would be the best for students, it’s only for freshmen incoming students. Give students resource that ASEWU and EWU provides that are beneficial to the students
a. Agenda is given three days in advance, too little time to look through it and make a decision, Board wants to know what’s happening at RVPT. Library hours look into lighting, and police services
2. Ryan – Josh spoke to council was two weeks before the meeting and didn’t have much time to think over the live on requirement. Council didn’t expect to do or hear about that. If it was known ahead of time would have been able to do a survey for both
3. Brendan – walked through campus with electricians, new LED lights talked to chief of police and will hire 4 new cadets. Brown coats walk around campus, the issue isn’t lighting it’s that people don’t walk around.
a. Police presence is better, need money Michael can look into it, students study in the PUB
i. Brendan – working on it and as soon as library is extended he will have his people do walk through also working on a phone number people can call
4. Chair – concerns about live on, support policy because of academic success, only if students can serve on the exemption process , administration will look through the process,
a. Don’t know who will be on the committee
5. Stacey morgan foster agreed to have ASEWU on the committee
6. Ryan – Parking is a big thing, appeal committee is one thing but there is a lot that needs to be worked out. Freshmen might not be able to have cars on campus to lower parking troubles.
a. Board doesn’t seem to be too worried about it, western governors university, largest school, school at your own pace, accredited, online you can talk to a professor or advisor. Looking into expanding but can only handle 6000, don’t have faculty to handle more. Freshmen thing we shoot ourselves in the foot, keeping EWU open is good but anything mandatory doesn’t help. University of Arizona has E advisor, will go on the phone as an advisor, another app is map of the campus, if you touch the building it will give you info on each office and staff there.
Chair thanks Michael
7. Reports
a. Nick Fell, ASEWU Superior Court Chief Justice
i. Week left, last meeting with council. Thank you for signing the banner in their office, summary from reviews, made it clear what each individual needs to work on, every single person mentioned something about communication, the org needs to work on that and is the biggest problem this year. If it is worked on winter quarter will be really good. Certain members in this org are out working and others can push themselves more for full potential, only way to get goals accomplished is if everyone helps, those who work hard will get burnt out. Great group, great potential, each have the potential to change. Will have letters for your records, court has a copy. Superior court mtg will be Tuesday, will appoint whoever they hire for justice, court will have a recommendation for chief that is handed to dj
ii. DJ – will you miss us
1. Nick - yes
8. Report of the Officers
a. Dahir “D.J.” Jigre, ASEWU President
i. A lot to work on, staying on quarters, live on req. DJ will need help to gather questions and answers for the recommended proposal for remaining on quarters. Meeting for potential candidates for Mitchel Munson’s position, frank and DJ have met with a few people.
b. Francisco “Frank” Navarro, ASEWU Executive Vice President
i. Learning about communication and need to work on in our office, bi weekly report for council in a written way by email, over view and timeline that can be followed. Email to Frank and CC Linet, make sure to share information to everyone, every other week will be sent. Jan 9 & 10 PUB remodel work shop. Expected to show up to this event, would like everyone to show up with jackets and name tags if you can’t make it let Frank know.
1. Samuel – treating it like we are going to have a new PUB, but we don’t know. Discuss more about it, keep in mind that we don’t know yet
a. Ryan – agrees, focusing on the PUB but we should work on how to convince the students
i. Samuel – disagree
b. Ryan – informing
i. Samuel – can’t convince but to give options
2. Nick – reach out to the student instead of doing the behind the scene work.
3. Frank – didn’t have a campaign or timeline, provide students with an option, believes students deserve better. Launch campaign Jan 9, educate students about the options and is up to the students to decide during spring quarter. If you focus on failure that’s all you think of
a. Brendan – have you looked into outside vendors
i. Ryan has been working on it Leeann case have said Panda Express and Chipotle have said it’s a possibility for them to be part of the Remodel.
4. Eye opener during the work shop, think of tag lines. Come up with ideas and share with Frank. Will work more on communication with ASEWU Council and share the information
a. Samuel – presentation about the remodel to explain what the PUB can be like
b. Michael – design set?
i. Will send info to BOT soon
1. Michael – Dr. A has posted everywhere and people are excited even though it is not funded.
ii. In January will have a website up with more information, presentation will happen Jan 9, our first meeting will have an over view about the PUB remodel and will send out a PUB packet over email so you can read over break
c. Samson Hatton, ASEWU Finance Vice President
i. Two request that will be discussed later, finance will meet the first day of school to vote
ii. SNA – 3 freshmen that live on campus, gave recommendation to Stacey but hasn’t heard back, winter break will know what students will serve on it.
9. Discussion Items
a. ASEWU work session question from Ms. Bratton for March 7 and 14, 2014
i. Has class, can she get pre excused
1. Frank – come to my office and talk about it with your schedule
ii. Samson – schedule is not made yet
1. Frank – work around these times and days
iii. Samantha – site until 4pm, will try to get off at 3, for the last two times
iv. Nick – Does Tuesday work for everyone? If so make it earlier in the day, two absences should not take advantage of them so soon
v. Chair – class conflicts talk to me, we can meet early in the morning at 7 or 6 am if these times don’t work. So far these are the times, unless specific
b. Appointment of ASEWU Superior Court Associate Justice
i. Interviews today, no final decision. More than one less than five. Decision will be made by Monday maybe even sooner, appointment will happen first council meeting. Very
c. Process of appointment regarding ASEWU Superior Court Chief Justice
i. DJ let us know when you will be leaving
ii. Next Thursday
iii. Ryan – office hours
1. Until whatever last day of the quarter
2. Nick – you are not required to hold office hours on finals week
3. Lizbeth – suggest to work 10 hours
4. Nick – should have been cleared – make 10 hours but not required to host scheduled hours
iv. Chair – tamale making party?
1. When we come back, team challenge
d. Mandatory dates
i. Stacey – talking to DJ – Court retraining needed, working on communication, tell us about what other areas need to be worked on. Start on the 10th, early morning go to site stay there all day and then on the 12th attend social excellence conference that ASEWU hosts along with SAIL. Helps with communication skills.
1. Nick – one question that was asked will pass answers to Stacey at Tuesdays meeting
2. Stacey – keep you geared for spring break, training to gear you back up
3. Chair – will happen at a camp site, stated in bylaws
4. James – camp site or cabin
a. Stacey – have to think about it – maybe camp reed
5. Chair – for training doing something about balancing academic life and ASEWU
6. Ryan – really hard, homework every night and working on other projects, very busy
7. Mariana – times when there’s class and there’s an ASEWU important meeting
8. Ryan – or a council meeting and not being able to stay and talk about material in class
9. Linet – time management
10. Kendal – Art of communication, training her dad does
a. Stacey – will look into
11. Chair – everyone has struggled and has put everyone behind
12. Brendan – advisor made fun of him
13. Chair – talked to Sam Armstrong – send an email to professors stating were in student government in order to receive help from them and understanding
14. Mariana – professors don’t care
15. Chair – Sam Armstrong advice to not get pressured by administration to get out of class for a meeting
16. Samantha – something that works for her is remember why she came to EWU
e. Attending and supporting S.A.I.L. and Eagle Entertainment activities and programs
i. Stacey – many planned events for winter and spring, will send out planned calendar, but come and show support. Will be awesome, late night programs.
ii. Use ASEWU advisors better – are they to advocate for you with administration, can’t do it without knowing what is being done, let them know what’s going on. DJ and I have been talking about seating done one on one each month to see how everyone is doing, advocate through those meetings.
1. Chair – thinking about projects with administration cc advisors so they are aware
f. Possible supplemental budget request for HITM-SO
i. ASME – good standing 1500 for conference which contacted the club, club is sending student but is not funding him, going to new york, finance committee is asking council meeting 500 for the student, student will be there at the council meeting when council votes on it, if council has questions please ask him
1. Nick – since going alone, recommendation come to ASEWU when he comes back have them present at a council meeting when he returns
2. Mechanical engineering conference
ii. History club – asked 3640, 364 per person, 4 graduate have to go 6 others want to go for learning, finance committee decided to just pay for 4 graduate students
1. Stacey – grads will be giving presentation others will just go to learn
2. Chair – 4 grads and 2 undergrads for learning