
Circuit Rider

Asbury United Methodist Church Newsletter – Published Monthly

June – 2013 90 Church Avenue, Forestville, Connecticut 06010 Volume 20, Issue 6

Dear Friends,

Asbury has a long tradition of involvement in mission. We reach out to our neighbors in Bristol and nearby communities in many ways each week, and we have reached out to those who have been devastated by storms in Biloxi, MS; Prattsville, NY; Long Island, NY and most recently, Brooklyn, NY. This past year, we supported Brian Denski and Debbie Bechert who traveled with a team to Ghana. We are getting ready to send another team on mission in July! Something that’s unique about this team, is that it involves our youth.

A team of youth and adult volunteers will travel to Bedford, Vermont on Sunday, July 7th, for a week of mission with UM Army. UM Army stands for United Methodist Action Reach-Out Mission by Youth. U.M. ARMY’s mission is: “To provide Christ-centered quality youth work camps that serve people in need and promote spiritual growth and leadership development in youth.”

We will join with about 100 other youth and adults for a week of work projects that help out elderly, impoverished or disabled homeowners with repairs or safety enhancements to their homes that they otherwise could not afford. In addition to our work, we will spend time together each day for prayer and worship … and lots of silliness and fun.

You’ll hear more from us in the coming weeks as we finalize our plans for the trip. You will also hear about our trip when we tell our story in worship the Sunday following our return. For now, please keep us in your prayers as we prepare. You can support our mission trip by bringing your used clothing in for the clothing drive that ends on June 1st. To learn more about this exciting time for our youth, check out Thank you for your support!

Asbury United Methodist Church

June – 2013 The Circuit Rider Page 2

Worship Leaders
For June

2nd.…....….Confirmation Class


16th...... …Children’s Sunday

23rd……………….….Bill King

30th…….……Heidi Borkowski

8:30 am service – Carl Aspland


Greeters are needed

for the Month of June. Please sign up in Wesley Hall.

Fellowship Hour

2nd.……...... ….JoAnn Bacon

9th…...... Youth In Mission

16th...... …Education




Wayne Fuller, Bonnie Emery, Dennis Floyd, Don Mazerolle, Chad Lockhart, Dick Peterson,

Roy DiYulio

Communion Stewards

Treaty & Wayne Fuller

June Altar Guild

Kate Abekah

June Birthday Caller

Elene Myers

The deadline for the

Combined July/August

Circuit Rider is

Sunday, June 16th.

Please leave all articles in the mailbox in the church office or e-mail them to: .


1 Sally Shea

Tyler Anderson

Jay Clement

2 Donavan Anderson

3 James Clevenger

6 Alvin Wysocki

Jeff Achilli

Hunter Smith

7 Bruce Boucher

Thomas Komanetsky

Sandra Richardson

Paul Tibbitts

Carrie Zahacewski

Tammy Buonafede

Colin Hagan

8 Madison-Min Barnaby

Sandra Maier

9 Ben Linn

Camryn Tucker

Tammy Johanns

10 Matthew Kirschner

Nathan Pinette

Tyler Cyr

11 Brian Komanetsky

Deborah Bechert

12 Lucille Hamel

Norm Fusaro

13 Natalie Cummings

Mark Kirschner

Kenneth Clark

Joseph Grasso

14 Kim Richardson

Lorraine Clark

Jean Bradley

Logan Annelli

16 David Barry

17 Michelle Voisine

Heather Lafland

18 Corey Pratt

Jean Hagan

19 Karen Cranford

20 Lori Bolduc

Joseph Wojcik

21 Lorana Sardilli

22 Jonathan Pierce

William Pierce

23 Sharon Parsons

Jean Tibbitts

Marjorie Wysocki

24 Emily Anderson

25 Shannen Pullen

Joan Tilley

26 Carolyn Bechert

Jushwua Flynn

Casey Voisine

27 Avery Horan

28 Connor Cummings

Danielle Johnson

30 Brenden Cummings

June Kellert

Charlene Clevenger

Asbury UMC Fundraiser at Wendy’s of Bristol

1247 Farmington Ave, Bristol

Tuesday, June 4th

from 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Remember: no shopping, cooking or clean-up. Just come in to Wendy’s and enjoy the fellowship. Ask to have your receipt put in the Asbury UMC basket, and help us pay down the mortgage!

And don’t forget to purchase

your Wendy’s Scrip Card from

Christian Outreach during Fellowship Hour and support the many Mission projects at Asbury!

Don’t Forget: You must eat in Wendy’s dining room for your receipt to be eligible for the fundraiser.

Asbury United Methodist Church

June – 2013 The Circuit Rider Page 3


Please keep these people in your prayers……

John Krom, Barbara Emanuelson, Howard Bradley, Dan Fasci, Bea Trafton, John Fraas, Arlene Chabot, Elsie Lyons, Edward Coloske, Bob Pullen and others who have needs of which we may not be aware.

If you wish to relate prayer needs to the chain, please call Phyllis Petit at 860-589-6059 or Mernie Whitcomb at 860-583-5373, or e-mail Pastor Laura. Please keep your call brief, and be aware of the privacy rights of the person(s) for whom you are requesting prayers.

We have a parishioner that is looking to rent a one bedroom apartment with first floor access. If you can help, please call 860-585-7163.

Paul Opperman and Cathleen Whillock became engaged on March 9th. Congratulations!

Jeremy Leo, grandson of Edith and Wayne Devino, will be graduating from Central Connecticut State University on May 18th receiving Bachelor's Degrees in Geology and Geography.

Krissy Perrone, granddaughter of Edith and Wayne Devino, will be graduating from Western New England University on May 18th receiving her Bachelor's of Social Work (BSW). She will continue her education towards her Master's of Social Work (MSW) at Simmons College of Social Work in Boston.

Steven Perrone, grandson of Edith and Wayne Devino, will be graduating from Kennedy High School in June. In the fall he'll begin his studies at the University of Hartford in Computer Engineering.

Alicia Deprey, daughter of Nancy Deprey, is graduating from Bristol Eastern High School, and will be attending CCSU in the Fall majoring in Psychology.

Nathan Cannon, son of Len and April Cannon, is graduating from Bristol Eastern High School, and is looking forward to an apprenticeship in the plumbing and pipe fitting industry.

Dear Asbury Family,

I would like to say Thank You to these “angels” that kept me posted while I was in the Health Clinic. It was a long three and a half months but I made it.

I especially want to say that you two, Phyllis Petit and Mernie Whitcomb, are the greatest. A visit every week to keep my spirits up. And I had the most wonderful surprise visit from Annabelle Coloske! Thank you.


Bea Trafton

Thank you Stacey Rich, Karen Cranford, Melissa Gray, Donna Frank, and Karna Baumberger for the Fruit of the Spirit Retreat Day.

I know so well that though it was a day in my life that I will always remember, it was for you all months in the planning and preparation.

It was a blessed time to reflect and be reminded of the Fruit of the Spirit. You all presented these elements, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control with beauty and fun. Every moment of our time together was a blessing.

God has truly blessed our Asbury family with your talents in this presentation.

God Bless you,

Harriet Donovan

Asbury United Methodist Church

June – 2013 The Circuit Rider Page 4

Dear Friend,

Thank you for the beautiful sweaters you have made to help us warm the body and souls of needy children in our country and around the world. Your volunteerism through this gift has helped us make a difference in the lives of over half a million children. See your impact! View the smiles online at


Knit For Kids

The Education Committee has been busy with many activities and planning. Children's Sunday will be held on Father's Day June 16th to celebrate the children and teachers for all that they do. Sunday School will continue during the summer with one-room classroom. Our classrooms will be updated during the summer months and planning for the fall curriculum is underway.


June 16th – Children’s Sunday

Regular Sunday School


June 23rd – No Sunday School

June 30th – No Sunday School

July 7th – One Room Sunday

School Begins

One Room Sunday School is for children from Kindergarten through 5th grades. The 3 and 4 year olds will meet in their regular classroom.

WIF's women's retreat held on Saturday, May 4th was filled with food, fun and fellowship with nearly 40 women in attendance. Activities included scripture study, music, games, crafts, dynamic speakers, including Melissa Gray and Karen Cranford and much more. Committee members, Karna Baumberger, Donna Frank, Melissa Gray, Karen Cranford and Stacey Rich hope to make this a yearly event. Thank you to all who attended and assisted in making the event wonderfully successful!

June 2013


God’s Word: Source of Mercy and Forgiveness

1 Psalm 103

2 Exodus 5.22—6.13

3 Leviticus 16.1-19

4 Leviticus 16.20-34

5 2 Samuel 9.1-13

6 1 Kings 17.1-24

7 2 Kings 5.1-27

8 Joel 2.1-27

9 Jeremiah 31.1-22

10 Jeremiah 31.23-40

11 Jeremiah 33.1-26

12 Lamentations 3.22-58

*13 Hosea 1.1—2.1

14 Hosea 2.2-23

15 Hosea 3.1—4.10

16 Hosea 4.11—5.15

17 Hosea 6.1—7.2

18 Hosea 7.3-16

19 Hosea 8.1-14

20 Hosea 9.1-16

21 Hosea 9.17—10.15

22 Hosea 11.1-11

*23 Hosea 11.12—12.14

24 Hosea 13.1-16

25 Hosea 14.1-9

26 Jonah 1.1-17

27 Jonah 2.1-10

28 Jonah 3.1-10

29 Jonah 4.1-11

30 Philemon 1-25

* Orthodox Christians will observe Ascension Day on June 13 and Pentecost on June 23.

The office is trying to limit the number of e-mail announcements we send. We recently have begun to send out one weekly announcement e-mail on Friday mornings with a listing of different activities, etc that are going on within the church.

If you or your group has an announcement or request that you would like to have sent in an all church e-mail, please make sure you call the church office at 860-589-0529, or e-mail the information to by Thursday evening.

Father’s Day

June 16th

Asbury United Methodist Church

June – 2013 The Circuit Rider Page 5

The Seniors had some great times in May, and one was a trip to Northfield to see the beautiful Daffodils. We also took a tour of the State Capitol with Chris Wright on May 16th. We almost always have a Tea Cup Auction or a Craft day after our business meetings.

With the beautiful weather finally upon us, plans are in the works for June. One is our Annual Picnic with lots of delicious salads and goodies. Another is a tour of ESPN thanks to the help of Geri Beveridge.

We would love to have you join our fellowship group. We meet every Thursday morning at 10:15 a.m.

Senior Fellowship

Activities for June

6th – Game Day – Lunch Out

13th – Tour of ESPN – Lunch Out

20th – Annual Picnic

27th – Birthday Celebrations and

Bingo, Bring a Sandwich

Ultimate Power

Written by Bea Trafton

The greatest source of power on


Is not manufactured nor mined,

It’s not in wires, nor computers,

It’s very simply designed.

Each human has such power

It is the power of prayer,

A direct communication with God

At anytime and anywhere.

Let’s use that ultimate power

To make Earth a better place,

Spreading love to mankind

Throughout every race.

On April 6, Girl Scout Troop 66432 sponsored a pasta dinner to help support St. Vincent DePaul's Shelter in Bristol. We would like to thank Asbury for the use of Memorial Hall, and hope to hold such a dinner in the future, as this event was a huge success and very much appreciated by our benefactors.


GS Troop 66432

Carli, Vanessa, Julia,

Katie, Aly and Lizzie

An Ice Cream Social will be held on Sunday, June 9th following the 10:00 am worship service. Proceeds will benefit the Asbury youth mission trip in July.

Congratulations to our members with perfect attendance for the 1st Quarter of 2013:

Jan & Bill King
Ann & Lukas Morin
Debbie Bechert
Donna Lee Carlson




New pictures will be taken by Gene Kelsey on Sundays, through June 30 following worship services in Wesley Hall Annex.

If you choose to not have a new picture taken, we will use your previous picture unless you tell us otherwise. OR, you can email a picture of your choosing as jpg. file to the church office by

June 30 to be included in the directory. Church email:

Church phone: 860-584-0529

Gene will also have a spreadsheet where you can check the information the office has on record for you and your family. If there are any additions or corrections that are needed concerning your record, please contact the church office at 860-589-0529 or e-mail before June 30th.


Prospect UMC

99 Summer St., Bristol

Saturday, June 1st

From 9 am – 2 pm

Raindate: June 15th