Eligibility Criteria :

1.  The bidder should be in printing business for more than 5 years as on 31st March’2015.

2.  The bidder must own printing press which is located either at Mumbai / Navi Mumbai or Thane district.

3.  The turnover of the bidder should be more than Rs.3 crores per year during each of the last 3 FYs i.e. 2012-13, 2013-2014 & 2014-2015.

4.  Declaration on letterhead of the bidder that they have not been put in the negative list by any public sector bank/ govt. organisation, for breach of applicable laws or violation of regulatory prescription or breach of agreement.

5.  The Bidder should submit documentary evidence in support of fulfilling eligibility criteria mentioned above including performance certificate from clients.

6.  Bidder who fulfils the above mentioned eligibility criteria can be participated in the financial bid.

7.  The application received after the prescribed date and time will be rejected.

8.  Incomplete application tender (i.e. without complete information/ overwriting/ cutting) shall be rejected.

9.  All the documents must be duly signed by the authorised signatory.

10.The bidders have to quote all the items.

11.Tender will be issued to shortlisted vendor only.

12.The Corporation shall have absolute right to decide on the omission of one or more participating bidders on the basis of pre-qualifications at its sole discretion, without giving explanation to any of the participants or any other parties and also exclude them on the basis as decided by the Corporation to participate in the financial bid.

13. The Corporation does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and also reserves the right to reject any tender without assigning any reason whatsoever,

14. The Corporation reserves the right to seek any clarification / additional documents, if required. Further, to extend the date of submission of application.

Duly filled application in a sealed / closed cover super-scribing ‘Printing of Wall calendars, Table calendars, Diaries & Executive diaries’ should be dropped in the box placed at Stock Holding Corporation Of India Ltd., 301, Centre Point, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Road, Parel, Mumbai -400012 on or before 7thOctober’2015 till 03.00p.m. For further details please contact: (022)61779059 / 61779021 between 5.30p.m.


1.  Name & address of the Proprietary

Concern / Company / Partnership

Firm :______

2. Correspondence Address : ______

3. Registered Address : ______

4. Contact Person Name : ______

Phone No: :______

E-mail :______

5. Experience in Services (in years) :______

6. Annual Turnover Financial Year : 2012-13 (Rs.)______

: 2013-14 (Rs.)______

: 2014-15 (Rs.)______

7. Copies of following Statutory Registrations viz. :

a. VAT Act

b. Service Tax, if applicable

c. Copies of the registration certificate

d. Signed copy of PAN card

e. Any other regulatory requirement or Certification

f. Certificate from CA for turnover of last 3 years

8. Important Customers:

Name of the Client / Contact Person / Phone No.

9. Any other relevant information.


10. Declaration.

I/We hereby declare that the information furnished above is true and correct. I/We am/are aware that incorrectness of the aforesaid information shall result in immediate termination of the contract and SHCIL shall be entitled to recover the necessary costs and damages. I/We confirm that we comply with the pre-qualification eligibility criteria.


With Seal and stamp