ALICIA PEREA/ April 2007
Instituto de Historia (Madrid), CSIC.
Present position: Tenured Scientist at the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) since 1993. Head of the Department of Prehistory, Instituto de Historia, since 2005.
Training and Professional experience: Graduate in History, specialized in Prehistory and Archaeology from the Universidad Complutense, Madrid, in 1983. Doctorate in Prehistory, at the same University, in 1989. Keeper Assistant at the National Archaeological Museum, Madrid, since 1991.
Research experience: first researcher and present Head of the Archaeometallurgy Group, CSIC. Research leader in 4, three years period Projects financed by the Spanish National Research and Developing Agency. Research leader in 4, one year period Projects financed by the Madrid Regional Agency for Research and Developing. Responsible for two Short Scientific Missions of the COST G1 Action, financed by the European Commission, in Paris (Laboratoire du Louvre) and Belgium (LARN). Scientific responsible in 3 Integrated Actions between the CNRS (France), University of Notre Dâme de la Paix (Belgium), and the British Museum (UK). Scientific organizer of 3 International Conferences in Spain (1998, 2002, 2007). Scientific director of two temporary exhibitions in Gijón (1995) and Madrid (2007). Member of the Executive Board of Trabajos de Prehistoria since 1993. Member of the Editorial Board of Iberia (University from La Rioja). She has read 16 specialized courses given at different spanish and other universities and academic institutions (Cádiz, Ibiza, Lisboa, Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, Valladolid, Vigo). She has read more than 30 conferences in Spain and Europe.
Areas of Expertise: Archaeometry applied to the identification, characterization and quantification of archaeological objects and data. Archaeometallurgy, as a specilized area within Archaeometry concerning metallic objects. History of Technology, studying the social, economic and ideological processes related with the mechanisms that govern technological persistence, change and transmission. User of scientific analytical instruments and equipment like scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and proton induced x Ray espectroscopy (PIXE). Elected member of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd International Conference Archaeometallurgy in Europe, to be held in Aquileia and Grado (June 2007).
Publications: author of 20 scientific books and monographies, 30 research articles and 40 papers presented to national and international conferences.
Selected recent contributions (maximum 5 references):
-Perea, A. (Ed.) 2001: El Tesoro visigodo de Guarrazar. CSIC. Madrid.
-Perea, A. 2005: Mecanismos identitarios y de construcción de poder en la transición Bronce-Hierro. Trabajos de Prehistoria 62 (2): 91-103.
-Perea, A. et alii 2006: The visigothic treasure of Torredonjimeno (Jaén, Spain): a study with IBA techniques. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 249: 638-641.
-Guerra, M., Calligaro, T. and Perea, A. 2007: The treasure of Guarrazar: tracing the gold supplies in the visigothic Iberian Peninsula. Archaeometry 49, 1: 53-74.
-Perea, A. and Armbruster, B. 2007: Change and persistence. The Mediterranean contribution to Atlantic metal work in Late Bronze Age Iberia. In: C. Burgess, P. Topping and F. Lynch (eds.) Beyond Stonhenge: Essays on the Bronze Age in Honour of Colin Burgess. Oxbow Books: 97-106.