Wallington Family Practice - Patient Participation Group
Minutes 4th June 2015
Present: Jane Davies (Chair), Margaret Mattingly, Saleh Mamon
Apologies: Helen Pearcy, Veronica Renwick, Mervyn Pamment
In attendance: Jonathan White (Practice Manager, Wallington Family Practice – Minutes); Ken Collins (Shotfield Medical Practice) Pam Howe (Healthwatch)
CCG Patient Reference Group
The group decided that we should co-opt another member until Wendy advises that she can return to representing the group.
Minutes of last meeting
Discussion with Pam Howe from Healthwatch
What matters to you campaign – Healthwatch are organising a campaign, asking patient what the main concern is. Primary care is high on the list. Access to GPs is seen as one of the major problems.
Discussion about Healthwatch report. Difficult to establish who is responsible for what in the Jubilee Centre. Healthwatch can escalate concerns to the Council’s Scrutiny Committee. Healthwatch were disappointed by NHS Property Services last response. Note that healthcare providers have a statutory duty to respond to Healthwatch. At the last visit, building issues were the main concern. Healthwatch felt that they had a good response form the landlord’s agent.
Signage has been an ongoing issue – there are currently no funds to overall signage. The enquiries desk works well. A map is available. Signage is particularly poor for those who are visually impaired.
Discussion about whether there can be an overall website for the building – this is difficult because services are operated by different providers. A shared website would be helpful for patients but issues around who would maintain it.
Discussion about CAB having a direct phone line in the centre. Claire Edge is taking this forward with Steve Triner from CAB.
Discussed SCILL having a stand in the Jubilee Centre.
Could be beneficial to have a joint group with Shotfield Medical Practice as some issues will be the same. Shotfield Medical Practice are in the process of setting up their group. JW will liaise with their Practice Manager to discuss whether joint meetings would be appropriate.
CCG Patient Reference Group
Report from Jane Davies.
Discussion of the 2015/2016 investment plan.
For 2016/2017 the CCG are asking for ideas from patient groups as to what services people want. Looking at setting up online and waiting room surveys.
Discussed Joint commissioning and NHS 111.
Update from the practice
JW reported. Practice is continuing to grow in terms of patient numbers, now at 14,200 patients.
Proposing an overhaul of the appointments system starting later in June. Having an emergency walk in style surgery in the mornings and continuing telephone advice in the afternoon.
The group generally welcomed the idea and the draft information. Veronica had asked by e-mail about maintaining telephone advice which can be very helpful for some patients.
Changes to the partnership with Dr Roberts and Dr Noorani becoming practice partners and Dr Wilson reducing his surgeries. Dr Constable remains on maternity leave, returning in October.
Some changes to the admin and reception teams, and the practice continues to have a rotation of registrars.
Other business
Discussed a GP attending the meeting – Pam reports that often GPs do attend the meetings in practices. JW will speak to the GPs about attending.
Discussed website – not up to date, no information. JW and JD agreed to meet separately to publish information on the website.
Dates of next meetings
10th September 2015 6pm – 7pm
12th November 2015 (tbc) 6pm – 7pm