As we celebrate Chanukah this year, we are reminded of the eternal message of the Chanukah Flames. The few can win over the many, light can overcome darkness, and despite challenges and obstacles, every night we light a new candle as we hope and pray for a brighter tomorrow.
The past few months have been challenging in many fronts- globally there has been way too much terror and destruction and nationally we have seen rancor and hate reach record levels. Anti –Israel hatred has reached a new peak, disturbing us greatly. And the recent losses and illness we’ve experienced within our Shul community have truly shaken us all.
We hope and pray for a brighter tomorrow- for a safer world, for a strong Israel, and for a calmer and more peaceful political dialogue.
We hope and pray that those in need of a Refuah Shelaima should be blessed with abundant good health, and that we know of no more loss and pain.
Bayamim Haheim Bazman Hazeh- As we saw miracles in the days of Chanukah, may we see miracles again in our time- and celebrate happiness always, safely and securely.
Aharona and I wish you a very Happy and Joyous Chanukah.
Rabbi Lubin
Chanukah and a New Year
While 2016 certainly had some very high points, I will remember it more as a year of loss, personally and communally. Most prominently, the loss of my brother, Stephen J. Gotkis, and my friend and colleague, Gersh Goldberg. Death never comes at a convenient time and it always leaves me with the immediate feeling of being adrift. The people who had anchored me in certain ways are gone and I am casting about for new moorings. I missed not be able to talk politics with my brother but when I talked politics with family, we always tried to imagine how Steve would have reacted. Soon after Gersh’s death we had the shul’s annual Shabbaton in which he always played key roles. I recall thinking while we were setting up – Gersh, where are you??? Our shul also lost Alan Roth who always came to the Shabbatons and added to the community with his cheerful presence. There were also really joyful moments of 2016 especially the Bar Mitzvah in Dublin of my twin grandsons, Yoni and Dovi Tillman. But all in all, I’m ready to bid 2016 farewell and look forward to 2017.
What makes this New Year so special is it’s coinciding with Chanukah. As we light our eight candles on 3 Teves or December 31, we may see fireworks to punctuate a brilliant holiday. I’ve often thought about the timing of Chanukah so close to winter solstice when the days are the shortest. It is a joy to be able to bring added light into our world when it is most needed and the message of courage and tenacity of the Maccabees is a one that we need to hear repeatedly.
This year more than ever I am so ready for those lights. It is time to celebrate the miracle of Chanukah, the message of remaining true to our heritage. It is time for some latkes and donuts and for family and friends gathering around the community and family menorahs. This year, I will go for the first time to the menorah lighting at the home of the Lord Mayor of Dublin. I’ll take good notes and think of our own wonderful menorah lighting in Parsippany.
A fraylichen Chanukah,
- Mazal Tov to Dr. Jason Mendelsohn on his graduation from medical school on October 28, 2016!
Yahrzeits for Winter
Nathan Genden 24 Kislev
Blanche Levitt25 Kislev
Nettie Levine27 Kislev
Julius Bertiger30 Kislev
Blanche Madee Dubman1 Tevet
Samuel Lazarus Graw4 Tevet
Hedwig Schaumburger7 Tevet
R. Yisroel Yonah Schwartz9 Tevet
Jules Weiss10 Tevet
Anne E. Peres11 Tevet
Pauline Saperstein Riger12 Tevet
Lillian Pallas13 Tevet
Haim Chocron20 Tevet
Nina Gotkis21 Tevet
Norma Rotter22 Tevet
Arlene Druckman23 Tevet
Sarah Shor27Tevet
Helen Goodman1 Shevat
Ire Mendel Fuchs3 Shevat
Miriam Koslofsky4 Shevat
Bibijan Harooni8 Shevat
Judith Gotkis9 Shevat
Ruth Rotter13 Shevat
Sylvia Weidler14 Shevat
Raymond Krinsky15 Shevat
Jack Jacob Dubman15 Shevat
Bertha Baron19 Shevat
Daniel Druckman19 Shevat
Lisa Bardash Plutno20 Shevat
Fannie Rotter20 Shevat
Miriam Genden21 Shevat
Florence Goldberg24 Shevat
Mehran Kahensohayegh24 Shevat
Isaac Homapour 28 Shevat
Shirley H. Riger3 Adar
Shirley C. Fishbone5 Adar
Julius Koslofsky9 Adar
Benjamin Rosenberg13 Adar Beis
David Fass16 Adar
Edith Kravitz Forsten17 Adar
Lena Morse17 Adar
Gertrude Fass20 Adar
Yahrzeits (continued)
Howard W. Dembroff22 Adar
Charles King23 Adar Beis
Rose Pearlman27 Adar
Lillian Weiss Speiser29 Adar
Jack Sherman3 Nisan
Benjamin Levitt7 Nisan
Gustave Strow7 Nisan
Solomon Goodman8 Nisan
Max G. Peres8 Nisan
Samuel Feather8 Nisan
Arlene Cohen9 Nisan
Molly Baron11 Nisan
Sylvia Burman13 Nisan
Lillian Dembrofsky19 Nisan
Sydney Brothman20 Nisan
Morris Weiss24 Nisan
Mildred Braverman28 Nisan
Bernard Rutman30 Nisan
Joe Raich
Linda Golovin
A way to memorialize those dear departed in perpetuity is to provide a memorial plaque on the Yahrzeit Board in the Synagogue. Kaddish is recited at the time of Yahrzeit and names are automatically included in prayers during Yizkor. For information about the purchase of a plaque, contact Dr. Louis Goodman at 973-263-3021.
Leaves for the Tree of Life for Building Fund donations are available. Contact Naomi Rotter 973-299-6277 for more information.
Luach Winter 5777
12/30-31 / Mikeitz / 4:21 PM / 4:25 PM / 4:00 PM / 5:25 PM
1/6-7 / Vayigash / 4:27 PM / 4:30 PM / 4:05 PM / 5:31 PM
1/13-14 / Vayechi / 4:35 PM / 4:35 PM / 4:15 PM / 5:38 PM
1/20-21 / Shmos / 4:43 PM / 4:45 PM / 4:25 PM / 5:46 PM
1/27-28 / Vaera / 4:51 PM / 4:55 PM / 4:30 PM / 5:54 PM
2/3-4 / Bo / 5:00 PM / 5:05 PM / 4:40 PM / 6:02 PM
2/10-11 / Beshalach / 5:09 PM / 5:10 PM / 4:50 PM / 6:10 PM
2/17-18 / Yisro / 5:17 PM / 5:20 PM / 4:55 PM / 6:18 PM
2/24-25 / Mishpatim / 5:25 PM / 5:25 PM / 5:05 PM / 6:26 PM
3/3-4 / Terumah / 5:33 PM / 5:35 PM / 5:15 PM / 6:33 PM
3/10-11 / Tetzaveh / 5:41 PM / 5:45 PM / 5:20 PM / 6:41 PM
3/17-18 / Ki Sissah / 6:49 PM / 6:50 PM / 6:30 PM / 7:49 PM
3/24-25 / Vayakhel-Pekudei / 6:56 PM / 7:00 PM / 6:35 PM / 7:56 PM
3/31,4/1 / Vayikra / 7:04 PM / 7:05 PM / 6:45 PM / 8:04 PM
4/7-8 / Tzav / 7:11 PM / 7:15 PM / 6:50 PM / 8:12 PM
Special Times and Dates to be Aware of:
Sunday Jan. 8th – Asarah B’teves
Fast Begins - 5:50 AM
Fast Ends – 5:18 PM
Shabbos January 28- Rosh Chodesh Shevat
Shabbos February 11- Tu BeShevat
Sunday and Monday February 26 and 27- Rosh Chodesh Adar
Thursday March 9-Taanis Esther
Fast begins- 4:53 AM
Fast concludes – 6:26 PM
Remember to give Machatzis Hashekel (3 Half Dollar Coins) at Mincha.
Sunday March 12- Purim!
The four Mitzvos of Purim are:
1) To hear the Megillah on Saturday night and Sunday.
2) To give Mishloach Manot –Two food items to at least one person on Sunday.
3) To give Matanot Laevyonim-Money to two poor people on Sunday.
4) To eat Seudas Purim-a festive meat meal on Sunday.
ShopRite of Parsippany
808 Route 46, Parsippany NJ
(973) 335-2625
under the supervision of the MetroWest Vaad.