LakelandRegionalHigh School

205 Conklintown Road

Wanaque, NJ 07465

NATURE CLUB 2017- 2018

We would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about Nature Club. The Nature Club is made up of individuals with both unique and diverse interests who bond together when it comes to one common theme: NATURE. As part of their passion for the beauty of nature and their interest in the environment around them, Nature Club members go on routine hikes through the trails of Northern New Jersey and parts of New York State. These exciting, energetic hikes remind members of the importance of preserving the environment and allow them to reconnect with the rhythms of nature. Members will also have the opportunity to participate in a number of trash clean-ups or other community service opportunities. They may also take part in other activities throughout the year, such as rock climbing and horseback riding.

As part of your membership of Nature Club, you are expected to:

1) Attend4-5 out of 10-11 hikes/clean-ups/events (Dependent on size of club)
2) Pay a $20 registration fee**

At the end of the school year the advisor will tally your attendance to see if you have met the criteria to be an official Nature Club member and receive credit for the club on your high school transcript.

It is also expected that you will maintain a level of maturity and respect for nature and follow all school rules during hikes and any other events. If you are unable to do this, then you will have to meet with Mr. Phelan to discuss any disciplinary action that will need to be taken.

Hiking can lead to injury and we take as much caution as possible to ensure the safety of our students. None-the-less, injuries do occur and it is up to the individual student to know their limitations. Students are told to go at the pace which is comfortable to them and should communicate to the advisors any challenges they may have while hiking.

Students should see Mr. Phelan if they have questions regarding the nature of a particular hike.

**The registration fee is in lieu of fundraising and will go towards transportation to and from hikes, a Nature Club T-shirt, and our End of the Year BBQ at Wawayanda State Park. Any additional activities, such as rock climbing, horseback riding and backpacking, will be a separate fee and will be paid for by individual members.\

Must Be Filled Out and Returned

Emergency Contact:

Name: ______

Relation: ______

Cell Number:______

Medical History:

Are you allergic to anything that we would come in contact with while on hikes, such as bee stings? Do you need to carry an epi-pen with you? If yes to any of the above, please state the allergy below and give a brief explanation.


Do you have any other medical/physical disabilities or circumstances we should know about?


T-Shirt Size:

(please circle one of the following)

Small Medium Large Extra Large

Please sign below and have one of your parents/guardians sign below to show that you both have read and understand the guidelines for being in Nature Club.

Student Name: ______Student E-mail Address:______

Student’s Signature: ______Date: ______:

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ______

You must have this form handed into Mr. Phelan in room 403 by the next meeting: Thursday, September 22nd, 2016.

We look forward to having an incredible year!
Mr. Phelan

Please return this form to: / Mr. Phelan
By: / Thurs. 9/28
With / $20 (see info sheet) / (Make checks payable to Lakeland Regional High School)

Field Trip Form

STUDENT REQUEST – To be completed by student:
Name: / A-Day HR / B-DayHR
Address: / Student ID #:
Home Phone #: / Student Cell #:
I hereby request permission to participate in Nature Club Hikes
at/to Various (See Schedule) / to be held on Various (See Schedule)
from 9:00 AM / to 1-3 PM
Round-trip transportation from Lakeland Regional High School to the activity will be by:
Board of Education
If I am permitted to engage in this activity, I agree to observe all the conditions and rules established for this activity as well as to follow all LRHS rules.
Date / Student Signature
PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION – To be completed by parent/guardian:
I hereby give my permission for my son/daughter to participate in the above activity.
Student’s Name:
Place and Date of Activity:
Parent Contact Phone Number:

I have noted the mode of transportation to be used and the anticipated time of arrival back at LakelandRegionalHigh School.

Date / Parent/Guardian Signature / Phone #